Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Curriculum Vitae


Seit 2013 Wissenschaftliche Angestellte am Senckenberg-Zentrum für Menschliche Evolution und Paläoumwelt und Arbeitsgruppenleitung Archäobotanik am Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Universität Tübingen
2010-2013 Heisenberg-Stipendiatin (DFG) an der Universität Tübingen mit dem Projekt Climate, Agriculture and Society: On the sustainability of early agricultural systems in the Near East
Seit 2009 Privatdozentin für Archäobotanik und Umweltarchäologie am Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Universität Tübingen
2006-2007 Interdisziplinäre Forschungsstipendiatin am Center for Climatic Research – Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, an der Universität Madison-Wisconsin
Seit 1992 Kuratorin der archäobotanischen Referenzsammlung am Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Universität Tübingen


2001-2009 Habilitation (Margarethe-von-Wrangell Programm)

Dissertation/Promotion Dr. rer. nat. (Universität Tübingen)
Economy and Environment in the Bronze Age Troad: The Archaeobotany of Troy and Kumtepe


Masterarbeit (Universität Tübingen)
Pflanzenreste einer neolithischen Seeufersiedlung (Wangen/Lake of Constance)

1992 Freisemester zur Teilnahme an der Unterwasserausgrabung Greifensee-Böschen (ZH, Schweiz)
1988-1996 Studium der Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Botanik, Geologie und Archäobotanik an den Universitäten Tübingen, Basel und Sheffield


2019-2023 ERC  - ClaSS: Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East (with Dan Lawrence, University of Durham and Dan Hill, University of Leeds)
2019-2022 DFG (Ri 1193 / 14-1) Biogenic carbonate in archaeobotanical seeds: A new proxy for reconstructing agricultural systems in early societies
2013-2016 Member of the CRANE project (University of Toronto), including the Tell Tayinat project
2013-2025 SFB 1070 - TP A05 (DFG) Development and importance of agricultural resources in Bronze and Iron Age Palestine (together with Prof. Jens Kamlah and Dr. Britt Starkovich)
2013-2015 DFG (Ri 1193 / 6-2) Climate, Agriculture and Society – On the Sustainability of Early Agricultural Systems in the Near East
2010-2013 DFG (Ri 1193 / 5-1; / 6-1) Climate, Agriculture and Society – On the Sustainability of Early Agricultural Systems in the Near East
2006-2009 DFG (German Research Council)-Project "The development of economy and environment from the Early Bronze to Iron Age in the northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia"
2004-2005 The economic and environmental development from the Middle Bronze to the Early Iron Age in Northern Syria, “Structural fund for scientists”, University Tübingen
2003-2004 A database for plant remains from Bronze Age and younger Near Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean sites , DFG (German Research Council)
2002-2003 Carbon isotopes and x-ray diffractometry of archaeobotanically relevant seed finds, BMBF (Ministry of Education and Research) (together with Dr. K. Pustovoytov)
2001-2005 Prehistoric wild plant floras of the Near East, Margarete-von Wrangell-scholarship of the MWK (Ministry of Science and Arts) Baden-Württemberg
2001-2004 Several smaller grants from the DFG and the Faculty of Geoscience at Tübingen for the participation in conferences and workshops
1994-1996 Ph.D. scholarship of the „Landesgraduiertenförderung“ (federal grant for graduates)