Institut für Politikwissenschaft


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Institutskolloquium IfP (08.01.25) - Dr. Murtala Ibrahim (University of Jos / University of Tübingen)

The Middle East Geopolitics of Religion and the Emergence of Global Salafi and Shia Identities in…

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Lecture: Tübingen Forum on Social Resonances of Societal Crises (TüFoRCe)

Public Lecture by Bridget Anderson (University of Bristol) / 10 December, 6 pm, Großer Senat (or…

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Institutskolloquium IfP (04.12.24) - Ebru Turhan (Turkish-German University Istanbul)

Germany's Role in EU-Turkey Relations: A Status Quo Power?

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Institutskolloquium IfP (27.11.24) - Erica Resende (Brazilian War College)

Military Thinking in Bolsonaro’s Populist Foreign Policy

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Studium Generale im WS 2024/2025 - "Rechtsextremismus: Erforschen und Entgegentreten"

Das Institut für Rechtsextremismusforschung (IRex) organisiert eine Vorlesungsreihe

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