Nr. | Jahr | Preisträger | Land | Thema |
1 | 1999 | Mexiko/Deutschland | Late pleistocene Reindeer Populations in Western and Central Europe. | |
2 | 2000 | Frankreich | Stratégies de Chasse et Fonction des Sites dans le Sud de la France. | |
3 | 2001 | USA | Land Use and Technology from Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic. | |
4 | 2002 | Deutschland | Kultur später Neandertaler in Mitteleuropa. | |
5 | 2003 | Dr. Natalie D. Munro | USA | Late Epipaleolithic Economic, Social and Demographic Conditions in the Southern Levant and the Transition to Agriculture. |
6 | 2004 | Dr. Marie Soressi | Frankreich | Le Moustérien de tradition acheuléenne du Sud-Ouest de la France. Discussion sur la signification du faciès à partir de l’étude comparée de quatre sites: Pech-de-l’Azé I, Le Moustier, La Rochette et la Grotte XVI. |
7 | 2005 | Dr. Nicolas Teyssandier | Frankreich | Les débuts de l’Aurignacien en Europe. Discussion à partir des sites de Geissenklösterle, Willendorf II, Krems-Hundssteig et Bacho Kiro. |
8 | 2006 | Dr. Shara E. Bailey | USA | Neandertal dental morphology: implications for modern human origins. |
9 | 2007 | Dr. Sonia Harmand | Frankreich | Matières premières lithiques et comportements techno-économiques des homininés plio-pléistocènes du Turkana occidental, Kenya. |
10 | 2008 | Dr. Charles P. Egeland | USA | Patterns of early hominid site use at Olduvai Gorge |
11 | 2009 | Dr. Daniela Holst | Deutschland | Subsistenz und Landschaftsnutzung im Frühmesolithikum: Nussröstplätze am Duvensee |
12 | 2010 | Dr. Johannes Krause | Deutschland | From genes to genomes: Applications for Multiplex PCR in Ancient DNA Research |
13 | 2011 | Dr. Héloïse Koehler | Frankreich | Behavior and technological identityduring the Middle Palaeolithic: an issue of scale of analysis? Example in the Paris Basin during the early Weichselian (-100 000/- 80 000 BP) |
14 | 2012 | USA | Trends in Subsistence from the Middle Paleolithic through Mesolithic at Klissoura Cave 1 (Peleponnese, Greece) | |
15 | 2013 | Katerina Douka | UK | Shells, beads and dates: deciphering the spread of the earliest modern humans across Mediterranean Europe |
16 | 2014 | Kurt Rademaker | USA | Late ice-age human settlement of the high-altitude Peruvian Andes |
17 | 2015 | Adrián Pablos | Spanien | Runners or walkers: the feet of the Early and Middle Pleistocene hominins from Atapuerca, Spain |
18 | 2016 | Dr. Antonio Rodrígues-Hidalgo | Spanien | Subsistence dynamics during the European Middle Pleistocene |
19 | 2017 | Dänemark | Northern Neanderthals: A systematic assessment of the possibility of a pre-modern human occupation of southern Scandinavia | |
20 | 2018 | Dänemark | From Bones to Proteomes: Gaining a biological understanding of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition | |
21 | 2019 | Niederlande | Beyond Prometheus: Pursuing the origins of fire pro-duction among early humans | |
22 | 2020 | Flavia Venditti | Italien | The recycling phenomenon during the Lower Palaeolithic: the case study of Qesem Cave (Israel) |
23 | 2021 | Dr. Anna Florin | Australien | Archaeobotanical investigations into 65,000 years of plant food use at Madjedbebe, Mirarr Country, northern Australia |
24 | 2022 | Dr. Lucía Cobo-Sánchez | Spanien | Taphonomic and spatial study of the archaeological site DS from Bed I in Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) |
25 | 2023 | Prof. Briana N. Doering | USA | Evaluating the Social and Environmental Processes of the Athabascan Migration |
26 | 2024 | Dr. Paola Cerrito | Schweiz | Histological and elemental markers of physiological stressors in hard tissues |