Each poster presented at KogWis 2014 will be eligible for the SMI Best Poster Award.
- 1st place 250 €
- 2nd place 150 €
- 3rd place 100 €
1. Susan Wache, Johannes Keyser, Sabine König, Frank Schuhmann, Thomas Wolbers, Christian Büchel, and Peter König
Titel: "Physiological changes through sensory augmentation in path integration – an fMRI study"
2. Christiane Glatz, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, and Lewis L. Chuang
Titel: "Looming auditory warnings initiate earlier event-related potentials in a manual steering task"
3. Carina Krause, Bernhard Sehm, Anja Fengler, Angela Friederici, and Hellmuth Obrig
Title: "What happened to the crying bird? - Differential roles of embedding depth and topicalization modulating syntactic complexity in sentence processing"