Philosophische Fakultät




Six Postdoc Positions in the Humanities and Social Sciences

The University of Tübingen is one of Germany’s top-level research universities, with a broad spectrum of subjects based on long tradition. With its ambitious institutional strategy the University has been successful in the government’s Excellence Initiative.

In order to support young researchers in achieving independence at an early stage of their scientific careers, the university offers up to

six positions for Postdocs

for young scientists with a highly promising track record. Candidates with an excellent doctorate and postdoctoral experience of two to four years will be enabled to lead a cutting-edge project in one of the University’s core research areas in the Social Sciences or Humanities. Interest in collaboration with University research groups is essential.

The University of Tübingen actively seeks to foster career opportunities for female researchers and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Submission deadline is 15.1.2013.


The position is limited to a period of three years. If the Postdoc succeeds in obtaining third party funding, an extension is possible. Funding for running costs will be available. The Postdoc will have the opportunity to contribute to teaching and research oriented training within the University of Tübingen. Salaries are in accordance with the German public service salary scale (E 14 TV-L, 100%). Residency in Tübingen is expected.
According to German law, disabled persons with equal occupational aptitude will be given preferred consideration.


Applicants should submit: a statement of research achievements and future directions with special emphasis on collaboration with groups at the University (not to exceed 3 pages), curriculum vitae, pdf files of up to 5 key publications as well as two letters of recommendation and the names and addresses of at least three referees. All documents should be submitted electronically to Dr. Andrea Schaub, <link>zukunftskonzept[at] .
For further information on the University of Tübingen see: <link http: _blank>
