4th GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization"
3./4.4.2025 (online)
Call for Papers
Software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), and programmable data planes (such as P4) are summarized as network softwarization. They are considered core ingredients of future communication networks. While still being under research, these networking paradigms have already entered production stage for specific use cases. Major drivers are cost-effectiveness, flexibility, security, and smart control driven by external data and AI.
This workshop will discuss advances in the area of network softwarization as well as opportunities and challenges for various use cases in the field of datacenter, ISP, 5G/6G, industrial, and campus networks. Practical experience reports from prototypes, testbeds, and deployments are welcome. The topics of this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Network softwarization
- Architectures and protocols
- Data plane programming, e.g., using P4, eBPF, Snabb, DPDK, …
- Data and control plane resilience
- Mathematical modelling and optimization
- Performance and scalability
- Prototypes
- Integration with legacy networks (hybrid SDN)
- AI/ML based control
- Security considerations
- Security solutions
- Service control
- Network virtualization
- Service function chaining
- Network slicing, e.g., of 5G/6G core network functions
- Platforms, protocols, and languages
- Tool chains and development support
- Intent-based networking
- Testbeds and emulation platforms
- Use cases and business models
- Deployments in datacenter, ISP, industrial, and campus networks
- Disaggregation
- Time-sensitive networking (TSN)
- Architecture and protocols
- Prototypes
- Mathematical modelling and optimization
- Performance and scalability
- Deterministic networking (detnet)
- Monitoring
- Network monitoring
- Traffic monitoring
- Network and traffic modelling
- Performance and scalability
- ML/AI based support
- Security solutions
- Tools and standards
- Open source software
- Teaching activities
- Standardization reports
- Projects and events
Submission and Publication
Two forms of contributions are possible:
- Title, abstract and reference of previously published work to present and discuss it in the KuVS community.
- Title and extended abstract or short paper for a visionary talk, for a project or teaching report, or for presentation of original work.
Submissions may be up to 3 pages long and should be formatted according to the IEEE conference layout. Accepted manuscripts will be published with a DOI in the workshop proceedings in the Tübinger Online-Bibliotheks-, Informations- und Angebotssystem (TOBIAS-lib) of the University of Tübingen. The copyright will remain with the authors. All contributions should be submitted as PDF documents via the submission tool. Presentations will be made available on this workshop website (subject to permission by the authors).
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 18.2.2025 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: 16.3.2025
Camera-ready version: 23.3.2025