Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


Heiko Schütt's new abstract accepted as a poster at ECVP from 24.08.-28.08.2014

Title: "Pain-free Bayesian inference for psychometric functions" by Heiko Schütt, Stefan Harmeling,…

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Steven Dakin will visit our lab on May 22nd and 23rd, 2014

and will give a Bernstein lecture on Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 at 6:15pm in Children‘s Hospital,…

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Torsten Betz will visit our lab from May 12th to 14th, 2014

and will present a talk about "modelling lightness phenomena" and what is the current status of his…

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Two new lab rotation students joined our lab in 04/2014

We are glad to welcome Dörte Kuhrt and Markus Frey.

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We have a new MSc student: Saskia Tobias joined our group in 04/2014

She will work on her master thesis in our lab in collaboration with Tom Wallis.

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"Tübinger Fenster für Forschung": Felix Wichmann is invited to give a talk: "Das Sehen verstehen: Die Mathematik der Wahrnehmung"

Time: April 25th, 2014, 19:00; Place: Hörsaalzentrum der Naturwissenschaften, Auf der Morgenstelle…

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We have a new BSc student: Konstantin Helmsauer

He joined our group in 03/2014 and will work on his bachelor thesis in our lab.

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