Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)


Global Learning Abroad - Education in Exchange

The digital portfolio is a concept that accompanies both outgoing and incoming students before, during and after their semester abroad. It is based on the "Tübinger Portfolio" for teacher candidate students and focuses on the topic of "Global Learning" to promote the development of cultural competence and reflexivity for guiding action during a professional life as a teacher.

Course contents

This course offers the opportunity to learn and reflect your cultural experiences during your stay abroad in Tübingen on a personal and professional level as future teachers. The course is intended for international students of all disciplines, primarily with the professional goal of teaching.

Students will be provided with foundational knowledge on a global awareness approach within an educational context through leading theories of education, (cultural) diversity and (inter)cultural communication. On this basis, the participants independently observe characteristics of global awareness features based on their own reflections, research and interviews in different contexts. With this exploratory practice set against the expanding experiences as students abroad, students will develop their ability to make informed decisions in future educational context and become critically reflective teachers.


Learning objectives

Throughout the semester, students will:

  • reflect and discuss their experiences during their exchange semester
  • become acquianted with leading educational and cultural theories and relate them to their own perspectives
  • learn about educational systems in different countries
  • increase their own global awareness


Course Information Winter Semester 2024/25


Wednesdays, 15:00-18:00  c.t. (online via Zoom)

Start: October, 09, 2024

End: December, 18, 2024

Course language

and instruction


This is a blended-learning class

Credits and Grading


This course can be credited for the certificate on Global Awareness from University Tübingen's Transdisciplinary Course Program


This class is intended for teacher candidate students during their exchange semester (either Tübingen students who currently study abroad at one of Tübingen University 's partner institutions, or international students on their stay abroad in Tübingen). Students of any teachable subject who are interested in cultural reflexivity and exchange can register for this course.

How to register:

Application and registration:

Please register via Alma for this course by September 30, 2024 (Vertiefung BWS).
If you do not have access to Alma yet, please send an email to portfolio-globalawareness@tuese.uni-tuebingen.de, including:

  • your first name, surname and matriculation number
  • student status (Erasmus, International Exchange, CIVIS etc.)
  • course of study and degree
  • name of home university

This course is limited to max.10 participants.


The portfolio is an obligatory part for all scholarship holders of the project and is created in close cooperation with the TüSE and mentored by the project coordinators.


Carina Stickel
 +49 7071 29-75517

carina-juliane.stickelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Deborah Diekmann
 +49 7071 29-75517

deborah.diekmannspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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