Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

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The World Congress of the Econometric Society and Tübingen's contributors

The World Congress of the Econometric Society (like the Olympics, it happens only every 4 years) is an online event this year. The conference's sessions are pre-recorded via Zoom and then uploaded for the online event in August.
The picture shows Constantin Hanenberg during the recording of the session "Econometrics of Asset Pricing", 7th of August, with the papers by world-class researchers Olivier Scaillet (Uni Geneva) and Frank Kleibergen (Vrije Uni Amsterdam) as well as by four (former) Tübingen first-year students, acting either as presenters or co-authors:  Constantin Hanenberg (Bsc./Msc., Julie Schnaitmann (Bsc./Msc.), Jantje Sönksen (Bsc./Msc.), Dalia El-Shiaty (Msc.)
Someting to be proud of.

Picture by Universität Tübingen
