Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

News ZMBP Selected Papers

New Publications at the ZMBP - Original Papers


Winklbauer EM, de Campos MKF, Dynowski D, and Schaaf G (2011)

A blueprint for functional engineering: Single point mutations reconstitute phosphatidylinositol…

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Ren J, Schaaf G, Bankaitis VA, Ortlund EA, and Pathak MC (2011)

Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Sfh3, a Member of the Sec14-protein…

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Tanz S, Kilian J, Johnsson C, Apel K, Small I, Harter K, Wanke D, Pogson B, Albrecht V (2011).

SCO2 is involved in the regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis and the formation of thylakoids by…

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Scheuring D, Viotti C, Krüger F, Künzl F, Sturm S, Bubeck J, Hillmer S, Frigerio L, Robinson DG, Pimpl P, Schumacher K.

Multivesicular Bodies Mature from the Trans-Golgi Network/Early Endosome in Arabidopsis (2011). Pla…

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Rausenberger J, Tscheuschler A, Nordmeier W, Wüst F, Timmer J, Schäfer E, Fleck C, Hiltbrunner A (2011).

Photocoversion and nuclear trafficking cycles determine phytochrome A´s response profile to far-red…

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New Publications at the ZMBP - Reviews