Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


David Danks will be visiting Tübingen

Kristof Meding has invited him to give a talk at the Children‘s Hospital and to lead a workshop within our SFB project "Causal inference strategies in human vision".

David Danks

David Danks is Department Head & Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

  • Thursday, 10.01.2019: Talk at the Neurocolloqium (Children‘s Hospital, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1, Lecture Hall, Floor C3, 6:15-7:45 p.m) about "Disentangling causal cognition: perception, action, learning, & reasoning"
    Host: Kristof Meding
    Here you can find the complete timetable of the Neurocolloquium.

  • Friday, 11.01.2019: One-day workshop within our SFB project "Causal inference strategies in human vision" at the MPI-IS
    Topic:  "Causal Learning & Reasoning in Humans and Machines"
    Host: Kristof Meding
