Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Welcome to the School of Business & Economics!

Are you ready to immerse in a new culture, make new friends and learn a new language in a friendly and warm study environment? We're looking forward to welcoming you as an Erasmus or Exchange student in Tübingen!

Founded more than 200 years ago, the School of Business & Economics of Tübingen University is the oldest one in Germany. It is one of the most distinguisded departments across Germany in terms of internationality and regularly achieves top results in rankings such as the CHE ranking. The broad range of courses available at the School of Business & Economics is well-grounded in theory, empirics as well as practical application and offers a unique international focus.

Your studies at the School of Business & Economics

Nomination & Application

Exchange Students

If you wish to study at the School of Business & Economics as an exchange student, your home university needs to have a partnership agreement with the University of Tübingen. Please contact your home university for further information on partnerships as well as the nomination and application process.

Incoming exchange students are administered centrally by the Incoming Team in our International Office. Further information is available in the section Erasmus & Exchange to Tübingen of the website of the International Office.

Important: the application deadlines for exchange students are May 31 for the winter term and December 31 for the summer term.

Degree-seeking Students

The Advising and Admission Office for International Students provides consultation, information and advice for foreign students with regard to programs, courses and requirements for admission at the University of Tübingen. The team of this department also provides information and coaching for the prerequisites of special study projects and temporary academic visitors such as academic or research fellows.

Course Options & Learning Agreement

We offer two virtual Q&A-Sessions (via Zoom) for incoming exchange students providing information on the available course options, how to complete the Learning Agreement and how to register for courses. Officially nominated exchange students of the School of Business & Economics will be inviated to the Q&A-Sessions via email:

Session 1: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 9.00-10.00am (Central European Time)
Session 2: Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 16.00-17.00pm (Central European Time)

Both sessions cover the same content.

Information on the modules and courses offered at the School of Business & Economics:

International Module Handbook (as of 21 November 2023)

List of English-taught courses from the winter semester 2024/25

List of English-taught courses from the summer semester 2024

Please find the full list of courses available to exchange students incl. German Business & Economics courses in the University Course Catalogue in ALMA.

Exchange students can also register for courses from the University's Transdisciplinary Course Programme or German or Foreign Language Courses.

For more general information about which courses to choose, please don't hesitate to contact our Student Mobility Coordinator or the Academic Advisory Service. We all speak English and German and some of us speak a number of further European languages.

Contact details for the Learning Agreement

Please use the following contact details for the School of Business & Economics when completing the Learning Agreement:

Welcome Event & Campus Tour


We would like to invite all international exchange students to our Welcome Event at the School of Business and Economics. You will get to know your fellow international students and learn everything you need to know for your studies at the School of Business and Economics. The event is mandatory for our incoming exchange students, but not relevant for degree-seeking or Double Degree-students.

Date: 11 October 2024
Time: 10.15am-11.45am
Location: Seminarraum E02, Mohlstraße 36

Please find further information on the event on ALMA.


After a lunch break, we would like to take you on a tour of our campus. Discover your new home for the next months and get to know the most important places at the School of Business and Economics. We round off the afternoon with a get together in the nearby Irish Pub.

Date: 11 October 2024
Time: 2.00pm
Meeting point: Entrance of Nauklerstraße 47

Please find further information on the event on ALMA.

Further information on starting your studies and life in Tübingen can be found on the pages Erasmus & Exchange to Tübingen, Study in Tübingen and the Starting your Studies-Guide.


In order to receive ECTS credits, you have to pass an exam or hand in an assignment. The exam period usually starts in the last week of lectures and lasts until the end of the second week of the semester break. Please consider this when planning your stay in Tübingen.

Exam registration

You need to register for all of your exams which shall be included on your transcript during the exam registration period. Exam registration also applies for classes which do not have an official final exam but where you submis regular coursework during the lecture period or participate actively. The regular exam registration period takes place two months after the semester start:

  • Winter semester: 1st Monday in December until Mid-January
  • Summer semester: 1st Monday in June until Mid-July

Information on the exam registration period can be found on the website of the Central Examinations Office. Where possible, you need to register for all your exams directly in ALMA. If exam registration is not possible via ALMA, please use the special exam registration form for exchange students. Details can be found in the Guide for exam registration for exchange students.

How to prepare for exams

Tips for the exam preparation for international exchange students

Exam dates

Information on the dates of exams can be found on the website of the Central Examinations Office.

Remote exams

Information and application form for remote exams


At the School of Business & Economics:

Sarah Düring
Student Mobility Coordinator
Address: Room 113, Nauklerstraße 47, 72074 Tübingen
exchangespam prevention@wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de
Phone: +49 (0) 7071 29 - 78185
Appointments: by arrangement

Wiwi-IT & Computer Lab: Wiwi-IT / Computer Lab

In the International Office:

Incoming Team
Address: Wilhelmstraße 9, 72074 Tübingen
incomingspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de
Phone: +49 (0) 7071 29 - 77797
Appointments: Office hours and contact details

STUBE: Development Education Programme

STUBE is a development-policy educational programme for students from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. It is a supplement to the specialized studies and offers weekend seminars, day seminars and half-day workshops. Topics of the seminars include development policy, gender justice and conflict transformation. In addition, STUBE offers the BPSA, a scholarship program for students who want to do study-related research or an internship in their home country.
Further information

What our students say

The School of Business and Economics of Tübingen University does its best to help exchange students from each country adapt well to the university. It is a great advantage that there are many classes in English, so exchange students can choose between various options. Through the business exchange program at Tübingen University, I was able to meet friends of various nationalities and study together. It was a great pleasure to study here!

Yeonwoo Lee, Seoul

The University of Tübingen is one of the most prestigious universities in Germany, with a wide range of study opportunities and an extensive international community. During my studies here, I have not only broadened my knowledge of Economics, but also had the opportunity to meet many new people from all over the world. In addition, the city offers a wide range of social and recreational activities for students.

Gabor Filep, Budapest

It was a great opportunity to be an exchange student at the University of Tübingen. Originally from the vibrant city of Amsterdam, I was able to gain new perspectives, forge meaningful connections and contribute to the diverse cultural mosaic that made my exchange experience so special.

Hooi-ing Teoh, Amsterdam

More information on studying in Tübingen

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Incoming Team: Erasmus & Exchange to Tübingen