Econometrics, Statistics and Empirical Economics

S312 Bachelor Thesis on Empirical Economics

This seminar is jointly offered by the departments of Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen (Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods) and Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig (Econometrics, Statistics and Empirical Economics).

Please register by joining the ILIAS folder, where you will have to upload a current transcript of records and fill out a survey regarding your topic preferences by October 15, 11:55pm. Your supervising chair will be assigned to you based on your indicated preferences, and you will be contacted once the decision has been made.


Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen

Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig

Dr. Julie Schnaitmann

Dr. Jantje Sönksen

Alexander Reining

Marian Rümmele

Miriam Sturm


B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration

B.Sc. in Interantional Economics

B.Sc. in Interantional Business Administration

Level 3rd year Bachelor
Time and Place See timeline below

Applied Econometrics (or comparable)

Language English or German
Credit Points 12

1. Presentation of draft

2. Bachelor thesis

3. Final presentation


until 15.10.2023, 11:55pm Upload transcript of records to the  Ilias folder and fill out survey regarding topic preferences  

until 20.10.2023

Assignment to supervising chair via email
until 26.10.2023 Discussion of the chosen topic with supervisor  
27.10.2023 Start of bachelor thesis  
04.12.2023 Presentation of first draft and feedback time and place tba
09.01.2024, noon (12:00) Deadline for submitting bachelor thesis  
12.01.2024 Presentation of final thesis time and place tba

Formal guidelines

Plagiarism and academic fraud

It is strictly forbidden to: i) copy/paste text from existing publications outside a regular quote, ii) copy essential thoughts or structures from existing work without acknowledging their sources, iii) use substantial external help in carrying out research or writing without acknowledging this, iv) produce fake research results. Any violations of these rules may lead to exmatriculation. Academic fraud may also destroy your career if discovered later in your life. We will use software to detect potential academic misconduct.

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