Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Distinguished Professors

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences welcomes several distinguished professors each year. The professors offer different lectures and seminars in the departments for a period of 5 years or more.

We are proud to have been able to encourage so many excellent scholars to hold a position at our university!

Institute of Political Science

Prof. Oliver P. Richmond


Institute of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Carrie Friese

Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Prof. Dr. Brent Roberts


Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Prof. Stuart Kime

Institute of Education

Prof. Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman


School of Business and Economics

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Oded Stark

Methods Center

Prof. Dr. Sarah Depaoli


Institute of Sport Science

Prof. Dr. Donna O'Connor

Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. H. Glenn Penny


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