The research group "Autophagy" is headed by Prof. Dr. Tassula Proikas-Cezanne and focusses on the molecular mechanism of WIPI-mediated autophagy in health, disease and longevity.
Prof. Dr. Tassula Proikas-Cezanne
Independent Research Group Leader
Research Group "Autophagy"
Department of Molecular Biology
Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology
University of Tuebingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 15
D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Office phone: (+49-7071) 297 8895
Office fax: (+49-7071) 29 53 59
Email: tassula.proikas-cezannespam
ORCID ID 000-0001-6934-132X, h-Index 24
Faculty member, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "From Molecules to Organisms"
Faculty member, German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Site Tübingen

Speaker, German Autophagy Network: Studiengruppe Autophagie of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM)
Memberships: Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V. (GBM), Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zellbiologie (DGZ), Gesellschaft für Genetik (GFG), Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKV)
Current Funding
DFG SFB/Transregio 209 "Liver Cancer - New mechanistic and therapeutic concepts in a solid tumor model"
Project B02, July 2017 - June 2021

DFG Forschergruppe FOR 2625 "Mechanisms of Lysosomal Homeostasis"
Project 1, October 2017 - September 2020

EU Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Innovative Training Network "DRIVE"
Project ESR8, November 2017 - October 2020

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action CA15138 "TRANSAUTOPHAGY"
Management Committee, Leader of Working Group 2 "Strategies for Autophagy analyses and modulation", April 2016 - March 2020