Quantum science deals with various aspects of physics taking place on the level of single atoms up to large systems with emerging quantum phenomena.It also looks at the development of quantum measurement and quantum information technologies. Several research fields contribute to the breathtakingdevelopment in this area, in fields such as cold atomic physics, photonics, condensed matter physics, material- and nano sciences.Built on the exchange between researchers in these subfields, the group of József Fortágh follows interdisciplinary approaches to deepening insights in quantum science and for the development of innovative quantum technologies.
Atoms, photons, quantum gases, superconducting circuits and nanomechanical systems make up the quantum toolbox of the group. Combining them offers unprecedented opportunities to develop chip-based atomic clocks, quantum sensors, secure communication networks and to process information faster and more efficiently than any conceivable conventional machine. The grand challenge is hereto establish coherent quantum interfaces between printed electronic circuits, nanomachines, atoms andphotons. The development of protocols for quantummeasurements, quantum simulations and information processing complement this research.
Advances in quantum science drive technologies. The group is involved in application inspired international research collaborations and cooperates with industrial partners in the area of optical technologiesRydberg setups, cold atom/solid state interface, 4K and 25mK cryostats,Bose-Einstein condensates at superconductors