College of Fellows


Fellow Life Events

CoF Lunch Talks

Die CoF Lunch Talk Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, sich in entspannter Atmosphäre während der Mittagspause auszutauschen. Jeden Monat stellt ein Fellow seine Forschung vor. Die CoF Lunch Talks finden in der Villa Köstlin statt. 

24. Januar 2025

Dr. Marília Denardin Budó | Racializing the powerful: counter-colonial perspectives on asbestos state-corporate harms and justice

Datum und Uhrzeit: Fr, 24. Januar 2025, 12 Uhr
Ort: Villa Köstlin, Seminarraum (Rümelinstr. 27, 72070 Tübingen)

 In this lunch talk, I will present ongoing research that examines the global asbestos industry from the 19th century to the present through the lens of state-corporate harm, written from Brazil's perspective—where asbestos mining continues today. Drawing on decolonial studies, critical criminology, and intersectional theory from the periphery of capitalism, the work analyzes how white supremacy, patriarchy, and colonial rationality enabled the industry's expansion while concealing its lethal impacts. The analysis begins by contextualizing asbestos within the Industrial Revolution, showing how its mining exploitation relied on colonial trade routes and racialized super-exploited labour. At the same time, the factories in Europe exploited white women and men. Early medical research on asbestos-related diseases reflected these power structures, focusing primarily on white British workers while overlooking impacts on colonized mining populations. The narrow technical framework for addressing asbestos hazards significantly delayed effective regulation. Through memory – captured by field research in four countries and documental study -, the research explores how disputes over asbestos harms were shaped, how the victims experience it and connect it to the struggle for justice. The industry's persistence despite evidence of harm stems from structures that normalized suffering in certain populations and nature degradation in certain territories. This is evident in the current global landscape, where asbestos, banned in more than 60 countries, continues to be mined in Brazil and exported to other peripheral nations, perpetuating cycles of environmental injustice. The work advances the study of state-corporate crime by revealing how whiteness operates as a structural foundation for the lack of liability within the systems of justice, enabling these harms to persist. Imagination about what justice should be in the asbestos case, dealing with denial and concealment, and dialogues with the many ecological emergencies we face nowadays are also rooted in the same rationality and economic processes.

Vorträge und Vortragsreihen

College of Fellows Lecture Series

Die College of Fellows Lecture Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, ihre Forschung vorzustellen und sich zu vernetzen. Jeden Monat stellen Fellows und internationale Gastwissenschafter:innen der Universität Tübingen ihre Forschungsergebnisse vor. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse: infospam 

8. Januar 2025
CoF Lecture mit Prof. Sudesh Mishra

“The Leonidas Fijians: A Minor History”

Ort: Großer Senat, Uhrzeit: 18:30 Uhr

In Fiji’s Indian Migrants, K.L. Gillion remarks en passant on five Fijians who travelled with the first batch of Indian coolies from Calcutta to Fiji in 1879. The men were recruited to work as topazes, or menials answerable to the ship’s surgeon, aboard the ship Leonidas, in exchange for a passage home. While Gillion fails to dwell on the presence in Calcutta of these Islanders from the South Seas, his provocative aside troubles the popular view of Fijians as sedentary subjects of a colonial policy that discouraged the disruption of traditional life-worlds. It also calls into question the general perception that girmit or‘indentured service’ was an exclusively Indian affair. Although they were not indentured to colonial plantations, the Islanders shared with the coolies the micropolitical spaces of the depot, the ship and the quarantine station. They participated in the regimes and regulations of the indenture system. These Fijians unsettle two distinct accounts of history by not conforming to either. They furnish another instance of Islander mobility in the time of modernity. 

Key words: minor history, indentured labour, mobile Fijians, colonial policy

GIP Lecture Series

Die Online-Vortragsreihe findet in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie statt. Die GIP bemüht sich, interkulturelle Philosophie als methodologischen Standpunkt, mit dem eine Annäherung aller Weltphilosophien untereinander ermöglicht werden kann, in Vorträgen, in Forschung und Lehre und in Diskussionsrunden bekannt zu machen.

Tagungen und Workshops

Focus Group Events

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Focus Groups finden Sie hier

Global Encounters Workshop

The Complexities and Dynamics of Social Interaction and Encounters in Neighborhoods

Die Focus Group Neighbourhoods am College of Fellows und die Global Encounters Platform an der Universität Tübingen veranstalten im Januar 2025 einen zweitägigen internationalen Workshop, um Akademiker:innen, Forscher:innen, politischen Entscheidungsträger:innen, Aktivist:innen und Fachleuten eine interdisziplinäre Plattform zu bieten, um das Handeln und Denken in Nachbarschaften neu zu bewerten. Der Workshop beleuchtet die soziologischen, anthropologischen, historischen, philosophischen, kulturellen, religiösen, sprachlichen und wirtschaftlichen Dimensionen der Komplexität und Dynamik sozialer Interaktion in Nachbarschaften unter Berücksichtigung von Räumlichkeit, Zeitlichkeit und der Fähigkeit zu Veränderung und Widerstand.

11-12. Februar: Workshop von Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah

Belonging to the In-Between

At first glance, the concept of "belonging" appears to imply connection to a clearly defined entity—be it a family, group, nation, or culture. Within this framework, the idea of belonging to the "in-between" may seem paradoxical or even contradictory. Yet, given the profound challenges that traditional notions of belonging have posed for humanity—particularly in shaping modern identities and mediating human interactions in an increasingly interconnected world—it becomes imperative to rethink and expand our understanding of belonging. Read more on the wokshop.



21. März 2025 – Workshop: Neighbourhood and Policing

Scientific description of the workshop

The idea of neighbourhood has been studied from various perspectives including geography (Keller, 1968; Morris & Hess, 1975; Chaskin, 1995), spatial (Suttles, 1972; Galster, 2019), urban planning/designer (Kallus & Law-Yone, 2000; Colquhoun, 1985; Lynch, 1960) and sociology (Hunter, 1974, 1979). A few scholars have also attempted to

integrate social and geographical perspectives to understand the idea of the neighbourhood (Hallman, 1984; Warren, 1981; Downs, 1981). The neighbourhood is not just understood as a territorial boundary but also considered as a series of overlapping social networks (Castells, 1997; Schoenberg, 1979) and their role is to promote a sense of community and social cohesion (Forrest & Kearns, 2001) and a sense of identity (Morrison, 2003). However, the idea of neighbourhood is understudied and less explored from a policing perspective. Find more on CfP here.

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