Participate in our Science Slam!

Dear potential Speakers in our Science Slam!

Presenting scientific results to a broad audience has become more and more an important issue. Especially, the art of presenting science in an entertaining and accessible way within a limited given time is a much needed skill - especially if you want to get more support for your projects or if you apply for a position!

The meeting of the German Cognitive Science Society, KogWis 2014, is approaching soon, and on the opening night, right after the reception, we are planning to have a “SCIENCE SLAM”. That means we are looking for presenters, who can present their research in less than 5 minutes, in a fun, innovative and entertaining way! You are allowed to use any support, e.g. powerpoint-slides, chalk-board, or any kinds of objects for the purpose of demonstrations. The key point of your presentation should be to be easily understandable, accessible, and intriguing.

It doesn’t matter if you are already a well-known researcher, or a just-starting master student, present your research - your most pressing idea - your research approach - your research question or your current challenge.

You may have your research results already at hand to present it as a poster or in a talk - or you may have research available that you really want to present to a broader public - why not present it at our SCIENCE SLAM?

If you are interested, just send us an Email with your Name, Affiliation, and your Research Topic (Title of your Talk) with "Science Slam" as the header to kogwis14spam .

We hope to see you at our Science Slam!

Best regards,

Organizers of the KogWis 2014

P.S. More information can be also found here (in German):

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