
Aktuelles an der Abteilung Sinologie im Überblick


Lecture: Wang Lianming, "Walking Elephants to Beijing: Mobility and Political Authority in Southwest Qing China"

Prof. Dr. Wang Lianming (City University of Hong Kong), "Walking Elephants to Beijing: Mobility and…

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Lecture: Ulrich Theobald, "The Reorganization of the Tibetan Military in 1793"

Dr. phil. Ulrich Theobald (MBA), "The Reorganization of the Tibetan Military in 1793", a lecture in…

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Lecture: Shen Hsiu-Hua (Hsinchu), "Kinmen as a Shifting Border"

Taiwan Colloquium presention by ERCCT Visiting Scholar Prof. Shen Hsiu-Hua

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Scholarship: Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGFG) PhD Scholarship for Han Qijin 韩奇金, M.A.

We are pleased to announce that a scholarship within the "Landesgraduiertenförderung" (LGFG) program…

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Lecture: Prof. Shen Hsiu-Hua, 25 May - 6.15 p.m.

Infrastructuring Youth: the Chinese Government's Mobilization of Taiwanese Young People

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Dr. Li Rongxin on Chinese consultative politics

Join us on 22nd May 6-8pm c.t. at Keplerstr. 2, Seminar Room 002. for Dr. Li's colloquium…

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Lecture: Fabian Hiller, "Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei in Japan 1906-1908: Intellectual Discourses and Personal Relationship"

Fabian Hiller, M.A. (Universität Tübingen), "Zhang Taiyan and Liu Shipei in Japan 1906-1908:…

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Guest Lecture: LGBTQI Issues in Taiwan

Dr. Jens Damm from the Institute of Sinology at Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg will give a…

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Lecture: Patrick Aberle, "Tree Oil in Tax Records of Late Imperial China"

Patrick Aberle, M.A. (Universität Tübingen), "Tree Oil in Tax Records of Late Imperial China", a…

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Lecture: Tristan Brown (MIT), "Encountering Chinese History: From the Archive to the Field"

Prof. Dr. Tristan Brown (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "Encountering Chinese History: From…

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