Master Thesis

We supervise Master theses on topics related to our own reserach and teaching, i.e.

  • International trade
  • International taxation
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Multinational firm behavior
  • Geographical economics
  • Development economics
  • Empirical policy evaluation

To write a Master Thesis at the chair you must have participated in one of our seminars or lectures (either in our Bachelor's or Master's progams). We may make exceptions in some cases, but ideally you already had some kind of contact with our group.

If you would like to write your Master Thesis at our chair please send us a short application to economicsspam including

  • your CV
  • a current Transcript of Records
  • your topic of interest (or research project if you already know exactly what you would like to work on; a short proposal of no more than one page is enough)

Additionally, as of July 2019, the School of Business and Economics has introduced a survey where you can express your preferences regarding a supervisor. The goal is to help you in the process of finding a supervisor and achieve a good allocation of students to supervisors. The survey is conducted via ILIAS. Please make sure your have your transcript of your Bachelor degree along with your current transcript ready as you will need to upload them to complete your registration. At the end of the survey you will be asked rank 5 possible supervisors according to your preferences. The Academic Advisory Service will do their best to accomodate your preferences.

Please consult the formal guidelines provided by the Examinations Office regarding formal requirements, registration and period of time available for completing your thesis.