Werner Reichardt Centrum für Integrative Neurowissenschaften (CIN)

Board for the Advancement of Women – Seminars

The Board for the Advancement of Women (BAW) of the CIN aims to promote female researchers at every level of their professional career. By offering a series of seminars, the BAW seeks to provide key qualifications in order to improve the career chances of female neuroscientists. The seminars will also offer an ideal opportunity to deepen contacts with other female researchers at the CIN and its direct academic surroundings, thus enabling local networking and role-modeling.

BAW Seminars: Past Events

BAW Seminar: Research Funding and Career Development

June 20, 2016: 09:00-17:00

BAW Seminar: Research Funding and Career Development

Seminar held by Dr. Beate Scholz

Researchers are increasingly faced with expectations to raise third-party funds if they want to pursue a successful research career. Yet, applying for third-party funds is not an end in itself and could even be detrimental to research careers, if disconnected from own scientific or life plans or scientific goals. This workshop, thus, aims to clarify which kinds of funding opportunities are suitable for the participants’ respective purposes. In addition, it offers insights into the objectives and practices of research funding institutions and peer review procedures.

Beate Scholz has worked internationally as a strategy consultant, trainer, and coach since 2003. Until April 2008, she was a program director for research careers at the German Research Foundation. Her work focuses on research career development as well as on international research collaborations. She serves as a reviewer to several research organisations as well as expert to the European Commission and the OECD. In 2015, she acted as an advisor to the Luxembourgish  Presidency of the Council of the European Union on ‚Gender equality’ und ‚Researchers’ Career Development. She has been principal advisor to the European Science Foundation’s Career Tracking and Monitoring Platform, and is a member of a worldwide network conducting research on doctoral education. Since 2013, she acts as an invited expert of the Max Planck Presidential Commission for the Evaluation of the Max Planck Society’s Research Career Strategy.

Location: Seminarraum Röntgenweg 11, 72074 Tübingen


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Get Set for Success - Understanding the Implicit Rules in Science and Business

December 11, 2015: 09:00-17:00

BAW Seminar: Get Set for Success - Understanding the Implicit Rules in Science and Business

Lectures with exercises led by Isabel Nitzsch

The business world has formal and informal, unwritten rules and norms. Many of the latter go back to implicit and unconscious agreements based on specific sets of values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. In today’s world of science and business, men and the rules of male culture still predominate. While men have unconsciously started to act according to these rules since they were little boys, well educated women are often unaware that they are entering new territories when it comes to position themselves in hierarchies. Women often ignore the implicit rules. And even if they are familiar with the rules, they often do not know how to deal with them authentically. This seminar focus on how women position themselves to get their point across and to be successful.

This course is especially tailored to the needs of female scientists. Please state your position in the CIN.

Isabel Nitzsche works as a journalist, author and coach. Having graduated in journalism and German literature, she started her career as author for a TV magazine and editor for a talk show. Today, she is chief editor of "Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell", a magazine for business psychologists. She gives trainings for companies and non profit organizations and coaches female experts and leaders. Isabel Nitzsche's focus areas are networking, self marketing, conflict management, informal job rules and media training. She is the author of seven books focusing on job and career-related topics. One of her best selling books, "Spielregeln im Job" (Understanding Implicit Job Rules), focuses on women's professional behaviour and career development. It has been translated into Polish, Czech, Turkish and Korean.

Location: Seminarraum Röntgenweg 11, 72074 Tübingen


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Success in Academic Careers: How to Become a Professor?

July 16, 2015: 09:00-17:00

BAW Seminar: Success in academic career: How to become a professor?

Lectures with exercises led by Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt

Professorial appointments at universities are influenced by academic excellence of candidates, but also by strategic university considerations, academic needs and financial constraints. The seminar will address the importants steps from the call for applications to the selection of candidates and appointment negotiations. The aim is to elucidate the whole process and to highlight important criteria for the selection of candidates.

This course is especially tailored to the needs of female scientists. Please state your position in the CIN. Maximum 12 participants.

Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt was rector and prorector at the University of Hohenheim (2002-2008) and since 2008 she is equal opportunity commissioner at the same institution.

Location: Seminarraum Röntgenweg 11, D-72074 Tübingen


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Project Management, Communication, and Team

April 25, 2015: 09:00-18:00

Project Management - Who Does What By When?

Lectures with exercises led by B. Heuvelmann (language coach)

This training will look into what makes a project successful. We will identify the characteristics of solid project definition, what a good project plan has to include, how its execution should be implemented and monitored. Through active learning, your own questions, and interactive sequences, the training will provide methodologies paving the way: problem-solving approaches, structure trees, problem analysis plan, stakeholder management, team development, proper presentation, reporting - and anything else you would like to know.

This course is especially tailored to the needs of female scientists (Post Docs and PHD-students).

Location: Alte Anatomie, Österbergstr. 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Successful Networking

November 28, 2014: 11:00-17:00

Lecturer: Dr. Susanne Matuschek

Good networking is an important career factor for female scientists. This workshop provides insight and detailed informations of the art of networking, tools, tips & tricks „from the field“ as well as Do's & Dont's of successful networking. An individual network analysis will provide a view on the current network of each participant and how it could be optimized to reach the defined career aims

Location: Ultraschallraum, Graduate Center Österbergstr. 3, D- 72074 Tübingen


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Time Management

January 25, 2014: 09:30-17:00

Lecture with exercises led by Bernhard Heuvelmann.

Participants learn about time management strategies, compare them to their own and complement them where possible. Themes covered include:

  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • Planning (almost) makes the master ! (week plan; day plan)
  • decision making (Theory: pareto-principle, Eisenhower-principle, A-B-C-analysis etc.) 
  • time planner

In addition to the theoretical input participants will learn in practical exercise to improve their personal time management.

This course is offered to female scientists (Post-docs and PHD-students) affiliated with CIN.

Location: Ultraschallraum, Graduate Center Österbergstr. 3, D-72074 Tübingen


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neurosciencea

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BAW Seminar: Leadership

July 8, 2011 - July 9, 2011

Trainer: Stephanie Uhlig, journalist (TV), trainer & personal coach

Leadership is an essential and important quality. The focus is on questions how to get your team fired up and willing to follow you. Leadership is a skill that can be learned, but doesn't mean the leader is standing back and telling others what to do . It is not belittling or demeaning others who don't do what you tell them to do.  Leadership is a skill that must be improved with practice. As a leader you have to accept the task of leading. You have to keep your own position, to discuss with colleagues, to find solutions – accepted by both sides. Leading people means learning  to work with people of different functional backgrounds, multiple types of organizations and conflicting groups to achieve your goals.

Target group: Group leaders and Post Docs affiliated with the CIN.

Course content:

  • Understand and develop your capacity to exercise leadership responsibly
  • develop your self-awareness
  • identify your strengths
  • learn how to lead teams through
  • how to create trust and respect among your co-workers?
  • help your team to establish team spirit
  • learn how and why people act “that way”
  • deal more effectively with each other
  • solve conflicts
  • improve your communication skills
  • do interviews with employees


  • process-orientated work style instead of lecture
  • problems and issues of the seminar participants are the focus
  • role playing
  • feedback

Day, time & location: July  8th & 9th, retraining Sept 24th 2011; 9am to 5pm

Location: Graduate Training Centre, Seminar room 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Communication in Difficult Situations

May 27, 2011 - May 28, 2011

Lecturer: Bernhard Heuvelmann, lecture with exercises

Objective: Participants learn about time different models on communication, their practical application and will – by practicising – find communication strategies that help them make their point.

Based on the communications skills mentioned above, the participants will learn how to manage and resolve difficult situations at the work place – be they with colleagues or superiors. Practical examples from their own working life serve as a basis to practice and improve the communication in difficult situations.

Theoretical Input:

  • What is communication? Personal communication style
  • It takes two to tango – observing the other person
  • Communication in conflicts
  • The art of persuasion
  • Conflict resolution

Location: Graduate Training Centre, Seminar room 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Time Management

November 20, 2010: 09:00-17:00

Lecturer: Bernhard Heuvelmann, lecture with exercises

Objective: Participants learn about time management strategies, compare them to their own and complement them where possible.

Theoretical Input:

  • How to be efficient
  • Physiology as an important contributor
  • Introduction to planning strategies
  • Prioritizing
  • Decision-taking

In addition to the theoretical input participants will exchange their own time management approaches and then practice in small groups, how the described time management strategies could improve their effectiveness and personal satisfaction.

Location: Graduate Training Center, Seminar Room 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Make Your Voice Heard

July 23, 2010: 10:00-17:00

A successful speech needs a strong voice

Lecturer: Gabriele Blinzig, speech therapist and voice coach

Presenting ideas and convincing others is an everyday task for scientists. In this workshop you will learn how to use your voice and your speech confidently in presentations, public speaking and individual conversations. The conscious handling of your own voice will be useful in better representing yourself. In addition you will learn methods to deal with stage fright and to reduce stress.

Organizer: CIN - Board for the Advancement of Women

Place: Graduate Training Centre, Seminar room 3

Location: Graduate Training Centre, Seminar room 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience

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BAW Seminar: Success in Academic Career: How Do I Become a Professor?

January 22, 2010: 10:00-16:00

Location: Alte Anatomie, Österbergstr. 3


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience


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BAW Seminar: The Game of Power

December 11, 2009 - December 12, 2009

Location: Tübingen, Alte Anatomie, Room 22.1


  • Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience


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