Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods

S220 Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business Administration


Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen
Profiles: B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration
B.Sc. in International Economics
B.Sc. in International Business Administration
Bachelor-Nebenfach Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Bachelor-Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre

Introductory Descriptive Statistics (Explorative Datenanalyse in Tübingen)

Basic Probability Theory (Wahrscheinlichkeit und Risiko in Tübingen)

Language: English
Time and Place: Tue 8:30-10:00, HS 22
Start: 15.10.2024

Written Exam (60 Min)

After the exam, you may inspect your marked exam papers at our offices at a specific date which will be posted on our webpage. In order to do this, please watch our webpage under “News” after the exam. There will be no other possibility to inspect your exam (no other date or other ways such as online).

Important note for exchange students: Please make sure that you are still in Tübingen for the written exam, which will typically take place in the first or second week after the lecture has ended. There will be no alternative options such as remote exams or oral examinations.



Please note that due to limited capacity, only students who can officially credit this course towards their degree at the University of Tübingen are eligible to participate in the exam. In case of doubt, please contact the lecturer at the beginning of the semester.


Registration for the different tutorial groups starts on Tuesday, 15.10.2024, 18:00 via Ilias. The number of participants per group is limited; assignment works by the principle of first-come-first-served.

There will be four tutorial groups taking place at the following times

Tutorial 1


Tuesday, 14-16h (c.t.)Hörsaal 7 Alte Archäologie

Tutorial 2


Wednesday, 8-10h (c.t.)Hörsaal 7 Alte Archäologie

Tutorial 3


Wednesday, 10-12h (c.t.)Raum 001 Verfügungsgebäude
Tutorial 4Wednesday, 14-16h (c.t.)Hörsaal Mineralogie H102 Lothar-Meyer-Bau

Please prepare for the tutorials by working on the problem sets independently. The tutorials will only take place in the weeks indicated below. There will be no tutorials in the remaining weeks.

Timeline for the tutorials:

12.11.2024Problem Set 1
19.11.2024Problem Set 2
26.11.2024Problem Set 3
03.12.2024Problem Set 4
10.12.2024Problem Set 5
17.12.2024Problem Set 6
07.01.2025Problem Set 7
14.01.2025Problem Set 8
21.01.2025Problem Set 9
28.01.2025Problem Set 10
04.02.2025Problem Set 11

Course materials

Course materials can be accessed in Ilias. Log on with your university account, register for the course and click through all the folders. Download all documents to your personal computer as you might not always have access to the internet.

Course outline

1) Introduction

2) Point estimation

3) Interval estimation

4) Statistical testing

5) Specific test procedures

6) Multivariate regression analysis

7) Introduction to Stata

8) Stochastic processes and time series models

9) Overview of multivariate statistical methods (including machine learning)


This course is based on the German text book Schira: Statistische Methoden der VWL und BWL. Theorie und Praxis. Pearson Studium, München. You do not need to read the book because we provide all course materials in English.