The brain evolved around the most primitive and vital energetic needs of the body. It is therefore not surprising that even our most sophisticated brain functions are directly shaped by the central integration of sensory afferent signals representing bodily states or interoception. In anthropoid primates, a phylogenetically-novel pathway conveys these signals to the insular cortex. In humans, the anterior insular cortex, which is disproportionately enlarged compared to other species, interfaces interoception with salient environmental cues, engendering emotional feelings and shaping cognitive processes, including perceptual awareness, fluid intelligence, and thoughts. Our group combines multiple experimental approaches to examine the anatomical and functional organization of the insular cortex and its network partners including the cingulate cortex.
From Genes to Circuits, to Behavior, to Translation
Our research strategy encompasses a comprehensive set of complimentary methods that will allow us to manipulate (chemo-)genetically specific sets of neurons, brain circuits and bodily parameters during neuronal recording, functional neuroimaging, and behavior. Our group also uses comparative/translational approaches.
Illustration of some of the methods used in our group
Each year, we teach neuroanatomy to the master students of Graduate Training Center (GTC) and International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS). The course proposes an intense week of lectures and human brain dissections.
Selected Publications
The PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-DE) Global Collaboration Workshop and Consortium (2020) Accelerating the evolution of nonhuman primate neuroimaging. Neuron in press.