Teaching Module: Introduction to Game Theory with Application in Multi-Agent Systems
Study Program Level: Master
This module is about game theory and mechanism design, with an emphasis on applications in different domains. The students study the essential concepts in game theory such as equilibrium, belief, best-response dynamics, and the like. Besides, they learn about strategic- and extensive form games, achieving equilibrium in repeated games, games with incomplete and imperfect information. Also, they obtain knowledge regarding other topics such as the Nash bargaining solution, auctions, and computational models of human decision-making. In brief, the students obtain broad knowledge about different branches of game theory such as competitive-, cooperative-, and behavioral game theory, in addition to studying detailed mathematical results, e.g., regarding the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in well-known scenarios. Besides theoretical foundations, the students become familiar with the connection between game theory and distributed control, and they gain experience in modeling and solving different applied problems using game theory.
Qualification Goals:
After the lectures, the students have a broad and profound knowledge of essential concepts of game theory. Therefore, they can identify the problems in the applied domains that can be modeled based on game theory. The students possess the ability to solve such problems by using the mathematical tools that they have learned in this module. Besides, they have a high level of proficiency in selecting, reading, analyzing, and criticizing scientific results, preparing technical presentations, holding talks, and participating in discussions. Finally, the students are independent learners and can expand their knowledge to advanced levels in various topics of game theory.
Type: Lecture (4 SWS) + Exercise (2 SWS)
Frequency: Every Winter Semester
Time: The module has two parts:
A. Lecture (4 SWS): Tuesday 14:30-15:45 AND Tuesday 16:00-17:15
The lecture part of the module starts on 18.10.2022.
All lectures take place in the lecture hall (Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6; Lecture hall on the ground floor)
B. Exercise (2 SWS): Monday 14:15-15:45 OR Monday 16:15-17:45
The exercise part of the module starts on 24.10.2022.
The exercise sessions are synchronous via Zoom. The Zoom link will be shared with the participants.
Two exercises sessions are available. Each student can select one of the two offered exercise appointments to attend.
Credit: 9 ECTS
Registration: via ILIAS
Important Remarks:
- The lecture has a limited capacity. Registration follows a first-come-first-served basis, which is managed automatically by the queuing system of ILIAS.
- Two sessions are available for exercises. Each student can select one of the appointments (once for the entire semester) as long as there is capacity.
- Attending at least 70% of exercise sessions is mandatory to become eligible for the final exam.