Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Studying in Latin America

Students at the School of Business and Economics Tübingen can choose from more than 30 universities in Latin America. Stays are possible for both one or two semesters. Courses are generally offered in the countries’ official language (i.e. Spanish, and Portuguese in Brazil). However, some courses are available in English.

The Student Body (Freie Fachschaft WiWi) offers access to its extensive collection of experience reports during their office hours.

The studies abroad can be facilitated through:

1. The University's exchange program

You will find all the important information regarding the university's partnership agreements and exchange program with Latin America on the website of the Division for International Affairs

Please note: the application deadline at the Division for International Affairs is July 1!

2. The Baden-Württemberg Brazil Center

The programs offered by the Brazil Center are tailored especially towards graduate candidates (Master, Doctorate). Preferably, the stay abroad should be part of a research project. Details can be found here.


Information on the naming of Latin American study programs

When choosing the right courses, you should be aware of the local names for the different levels of the study programs. Here you can find a very rough categorization. The courses categorized as "Master" often have an orientation towards PhD programs. The higher semesters of the "Bachelor" category are often already at the level of "Master". A comparison to the North American graduate/post-graduate system fails as well, as courses can differ strongly from university to university.

Niveau Bachelor Master
Argentinien grado


Brasilien graduação pós-graduação
Chile licenciado magistero
Ecuador pregrado postgrado
Kolumbien pregrado posgrado
Mexiko licenciaturas maestrías
Venezuela pregrado postgrado

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