Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

News ZMBP Selected Papers

New Publications at the ZMBP - Original Papers


Wawra S, Djamei A, Albert I, Nürnberger T, Kahmann R, van West P (2013).

In vitro translocation experiments with RxLR-reporter fusion proteins of Avr1b from Phytophthora…

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Tintor N, Ross A, Kanehara K, Yamada K, Fan L, Kemmerling B, Nürnberger T, Tsuda K, Saijo Y (2013).

Layered pattern receptor signaling via ethylene and endogenous elicitor peptides during Arabidopsis…

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Santhanam P, van Esse HP, Albert I, Faino L, Nürnberger T, Thomma BP (2013).

Evidence for functional diversification within a fungal NEP1-like protein family. Mol Plant Microbe…

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El Kasmi F, Krause C, Hiller U, Stierhof YD, Mayer U, Conner L, Kong L, Reichardt I, Sanderfoot AA, Jürgens G (2013).

SNARE complexes of different composition jointly mediate membrane fusion in Arabidopsis cytokinesis.…

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De Smet I, Lau S, Ehrismann JS, Axiotis I, Kolb M, Kientz M, Weijers D, Jürgens G (2013).

Transcriptional repression of BODENLOS by HD-ZIP transcription factor HB5 in Arabidopsis thaliana. J…

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Park M, Song K, Reichardt I, Kim H, Mayer U, Stierhof YD, Hwang I, Jürgens G (2013).

Arabidopsis μ-adaptin subunit AP1M of adaptor protein complex 1 mediates late secretory and vacuolar…

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Schwab R, Speth C, Laubinger S, Voinnet O. (2013)

Enhanced microRNA accumulation through stemloop-adjacent introns. EMBO Rep. 2013 May 10. doi:…

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Drewe P, Stegle O, Hartmann L, Kahles A, Bohnert R, Wachter A, Borgwardt K, Rätsch G. (2013).

Accurate detection of differential RNA processing. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Apr 12., 1- 10

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New Publications at the ZMBP - Reviews