Within the Tübingen project of the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, the following services and tools have been developed.
Tübingen GAVO Services and Tools
- TEUV:Tübingen EUV Absorption
- TGRED: Tübingen Gravitational REDshift calculator
- TheoSSA: Theorectical Stellar Spectra Access
- TIRO: Tübingen Iron-Opacity Interface
- TLISA: Tübingen Line Identification and Spectrum Analyzer
- TMAD: Tübingen Model-Atom Database
- TMAF: Tübingen NLTE Model-Atmosphere Fluxes
- TMAP: Tübingen Model-Atmosphere Package
- TMAW: TMAP WWW Interface
- TOSS: Tübingen Oscillator Strengths Service
- TVIS: Tübingen VISualization Tool