Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods

S510/520 Master Seminar on Econometrics



Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen
Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig
Dr. Julie Schnaitmann

Jacqueline Gut
Alexander Reining

Henri Pfleiderer

Simon Zeller


MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Economics and Finance
MSc European Economics
MSc European Management
MSc General Management
MSc International Business
MSc International Economics
MSc Management and Economics
MSc Economics

MSc Data Science in Business and Economics

Prerequisites:   At least one successfully completed master course offered by the chairs of Prof. Biewen and/or Prof. Grammig.
Language:   English
Registration   Upload transcript of records to the Ilias folder and fill out the survey
Deadline for Submission of Term Paper  


Presentation of Term Paper   tba
Exam:   1) Term paper
2) Paper presentation
3) Discussion of another paper
Credits:   9 ECTS


until 13.10.2025, 11:55pm Upload transcript of records to the Ilias folder and fill out the survey  

until 08.10.2025

Assignment to supervising chair via email
until 25.10.2025 Discussion of the chosen topic with assigned supervisor  
tba Start of working time  




Deadline for submission of seminar thesis

tba Presentation of final thesis
(mandatory participation in whole day seminar)
time and format tba

Seminar outline

The seminar will be held jointly by the chair of Prof. Biewen and Prof. Grammig. Topics of the seminar will be chosen from the following fields: 1) Time Series Analysis, 2) Financial Econometrics, 3) Microeconometrics, 4) Panel Data Analysis. We expect and encourage participants to come up with ideas for their own topics (of course, we will provide assistance in finding a suitable topic). We expect all participants to prepare a professional presentation and a term paper on their topic, which may include a small empirical application using data such as the German Socio-Economic Panel Study or a data set from the field of finance. If you are interested in carrying out your own empirical project we recommend you to read chapter 19 "Carrying out an Empirical Project" of Wooldridge's book "Introductory Econometrics".

Formal guidelines