Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

Optoelectronics of Synthetic Mesocrystals

The key objective of this Heisenberg project is to unite the existing expertise at U Tübingen in the field of structural/surface characterization with that of optical properties of nanomaterials by a new professorship at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry. In terms of research activities, the professorship will strengthen collaborations between the departments of Chemistry (e.g. laser spectroscopy, nanooptics, surface preparation) and Physics (e.g. structural characterization with x-ray scattering, surface analysis, time-resolved spectroscopy). To this end, the professorship contributes Synthetic Mesocrystals as a new class of materials and their outstanding optoelectronic properties to the research environment at U Tübingen.

Project related publications


August 2020 - July 2025

Founding Source

DFG (Heisenberg Program)

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