
Praktikum: Computergrafik, 2P (6LP) (Master) (INFO4167)


The Computergrafik Praktikum (graphics project) will be about finding clever solutions to given problems from the realm of computer graphics and deep learning. Each group can choose from a set of problems posed by the supervisers. The task during the semester will be to think of creative solutions and to implement and test those ideas.
The problems will be presented in the first meeting. We allow groups of up to 6 students.
There will be individual biweekly meetings where the progress is presented to the supervisors.

Course Organisation

Tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00

The course will be held on site.  The first meeting will take place together with the Computer Games practical course at a lecture hall (announced soon).
Most of the following meetings will happen on a per-group basis. These meetings will take place on Tuesdays at the TTR-2 building (MvL6, Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6) on the second-floor seminar room (glass room).



  • Your English fluency is adequate for scientific reports & communication
  • It is benefitial to have completed one of the other course of the Computer Graphics department like Grafische Datenverarbeitung (GDV), Computational Photography or Rendering.


Please enroll in the Ilias course and complete the student survey. The maximum capacity of the course is 24 students.