Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Research Projects

Migratory Texts

Related events:

Workshop: "Translating South Africa: Home and Away", 16 September 2016

Thinking the Global South


Related events:

Lecture: Achille Mbembe: "Time on the Move", 8 April 2017, ICI Berlin

Media and Representation

Related events:

PhD Students' Workshop: "Southern Gaze(s) in Audiovisual Narratives", April 2017

Megaurban Formations

Related events:

Symposium: "Cities of the South, Cities of the North", 14 December 2015, ICI Berlin

Conference: "Diálogos sobre la megaurbe: Cultura, comunicación y participación ciudadana en la ciudad de México", 12-13 January 2017 (video)

Gender and Genre

Related events:

International Conference: “Rethinking Gender from the Global South(s)”, 26-29 September 2016, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico-City

A planned series of volumes to be published with Routledge will reflect the projects' research on Memory, Media, Gender and Genre, and Megacities. Two books (one a collection with Routledge and one a book with Cambridge University Press) are currently in planning on Thinking the Global South.