If you are interested in joining our team as a PostDoc, PhD student, Hiwi or for your BSc/MSc thesis, please visit our application guidelines.
Pictures from our group activities can be found in our gallery.

Group Head

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Geiger

Head of Autonomous Vision Group
Head of the Department of Computer Science
Room 30-28/A24
Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6, 72076 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29 70834
a.geigerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
www.cvlibs.net | cv


Kerstin McGaughey

Administrative Assistant
Room 30-7/A21
Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6, 72076 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29 70834
avg-adminspam prevention@cs.uni-tuebingen.de

Senior Staff and Research Engineers

PhD Students

Chuqiao Li

PhD Student, Co-advised with
Gerard Pons-Moll and Seong Joon Oh
Human Body Models
chuqiao.lispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Publications with AVG

Zehao Yu

Bozidar Antic

Gege Gao

PhD Student
Co-advised with Bernhard Schölkopf
Generative Models
gege.gaospam prevention@inf.ethz.ch
Publications with AVG

Haofei Xu

PhD Student
3D Vision
Co-advised with Marc Pollefeys (ETHZ)
haofei.xuspam prevention@inf.ethz.ch
Publications with AVG

Zijian Dong

PhD Student at ETH Zürich
Co-advised with Otmar Hilliges (ETHZ)
Human Body Models
Publications with AVG

Naama Pearl

PhD Student, Co-advised with
Gerard Pons-Moll
3D Vision
naama.pearlspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Publications with AVG

Haiwen Huang

Takeru Miyato

Past Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Apratim Bhattacharyya  (now reseacher at Qualcomm)
Dr. Joo Ho Lee (now assistant professor at Sogang University)
Dr. Yiyi Liao (now assistant professor at Zhejiang University)
Dr. Eshed Ohn-Bar (now assistant professor at Boston University)
Dr. Osman Ulusoy (now senior scientist at Microsoft)
Dr. Simon Donné (now researcher at Amazon)

Past PhD Students

Shaofei Wang 
Christian Reiser 
Katja Schwarz (now at Meta)
Songyou Peng (now at Google)
Xu Chen (now at Google)
Axel Sauer (now at Stability AI)
Carolin Schmitt (now at MPI-IS Tübingen)
Michael Niemeyer (now at Google)
Niklas Hanselmann (now at Daimler)
Stefan Baur (now at Daimler)
Despoina Paschalidou (now PostDoc at Stanford University)
Michael Oechsle (now at Google)
Peidong Liu (now assistant professor at Westlake University)
Aseem Behl (now PostDoc at University of Tübingen, Faculty of Economics)
Lars Mescheder (now at Apple)
Joel Janai (now at Bosch)
Benjamin Coors (now at Bosch)
Fatma Güney (PostDoc at Oxford, now assistant professor at Koç University)

Past Visitors

Aditya Prakash (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Seungjun Nah (Seoul National University)
Zhaoyang Lv (Georgia Tech)
Mengqi Ji (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Cusuh Ham (Georgia Tech)
Simon Donne (Ghent University)
Yiyi Liao (Zhejiang University)
David Stutz (RWTH Aachen)
Gernot Riegler (TU Graz)
N Dinesh Reddy (CMU)
Jun Xie (University of Washington)
Chen Zhou (Peking University)
Moritz Menze (University of Hannover)