Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften

Kathryne Beebe


Universität Tübingen
Philosophische Fakultät
Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften
Wilhelmstr. 36
D-72074 Tübingen


Curriculum Vitae

1996 bis 2000
BA in English Literature.

Carleton College, MN

2001 bis 2002
Master of Studies in Historical Research

University of Oxford

Thesis: Margery Kempe as Pilgrim: sacred spaces and pilgrimages in a mystic’s Imitatio Christi.

Advisor: Professor Lesley Smith, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford.

2002 bis 2007
Doctor of Philosophy in Modern History (Medieval)

University of Oxford

Thesis: Felix Fabri and his Audiences: the pilgrimage writings of a Dominican preacher in late-medieval Germany.

Advisor: Professor Lesley Smith, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford.

Michaelmas Term 2007
Lecturer in History

Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford

2007 bis 2008
Junior Research Fellow in History

Balliol College, University of Oxford

Januar bis September 2008
Deputy Tutor for Undergraduate Admissions

Balliol College, University of Oxford

April bis Oktober 2009
Lecturer in History

St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford

Hilary Term 2010
Co-Convener for the Master of Studies in Medieval Studies

Faculty of History, University of Oxford

2008 bis 2010
V.H. Galbraith Teaching and Research Fellow in Medieval History

St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford

August 2010 bis 2013
Assistant Professor of History

Southeast Missouri State University

August 2013 bis 2018
Assistant Professor of Medieval History and Digital Humanities

The University of Texas at Arlington

Seit 2018
Associate Professor of Medieval History

The University of North Texas


  • Pilgerfahrten
  • Religionsgeschichte
  • Geschlechtergeschichte
  • Kulturgeschichte der Spiritualität
  • Geschichte des Buches
  • Digital Humanities.



  • Pilgrim and Preacher: the Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8–1502). Oxford Historical Monographs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Co-Edited Anthologies

  • The Digital Medieval: New Directions in Medieval History and the Digital Humanities, edited by Kathryne Beebe and David LaFevor. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, forthcoming 2019.
  • Space, Place and Gendered Identities: Feminist History and the Spatial Turn, edited by Kathryne Beebe and Angela Davis. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. — Issued in paperback in 2017.

Co-Edited Journal, Special Issue

  • Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Special Issue: “Pilgrimage and Textual Culture: The Production, Exchange, and Reception of Pilgrimage Texts in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe.” Edited by Anthony Bale and Kathryne Beebe. Vol. 51: 1 (January 2021): accepted, forthcoming.
  • Women’s History Review. Special Issue: “Space, Place and Gendered Identities: Feminist History and the Spatial Turn.” Edited with Angela Davis and Kathryn Gleadle. Vol. 21:4 (2012).


  • “The Meaning of Virtual Pilgrimage,” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Special Issue: “Pilgrimage and Textual Culture: The Production, Exchange, and Reception of Pilgrimage Texts in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe.” Edited by Anthony Bale and Kathryne Beebe. Vol. 51:1 (January 2021): accepted, forthcoming.
  • “Introduction,” with Anthony Bale. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Special Issue: “Pilgrimage and Textual Culture: The Production, Exchange, and Reception of Pilgrimage Texts in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe.” Edited by Anthony Bale and Kathryne Beebe. Vol. 51:1 (January 2021): accepted, forthcoming.
  • “Introduction: Space, Place and Gendered Identities: Feminist History and the Spatial Turn,” with Angela Davis and Kathryn Gleadle. Women’s History Review 21:4 (2012): 523–532.
  • “Knighting of Pilgrims.” In Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage, edited by Larissa J. Taylor et al., 316–317. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
  • “Return from Pilgrimage.” In Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage, edited by Larissa J. Taylor et al., 631–633. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
  • “Reading Mental Pilgrimage in Context: the Imaginary Pilgrims and Real Travels of Felix Fabri’s ‘Die Sionpilger’.” Essays in Medieval Studies 25 (2008): 39–70.

Book Chapters

  • “Observant Reform in the Late Middle Ages.” In The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism, edited by Bernice Kaczynski and Thomas Sullivan. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, accepted, forthcoming. (In press.)
  • “Teaching the Digital Medieval.” In The Digital Medieval: New Directions in Medieval History and the Digital Humanities, edited by Kathryne Beebe and David LaFevor. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, forthcoming 2019.
  • “Felix Fabri und die Klosterreformen des 15. Jahrhunderts.” In Die Welt des Frater Felix Fabri, edited by Folker Reichert and Alexander Rosenstock. Series: Veröffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek Ulm. Weißenhorn: Anton H. Konrad Verlag, 2018.
  • “The Nachleben of the Gottesfreunde: Heinrich Seuse and Felix Fabri.” In Friends of God. Vernacular Literature and Religious Elites in the Rhineland and the Low Countries (1300–1500), edited by Wybren Scheepsma, Gijs van Vliet, and Geert Warnar. Series: Temi i Testi. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2018.
  • “The Jerusalem of the Mind’s Eye: Imagined Pilgrimage in the Fifteenth Century.” In Visual Constructs of Jerusalem, edited by Bianca Kühnel, Galit Noga-Banai, and Hanna Vorholt, 409–420. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 18. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014.
  • “Knights, Cooks, Monks and Tourists: Elite and Popular Experience of the Late-Medieval Jerusalem Pilgrimage.” In Elite and Popular Religion, edited by Kate Cooper and Jeremy Gregory, 99–109. Studies in Church History 42. Martlesham, UK: Boydell & Brewer, 2006.


  • “Pilgrimage and Pogrom: Violence, Memory, and Visual Culture at the Host-Miracle Shrines of Germany and Austria. By Mitchell B. Merback. Chicago, IL and London: University of Chicago Press. 2012.” German History 32:3 (2014): 456–458.
  • “The Itineraries of William Wey. Edited and Translated by Francis Davey (Bodleian Library, Oxford, 2010).” Bodleian Library Record 25:1 (April 2012): 12–15.
  • “Cyrus, Cynthia J. The Scribes for Women’s Convents in Late Medieval Germany. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.” The German Quarterly 82:3 (Summer 2010): 373–374.
  • “Atlas of Medieval Europe, eds. David Ditchburn, Simon MacLean, and Angus MacKay (London: Routledge, 2007).” The English Historical Review (2010): CXXV (512): 142–143.
  • “O. R. Constable, Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World: Lodging, Trade and Travel in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).” Journal of the Oxford University History Society 1 (Hilary 2004). Accessed August 4, 2017.

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