Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum

Text and Idea of Aristotle's Science of Living Things (TIDA)

Conferences and Workshops

Soul & Intellect in Aristotle’s Eudemus and Other Lost Works

July 3-4, 2024, CFvWZ, Doblerstraße 33, organised by Justin Vlasits


Past Events

Conferences and Workshops

The Hunt for Essence: A TIDA Workshop on Posterior Analytics II.13

June 5–6, 2024, CFvWZ, Doblerstraße 33, organized by Justin Vlasits

Workshop with Victor Caston

May 17, 2024, 9 –12 am, CFvWZ, Doblerstraße 33

Tübinger Platon-Tage 2024 on the topic "Plato and the Soul"

April 11-13, 2024, Großer Übungsraum, Philologisches Seminar, Hegel-Bau, Wilhelmstraße 36, Tübingen

De Anima 1 – a TIDA Workshop

December 15-16, 2023, CFvW Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33

End of Semester Retreat (only TIDA members)

July 28, 2023, 10am - 4:30pm, Hölderlinzimmer, Bursagasse 1, Philosophisches Seminar der Universität

Workshop on Christopher Frey’s Book Manuscript  “The Principle of Life: Aristotelian Souls in an Inanimate World."

July 18, 12:00-16:00, CFvW Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33

Workshop on Christopher Shields “Order in Multiplicity”

July 13th 2023, 3-5pm in Hölderlinzimmer, Bursagasse 1, Philosophisches Seminar der Universität

Workshop on Theophrastus on Nous and Nature

Part I: June 30, 3-4 pm, Part II: June 30, 4-5 pm, Part III: June 30, 5-6 pm, Schellingzimmer, Bursagasse 1, Philosophisches Seminar der Universität

Aims and Methods of Aristotle’s De anima

First Milano Tübingen Aristotle Conference – Inaugural Conference of the ERC ADG TIDA: Text and Idea of Aristotle's Science of Living Beings

May 4-6, 2023, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano (BS)

Workshop: Ancient Conceptions of Matter. A Workshop Around Tony Long’s Translation and Commentary of Plotinus, Ennead II 4

April 25–27, 2023, CFvW Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33

Inaugural TIDA Workshop: Architecture of Science of Living Beings. Aristotle and Theophrastus on Animals and Plants (book manuscript, Andrea Falcon)

April 17–19, 2023, CFvW Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33

Workshop: Medieval Greek-Latin Translations of De Anima (with Pieter Beullens)

May 23–25, 2023, CFvW Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33


Victor Caston: The Veil of Perception

Institutskolloquium Philosophisches Seminar, May 15, 2024, 6 pm, Bursagasse 1, Room X

Prof. Dr. Richard King on "Roles and Virtues in Plato's Republic"

Im Institutskolloquium des Philosophischen Seminars am 15. 11. 2023, Raum X

Prof. Dr. Richard King on "Integrating the Nicomachean Ethics with Aristotle's Politics"

Im Oberseminar für Antike Philosophie (Prof. Dr. Klaus Corcilius) am 16. 11. 2023


Research Seminar with Andrea Falcon: Parva Naturalia

winter term 2023/2024, CFvWZ, Doblerstraße 33
Course description

TIDA Workshop Seminar with Lucas Angioni: The Plan and Idea of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (with a view to the science of living things)

The Plan and Idea of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics (with a view to the science of living things)
Seminar on Aristotle’s theory of scientific explanation in the Posterior Analytics
Dozent: Prof. Lucas Angioni (Campinas)
Zeit: Mittwoch, den 24.05.23 um 14-16 Uhr, dann jeweils Mittwochs von 10-13 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33