Prof. Dr. Thomas Scholten

Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Soil Science and Geomorphology
Rümelinstraße 19 23
D-72070 Tübingen

Office: Room W306, Westbau


Consulting hours:
Monday, 14.00 15.00

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Research Topics:

Soil Science, Environment, Geomorphology, Geoecology, Soil Erosion, Machine Learning in Soil Science

Thomas Scholten is Professor of Soil Science and Geomorphology. His areas of expertise and research activities are mainly concerned with soil science, environment, geomorphology, geoecology, soil erosion and machine learning in soil science. Fieldwork is based in Europe, Africa and Asia with main research projects in South Africa, Swaziland, Sudan, Israel, China, Nepal, Switzerland and Germany. Professor Scholten has published widely in soil science, environmental science and geoscience, having authored 9 books, 228 refereed papers and 378 conference papers. He has received research grants from over 15 institutions, principally the European Union (EU), the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). He is a referee for a wide range of international journals, acted as guest editor for Geoderma, Catena, Soil Systems, Agronomy, Frontiers in Earth Science and currently serves on the editorial boards of several journals including Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. Since 2004, Thomas Scholten is council member of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC). Since 2006, he is the director of the Institute of Geography at Tübingen University. From 2012-2015, he was President of the German Soil Science Society (DBG). In 2016, he was elected as member of German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). Since 2017 he is co-speaker of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1070) `ResourceCultures´ of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and since 2019 principle investigator in the Cluster of Excellence ‘Machine Learning - New Perspectives for Science’ at Tübingen University. Additionally, he is well involved in different expert groups and reviewer for several scientific donor organizations.

Complete CV

Appointments and Affiliations

2005 -
Chair of Soil Science and Geomorphology (full professor)

Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen

2002 - 2005
Full professor of Physical Geography and Soil Science

Institute of Geography, Faculty of Chemistry and Geoscience, Frieidrich-Schiller-University Jena

1994 - 2001
Postdoc / Research Scientist (Prof. Dr. Peter Felix-Henningsen)

Institute of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Faculty of Agriculture, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen

1990 - 1993
Research Assistant (Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Schreiber)

Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Chair of Landscape Ecology

1985 - 1989
Student Assistant (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bach)

Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Chair of Climatology and Environmental Studies


1997 - 2002
Habilitation in Soil Science and Physical Geography (PD, Dr. habil.)

Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany

1991 - 1996
Ph.D. in Soil Science (Dr. rer. nat.)

Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany

1985 - 1990

Diploma (equiv. to M.Sc.) in Physical Geography (Landscape Ecology), Geology and Mineralogy

Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany

1983 - 1984
Technician, Machine operator

Bischoff & Klein GmbH, Packaging Manufacturers, Lengerich

1980 - 1982

General Hospital ‘Haus Widum’, Lengerich

1970 - 1979

Abitur (Gymnasium, graduated)

State Grammar School, Lengerich

1966 - 1969
Primary School

Catholic Primary School, Lengerich


Committees and Consultancies

Referee for Donor Organizations and Science Foundations including ESF (Europe), SNSF (Switzerland), NWO (Netherlands), FWO (Belgium), CFI (Canada), ÖAW (Austria), AOF (Finnland), DFG, Humboldt Foundation, Leibnitz Society, BMBF, DAAD, German National Academic Foundation, BEAF

Referee for international journals in soil science, environmental science, ecology, and geomorphology, member of the editorial board of ‘Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science’ (JPNSS) and ‘Pedosphere’, editor of ‘Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie/Annals of Geomorphology’ (ZfG), principle editor of ‘Tübinger Geographische Studien’ (TGS), and principle editor of ResourceCultures’, Tübingen University Press (TUP).

Institution Years Position
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT) 2019 - Principle Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence ‘Machine Learning - New Perspectives for Science’

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2017 -

Co-Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1070) ResourceCultures’ of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Leibniz Association

2016 -

Senate Competition Committee (SAW)

German National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech)

2016 -

Academician (full member)

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2016 -

Advisory board of the excellence plattform 3 ‘Environmental System Analysis’

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

2015 -

Advisory board of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)

2015 -

Scientific advisory board of BonaRes (Soil as a natural resource) at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)

2014 -

Scientific advisory board for the development of a China-Strategy in the field of Environmental Technology/Water/Climate/Geo­sciences/Polar-and Marine Research (official expert)

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2014 -

Commission on Quality Management of the University of Tübingen

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2013 -

Structural Commission of the Senate of the University of Tübingen

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2013 -   2017

Council member 2013 - 2017 of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1070 ‘ResourceCultures’ of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)

2013 -

Scientific advisory board of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam)

Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)

2013 -

Scientific advisory board “Nachhaltiges Landmanagment – Innovative Systemlösungen”

Federal Ministry of Environment (BMU)

2013 -

Scientific advisory board “EU-Bodenrahmenrichtlinie”

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT)

2010 -

Research Commission of the Faculty of Science

German Research Foundation (DFG)

2006 - 2009

China Working Group of the Senate Commission Water Research (KoWa)

Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (UT), Department of Geoscience, Institute of Geography

2006 -

Director 2006 - 2011, vice-speaker 2012 - 2015, speaker since 2016, chairman of the audit committee for BSc, MSc and MA courses in Geography 2015 - 2019

German Geographical Society (VGDH)

1998 -

Working group on Geomorphology since 1996, working group on Soil Geography 2000 - 2004

German Federal Association of Soil Science (BVB)

1996 -

Expert group on Soil Erosion and Soil Protection 1998 - 2004

European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC)

1994 -

Council and steering committee member since 2004

German Society of Soil Science (DBG)

1989 -

Past president 2016 - 2019, president 2012 - 2015, vice president 2008 - 2011, council member since 2006, chairman of Commission V ‘Soil Genesis, Soil Classification and Soil Mapping’ 2006 - 2007, working group on Paleopedology AKPP since 1994

Selected publications

Li, Y., Schuldt, A., Ebeling, A., Eisenhauer, N., Huang, Y., Albert, G., Albracht, C., Amyntas, A., Bonkowski, M., Bruelheide, H., Bröcher, M., Chesters, D., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Chen, J.-T., Ciobanu, M., Deng, X., Fornoff, F., Gleixner, G., Guo, L., Guo, P.-F., Heintz-Buschart, A., Klein, A.-M., Lange, M., Li, S., Li, Q., Li, Y., Luo, A., Meyer, S. T., Oheimb, G. von, Rutten, G., Scholten, T., Solbach, S.T., Staab, M., Wang, M.-Q., Zhang, N., Zhu C.-D., Schmid, B., Ma, K. & Liu, X. (2024). Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 8(11), 2037–2047.

Broeg, T., Don, A., Wiesmeier, M., Scholten, T., Erasmi, S. (2024). Spatiotemporal monitoring of cropland soil organic carbon changes from space. Global Change Biology, 30:e17608 , doi: doi: 10.1111/gcb.17608

Khosravani, P., Baghernejad, M., Taghizadeh, R., Mousavi, S. R., Moosavi, A. A., Fallah Shamsi, S. R., Shokati, H., Kebonye, N. M. and Scholten, T. (2024). Assessing the Role of Environmental Covariates and Pixel Size in Soil Property Prediction: A Comparative Study of Various Areas in Southwest Iran. Land, 13(8), 1309. p. doi: 10.3390/land13081309

Kakhani, N., Rangzan, M., Jamali, A., Attarchi, S., Kazem Alavipanah, S., Mommert, M., Tziolas, N. and Scholten, T. (2024). SSL-SoilNet: A Hybrid Transformer-Based Framework With Self-Supervised Learning for Large-Scale Soil Organic Carbon Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 1–15. pp. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3446042

Kebonye, N. M., John, K., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Zhou, Y., Agyeman, P. C., Seletlo, Z., Heung, B., & Scholten, T. (2024). Major overlap in plant and soil organic carbon hotspots across Africa. Science of The Total Environment, 951, 175476. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175476

Sakhaee, A., Scholten, T., Taghizadeh, R., Ließ, M., & Don, A. (2024). Spatial Prediction of Organic Matter Quality in German Agricultural Topsoils. Agriculture, 14(8), 1298. doi: 10.3390/agriculture14081298

Kleber, A., Terhorst, B., Bullmann, H., Damm, B., Dietze, M., Döhler, S., Felix-Henningsen, P., Heinrich, J., Heinrich, S., Hülle, D., Leopold, M., Menke, M., Meyer-Heintze, S., Raab, T., Sauer, D., Scholten, T., Thiemeyer, H., Frechen, M. (2024). Subdued mountains of Central Europe. In Mid-Latitude Slope  Deposits (Cover Beds) (9–114. pp.). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-96003-8.00011-6

Rau, K., Eggensperger, K., Schneider, F., Hennig, P., Scholten, T. (2024). How can we quantify, explain, and apply the uncertainty of complex soil maps predicted with neural networks? Science of The Total Environment, 944, 173720. p. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173720

Witzgall, K., Steiner, F. A., Hesse, B. D., Riveras-Muñoz, N., Rodríguez, V., Teixeira, P. P. C., Li, M., Oses, R., Seguel, O., Seitz, S., Wagner, D., Scholten, T., Buegger, F., Angst, G., Mueller, C. W. (2024). Living and decaying roots as regulators of soil aggregation and organic matter formation - From the rhizosphere to the detritusphere. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 109503. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109503

Shokati, H., Mashal, M., Noroozi, A., Abkar, A.A., Mirzaei, S., Mohammadi-Doqozloo, Z., Taghizadeh, R., Khosravani, P., Nabiollahi, K., Scholten, T. (2024). Random Forest-Based Soil Moisture Estimation Using Sentinel-2, Landsat-8/9, and UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing. 16(11):1962. doi: 10.3390/rs16111962

Gall, C., Nebel, M., Scholten, T., Thielen, S. M. & Seitz, S. (2024). Water’s path from moss to soil Vol. 2: How soil-moss combinations affect soil water fluxes and soil loss in a temperate forest. Biologia. doi: 10.1007/s11756-024-01666-w

Broeg, T., Don, A., Gocht, A., Scholten, T., Taghizadeh, R. & Erasmi, S. (2024). Using local ensemble models and Landsat bare soil composites for large-scale soil organic carbon maps in cropland. In: Geoderma 444, 116850. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116850

Kakhani, N., Alamdar, S., Kebonye, N. M., Amani, M. & Scholten, T. (2024). Uncertainty Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon Estimation from Remote Sensing Data with Conformal Prediction. In: Remote Sensing, Jg. 16, H. 3, S. 438. doi: 10.3390/rs16030438

Rodríguez, V., Bartholomäus, A., Witzgall, K., Riveras-Muñoz, N., Oses, R., Liebner, S., Kallmeyer, J., Rach, O., Mueller, C. W., Seguel, O., Scholten, T. & Wagner, D. (2024). Microbial impact on initial soil formation in arid and semiarid environments under simulated climate change. In: Front. Microbiol., Jg. 15. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1319997

Taghizadeh, R., Zeraatpisheh, M., Amirian Chakan, A. & Scholten, T. (2024). A Brief Review of Digital Soil Mapping in Iran. In: Melesse, A.M., Rahamati, O. und Khsoravi, R. (Hrsg.): Remote Sensing of Soil and Land Surface Processes. Elsevier Earth Observation Series. Amsterdam, S. 217–228, ISBN: 978-0-443-15341-9.

Scherer, S., Höpfer, B., Deckers, K., Fuchs, M., Kandeler, E., Lehndorff, E., Lomax, J., Marhan, S., Poll, C., Kristen, W., Knopf, T., Scholten, T. & Kühn, P. (2024). Archaeopedological reconstruction of Middle Bronze Age subsistence farming in SW-Germany from sedimentary archives in the Western Allgäu. In: Geoderma Regional, Jg. 35, S. e00715. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00715

Brevik, E. C., Field, D., Hannam, J., Krzic, M., Horn, R., Muggler, C., Odhiambo, J., Uchida, Y., Itkin, D., Wu, H., Pozza, L., Reyes-Sánchez, L. B., Scholten, T. (2023): Degrees Pursued by Students in Different Countries to Train for Careers in Soil Science. In: Patzel, N., Grunwald, S., Brevik, E. C., Feller, C. (Hrsg.) (2023): Cultural understanding of soils, 483-507. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13169-1_24

Lotfollahi, L., Delavar, M. A., Biswas, A., Fatehi, S., Scholten, T. (2023): Spectral prediction of soil salinity and alkalinity indicators using visible, near-, and mid-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Management 345, 118854. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118854

Guan, Z.-H., Cao, Z., Li, X. G., Kühn, P., Hu, G., Scholten, T., Zhu, J., He, J.-S. (2023): Effects of winter grazing and N addition on soil phosphorus fractions in an alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Jg. 357, 108700. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108700

Webber, C. L., Bremer, U. F., Taghizadeh, R., Weber, B., Rosa, A., Scholten, T., Seitz, S. (2023): Biological soil crusts as a major ecosystem component in sandization areas of the Brazilian Pampa. In: Geoderma Regional, e00682. doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00682

Schuldt, A., Liu, X., Buscot, F., Bruelheide, H., Erfmeier, A., He, J.-S., Klein, A.-M., Ma, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Schmid, B., Scholten, T., Tang, Z., Trogisch, S., Wirth, C., Wubet, T., Staab, M. (2023): Carbon-biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. In: Global change biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.16697

Broeg, T., Blaschek, M., Seitz, S., Taghizadeh, R., Zepp, S., Scholten, T. (2023): Transferability of Covariates to Predict Soil Organic Carbon in Cropland Soils. In: Remote Sensing, Jg. 15, H. 4, S. 876. doi: 10.3390/rs15040876

acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (Hrsg.) (2023): Nachhaltige Stickstoffnutzung in der Agrarwirtschaft. acatech POSITION, München. doi: 10.48669/aca_2023-1

Lembrechts, J. J., van den Hoogen, J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M. B., Frenne, P. de, Kemppinen, J., Kopecký, M., Luoto, M., Maclean, I. M. D., Crowther, T. W., Bailey, J. J., Haesen, S., Klinges, D. H., Niittynen, P., Scheffers, B. R., van Meerbeek, K., Aartsma, P., Abdalaze, O., Abedi, M., Aerts, R., Ahmadian, N., Ahrends, A., Alatalo, J. M., Alexander, J. M., Allonsius, C. N., Altman, J., Ammann, C., Andres, C., Andrews, C., Ardö, J., Arriga, N., Arzac, A., Aschero, V., Assis, R. L., Assmann, J. J., Bader, M. Y., Bahalkeh, K., Barančok, P., Barrio, I. C., Barros, A., Barthel, M., Basham, E. W., Bauters, M., Bazzichetto, M., Marchesini, L. B., Bell, M. C., Benavides, J. C., Benito Alonso, J. L., Berauer, B. J., Bjerke, J. W., Björk, R. G., Björkman, M. P., Björnsdóttir, K., Blonder, B., Boeckx, P., Boike, J., Bokhorst, S., Brum, B. N. S., Brůna, J., Buchmann, N., Buysse, P., Camargo, J. L., Campoe, O. C., Candan, O., Canessa, R., Cannone, N., Carbognani, M., Carnicer, J., Casanova-Katny, A., Cesarz, S., Chojnicki, B., Choler, P., Chown, S. L., Cifuentes, E. F., Čiliak, M., Contador, T., Convey, P., Cooper, E. J., Cremonese, E., Curasi, S. R., Curtis, R., Cutini, M., Dahlberg, C. J., Daskalova, G. N., Pablo, M. A. de, Della Chiesa, S., Dengler, J., Deronde, B., Descombes, P., Di Cecco, V., Di Musciano, M., Dick, J., Dimarco, R. D., Dolezal, J., Dorrepaal, E., Dušek, J., Eisenhauer, N., Eklundh, L., Erickson, T. E., Erschbamer, B., Eugster, W., Ewers, R. M., Exton, D. A., Fanin, N., Fazlioglu, F., Feigenwinter, I., Fenu, G., Ferlian, O., Fernández Calzado, M. R., Fernández-Pascual, E., Finckh, M., Higgens, R. F., Forte, T. G. W., Freeman, E. C., Frei, E. R., Fuentes-Lillo, E., García, R. A., García, M. B., Géron, C., Gharun, M., Ghosn, D., Gigauri, K., Gobin, A., Goded, I., Goeckede, M., Gottschall, F., Goulding, K., Govaert, S., Graae, B. J., Greenwood, S., Greiser, C., Grelle, A., Guénard, B., Guglielmin, M., Guillemot, J., Haase, P., Haider, S., Halbritter, A. H., Hamid, M., Hammerle, A., Hampe, A., Haugum, S. V., Hederová, L., Heinesch, B., Helfter, C., Hepenstrick, D., Herberich, M., Herbst, M., Hermanutz, L., Hik, D. S., Hoffrén, R., Homeier, J., Hörtnagl, L., Høye, T. T., Hrbacek, F., Hylander, K., Iwata, H., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M. A., Jactel, H., Järveoja, J., Jastrzębowski, S., Jentsch, A., Jiménez, J. J., Jónsdóttir, I. S., Jucker, T., Jump, A. S., Juszczak, R., Kanka, R., Kašpar, V., Kazakis, G., Kelly, J., Khuroo, A. A., Klemedtsson, L., Klisz, M., Kljun, N., Knohl, A., Kobler, J., Kollár, J., Kotowska, M. M., Kovács, B., Kreyling, J., Lamprecht, A., Lang, S. I., Larson, C., Larson, K., Laska, K., Le Maire, G., Leihy, R. I., Lens, L., Liljebladh, B., Lohila, A., Lorite, J., Loubet, B., Lynn, J., Macek, M., Mackenzie, R., Magliulo, E., Maier, R., Malfasi, F., Máliš, F., Man, M., Manca, G., Manco, A., Manise, T., Manolaki, P., Marciniak, F., Matula, R., Mazzolari, A. C., Medinets, S., Medinets, V., Meeussen, C., Merinero, S., Mesquita, R. d. C. G., Meusburger, K., Meysman, F. J. R., Michaletz, S. T., Milbau, A., Moiseev, D., Moiseev, P., Mondoni, A., Monfries, R., Montagnani, L., Moriana-Armendariz, M., Di Morra Cella, U., Mörsdorf, M., Mosedale, J. R., Muffler, L., Muñoz-Rojas, M., Myers, J. A., Myers-Smith, I. H., Nagy, L., Nardino, M., Naujokaitis-Lewis, I., Newling, E., Nicklas, L., Niedrist, G., Niessner, A., Nilsson, M. B., Normand, S., Nosetto, M. D., Nouvellon, Y., Nuñez, M. A., Ogaya, R., Ogée, J., Okello, J., Olejnik, J., Olesen, J. E., Opedal, Ø. H., Orsenigo, S., Palaj, A., Pampuch, T., Panov, A. V., Pärtel, M., Pastor, A., Pauchard, A., Pauli, H., Pavelka, M., Pearse, W. D., Peichl, M., Pellissier, L., Penczykowski, R. M., Penuelas, J., Petit Bon, M., Petraglia, A., Phartyal, S. S., Phoenix, G. K., Pio, C., Pitacco, A., Pitteloud, C., Plichta, R., Porro, F., Portillo-Estrada, M., Poulenard, J., Poyatos, R., Prokushkin, A. S., Puchalka, R., Pușcaș, M., Radujković, D., Randall, K., Ratier Backes, A., Remmele, S., Remmers, W., Renault, D., Risch, A. C., Rixen, C., Robinson, S. A., Robroek, B. J. M., Rocha, A. V., Rossi, C., Rossi, G., Roupsard, O., Rubtsov, A. V., Saccone, P., Sagot, C., Sallo Bravo, J., Santos, C. C., Sarneel, J. M., Scharnweber, T., Schmeddes, J., Schmidt, M., Scholten, T., Schuchardt, M., Schwartz, N., Scott, T., Seeber, J., Segalin de Andrade, A. C., Seipel, T., Semenchuk, P., Senior, R. A., Serra-Diaz, J. M., Sewerniak, P., Shekhar, A., Sidenko, N. V., Siebicke, L., Siegwart Collier, L., Simpson, E., Siqueira, D. P., Sitková, Z., Six, J., Smiljanic, M., Smith, S. W., Smith-Tripp, S., Somers, B., Sørensen, M. V., Souza, J. J. L. L., Souza, B. I., Souza Dias, A., Spasojevic, M. J., Speed, J. D. M., Spicher, F., Stanisci, A., Steinbauer, K., Steinbrecher, R., Steinwandter, M., Stemkovski, M., Stephan, J. G., Stiegler, C., Stoll, S., Svátek, M., Svoboda, M., Tagesson, T., Tanentzap, A. J., Tanneberger, F., Theurillat, J.-P., Thomas, H. J. D., Thomas, A. D., Tielbörger, K., Tomaselli, M., Treier, U. A., Trouillier, M., Turtureanu, P. D., Tutton, R., Tyystjärvi, V. A., Ueyama, M., Ujházy, K., Ujházyová, M., Uogintas, D., Urban, A. V., Urban, J., Urbaniak, M., Ursu, T.-M., Vaccari, F. P., van de Vondel, S., van den Brink, L., van Geel, M., Vandvik, V., Vangansbeke, P., Varlagin, A., Veen, G. F., Veenendaal, E., Venn, S. E., Verbeeck, H., Verbrugggen, E., Verheijen, F. G. A., Villar, L., Vitale, L., Vittoz, P., Vives-Ingla, M., Oppen, J. von, Walz, J., Wang, R., Wang, Y., Way, R. G., Wedegärtner, R. E. M., Weigel, R., Wild, J., Wilkinson, M., Wilmking, M., Wingate, L., Winkler, M., Wipf, S., Wohlfahrt, G., Xenakis, G., Yang, Y., Yu, Z., Yu, K., Zellweger, F., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhao, P., Ziemblińska, K., Zimmermann, R., Zong, S., Zyryanov, V. I., Nijs, I., Lenoir, J. (2022): Global maps of soil temperature. In: Global change biology, Jg. 28, H. 9, S. 3110–3144. doi: 10.1111/gcb.16060

Miera, J., Knopf, T., Scholten, T., Kühn, P. (Hrsg.) (2022): Gunst/Ungunst. Nutzung und Wahrnehmung von (Marginal-)Räumen. RessourcenKulturen 20. Tübingen University Press. ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-69-8. ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-68-1

Beugnon, R., Bu, W., Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., Kunz, M., Oheimb, G. von, Perles‐Garcia, M. D., Saadani, M., Scholten, T., Seitz, S., Singavarapu, B., Trogisch, S., Wang, Y., Wubet, T., Xue, K., Yang, B., Cesarz, S., Eisenhauer, N. (2022): Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration. In: Ecological Monographs. doi: 10.1002/ecm.1563

Gall, C., Ohan, J., Glaser, K., Karsten, U., Schloter, M., Scholten, T., Schulz, S., Seitz, S., Kurth, J. K. (2022): Biocrusts: Overlooked hotspots of managed soils in mesic environments. In: J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., Jg. 185, H. 6, S. 745–751. doi: 10.1002/jpln.202200252

Gerke, H. H., Vogel, H.-J., Weber, T. K., van der Meij, W. M., Scholten, T. (2022): 3–4D soil model as challenge for future soil research: Quantitative soil modeling based on the solid phase. In: J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., Jg. 185, H. 6, S. 720–744. doi: 10.1002/jpln.202200239

Teuber, S., Bartelheim, M., Hardenberg, R., Knopf, M., Knopf, T., Kühn, P., Schade, T., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T. (2022): Why do we need interdisciplinary cooperation with anthropologists and archaeologists in soil science? In: J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., Jg. 185, H. 6, S. 752–765. doi: 10.1002/jpln.202200120

Morsy, M., Michaelides, S., Scholten, T., Dietrich, P. (2022): Monitoring and Integrating the Changes in Vegetated Areas with the Rate of Groundwater Use in Arid Regions. In: Remote Sensing, Jg. 14, H. 22, S. 5767. doi: 10.3390/rs14225767

Gall, C., Nebel, M., Quandt, D., Scholten, T., Seitz, S. (2022): Pioneer biocrust communities prevent soil erosion in temperate forests after disturbances. In: Biogeosciences, Jg. 19, H. 13, S. 3225–3245. doi: 10.5194/bg-19-3225-2022

Rodriguez, V., Moskwa, L. M., Oses, R., Kühn, P., Riveras-Muñoz, N., Seguel, O., Scholten, T., Wagner, D. (2022): Impact of Climate and Slope Aspects on the Composition of Soil Bacterial Communities Involved in Pedogenetic Processes along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Microorganisms, 10(5), 847. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10050847

Fritzsch, D., Kühn, P., Pietsch, D., Röpke, A., Scholten, T., Thiemeyer, H. (2022): Böden und Bodenbildung. In C. Stolz & C. E. Miller (Hrsg.), Geoarchäologie (S. 217–238). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-62774-7_12

Patzner, M. S., Logan, M., McKenna, A. M., Young, R. B., Zhou, Z., Joss, H., Mueller, C. W., Hoeschen, C., Scholten, T., Straub, D., Kleindienst, S., Borch, T., Kappler, A., Bryce, C. (2022): Microbial iron cycling during palsa hillslope collapse promotes greenhouse gas emissions before complete permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment, 3 (1). doi: 10.1038/s43247-022-00407-8

Schwab, N., Bürzle, B., Bobrowski, M., Böhner, J., Chaudhary, R. P., Scholten, T., Weidinger, J., Schickhoff, U. (2022): Predictors of the Success of Natural Regeneration in a Himalayan Treeline Ecotone. Forests 13 (3), 454. doi: 10.3390/f13030454

Taghizadeh, R., Schmidt, K., Toomanian, N., Heung, B., Behrens, T., Mosavi, A., S. Band, S., Amirian-Chakan, A., Fathabadi, A., Scholten, T. (2021): Improving the spatial prediction of soil salinity in arid regions using wavelet transformation and support vector regression models. In: Geoderma, Jg. 383, S. 114793. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114793

Abedi, F., Amirian-Chakan, A., Faraji, M., Taghizadeh R., Kerry, R., Razmjoue, D., Scholten, T. (2021): Salt dome related soil salinity in southern Iran: Prediction and mapping with averaging machine learning models. Land Degrad Dev. 32, 1540-1554. doi: 10.1002/ldr.3811

Bartelheim, M., Hardenberg, R., Scholten, T. (2021): Ressourcen - RessourcenKomplexe - RessourcenGefüge - RessourcenKulturen. In: Schade, T., Schweizer, B., Teuber, S., Da Vela, R., Frauen, W., Karami, M., Ojha., DK., Schmidt, K., Sieler, R., Toplak, M. (2021): Exploring Resources. On Cultural, Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of ResourceCultures. RessourcenKulturen 13, 9-22, Tübingen: Tübingen University Press. [direct download]

Höpfer, B., Lutz, J., Krutter, S., Scherer, S., Kühn, P., Scholten, T.; Knopf, T. (2021): Mitterbergkupfer am Bodensee? Ein Gusskuchenfragment aus der mittelbronzezeitlichen Siedling von Engen-Anselfingen (Lkr. Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 51 (4). [direct download]

Rüschhoff, J., Hubatsch, C., Priess, J., Scholten, T., Egli, L. (2021): Potentials and perspectives of food self-sufficiency in urban areas - a case study from Leipzig. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 1-10, doi: 10.1017/S174217052100048X

Karlbauer, M., Menge, T., Otte, S., Lensch, H.P.A., Scholten, T., Wulfmeyer, V., Butz, M.V. (2021): Latent State Inference in a Spatiotemporal Generative Model. 30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2021), Book Series:  Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12894, 384-395.

Wittwer, R. A., Bender, S. F., Hartman, K., Hydbom, S., Lima, R. A. A., Loaiza, V., Nemecek, T., Oehl, F., Olsson, P. A., Petchey, O., Prechsl, U. E., Schlaeppi, K., Scholten, T., Seitz, S., Six, J., van der Heijden, M. G. A. (2021): Organic and conservation agriculture promote ecosystem multifunctionality. Science advances 7 (34). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg6995

Thielen, SM., Gall, C., Ebner, M., Nebel, M., Scholten, T., Seitz, S. (2021): Water’s path from moss to soil: A multi-methodological study on water absorption and evaporation of soil-moss combinations. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 69 (4), 421-435doi: 10.2478/johh-2021-0021

Kwon,T., Shibata, H., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Schmidt, I., Larsen, K., Beier, C., Berg, B., Verheyen, K., Lamarque, J.-F., Hagedorn, F., Eisenhauer, N., Djukic, I. and TeaComposition Network  with Scholten, T. and Seitz, S. (2021): Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes. Front. For. Glob. Change 4:678480. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.678480

Morsy, M., Scholten, T., Michaelides, S., Borg, E., Sherief, Y., Dietrich, P. (2021): Comparative analysis of TMPA and IMERG precipitation datasets in the arid environment of El-Qaa Plain, Sinai. Remote Sensing, 13 (4), 588. doi: 10.3390/rs13040588

James, B. R., Teuber, S., Miera, J. J., Downey, S., Henkner, J., Knopf, T., Correa, F. A., Höpfer, B., Scherer, S., Michaelis, A., Wessel, B. M., Gibbons, K. S., Kühn, P., Scholten, T. (2021): Soils, landscapes, and cultural concepts of favor and disfavor within complex adaptive systems and ResourceCultures: human-land interactions during the Holocene. In: E&S, Jg. 26, H. 1. doi: 10.5751/ES-12155-260106

Li, X.-C., Qian, X., Gao, C., Seitz, S., Scholten, T., Wang, Y.-L., Yao, H., Gan, H.-Y., Guo, L.-D. (2021): Plant identity strongly structures the root-associated fungal community in a diverse subtropical forest. In: Basic and Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.01.002

Scherer, S., Deckers, K., Dietel, J., Fuchs, M., Henkner, J., Höpfer, B., Junge, A., Kandeler, E., Lehndorff, E., Leinweber, P., Lomax, J., Miera, J., Poll, C., Toffolo, M.B., Knopf, T., Scholten, T., Kühn, P. (2021): What's in a colluvial deposit? Perspectives from archaeopedology. Catena 198, Article 105040. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105040

Lembrechts, J.J.; Aalto, J.; Ashcroft, M.B., Scholten, T. et al. (2020): SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology 26, 11: 6616-6629. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15123

Karki, R., Hasson, S., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., Böhner, J., Gerlitz, L. (2020): Near surface air temperature lapse rates over complex terrain: A WRF based analysis of controlling factors and processes for the central Himalaya. Climate Dynamics 54: 329-349. doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-05003-9

Behrens, T., Viscarra Rossel, R. A., Kerry, R., MacMillan, R., Schmidt, K., Lee, J., Scholten, T., Zhu, A-X. (2019): The relevant range of scales for multi-scale contextual spatial modelling. Scientific Reports. 9: 14800. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51395-3

Scholten, T., Seitz, S. (2019): Soil Erosion and Land Degradation. Soil Systems 3. 68. doi: 10.3390/soilsystems3040068

Skarbek, C. J., Noack, M., Bruelheide, H., Härdtle, W., Oheimb, G. von, Scholten, T., Seitz, S., Staab, M. (2019): A tale of scale: plot but not neighbourhood tree diversity increases leaf litter ant diversity. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13115

Goebes, P., Schmidt, K., Seitz, S., Both, S., Bruelheide, H., Erfmeier, A., Scholten, T., Kühn, P. (2019): The strength of soil-plant interactions under forest is related to a Critical Soil Depth. Scientific Reports 9: 8635. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-45156-5

Thomas Scholten, Frank Baumann, Per-Marten Schleuss, and Jin-Sheng He. Soils, Climate, Vegetation, and Land-Use Feedbacks on the Tibetan Plateau. In: Rattan Lan, B.A. Stewart (eds.): Soil and climate. Advances in Soil Science, 78-90 (2018). CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-1-4987-8365-1.

Ahlrichs Jan, Henkner Jessica, Schmidt Karsten, Scholten Thomas, Kühn Peter, Knopf Thomas. Bronzezeitliche Siedlungsdynamiken zwischen der Baar und angrenzenden Naturräumen. In Bianka Nessel, Daniel Neumann, Martin Bartelheim (Hrsg.) Bronzezeitlicher Transport - Akteure, Mittel und Wege. RessourcenKulturen 8, 269-304 (2018).

Bernhard, N., Moskwa, L.-M., Schmidt, K., Oeser, R.A., Aburto, F., Bader, M.Y., Baumann, K., von Blanckenburg, F., Boy, J., van den Brink, L., Brucker, E., Büdel, B., Canessa, R., Dippold, M.A., Ehlers, T.A., Fuentes, J.P., Godoy, R., Jung, P., Karsten, U., Köster, M., Kuzyakov, Y., Leinweber, P., Neidhardt, H., Matus, F., Mueller, C.W., Oelmann, Y., Oses, R., Osses, P., Paulino, L., Samolov, E., Schaller, M., Schmid, M., Spielvogel, S., Spohn, M., Stock, S., Stroncik, N., Tielbörger, K., Übernickel, K., Scholten, T., Seguel, O., Wagner, D., Kühn, P. Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile. Catena 170, 335-355. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.018.

Ramchandra Karki, Shabeh ul Hasson, Lars Gerlitz, Rocky Talchabhadel, Eleonore Schenk, Udo Schickhoff, Thomas Scholten, Jürgen Böhner. WRF-based simulation of an extreme precipitation event over Central Himalayas: Atmospheric mechanims and their representation by microphysics parametrization schemes. Atmospheric Research 214, 21-35 (2018).

Oeser, R.A., Stroncik, N., Moskwa, L.M., Bernhard, N., Schaller, M., Canessa, R., van den Brink, L., Köster, M., Brucker, E., Stock, S., Fuentes, J.P., Godoy, R., Matus, F.J., Pedraza, R.O., McIntyre, P.O., Paulino, L., Seguel, O., Bader, M.Y., Boy, J., Dippold, M.A., Ehlers, T.A., Kühn, P., Kuzyakov, Y., Leinweber, P., Scholten, T., Spielvogel, S., Spohn, M., Übernickel, K., Tielbörger, K., Wagner, D., von Blanckenburg, F., (2018): Chemistry and microbiology of the critical zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Catena 170, 183-203. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.002.

Schuldt A, Assmann T, Brezzi M, Buscot F, Eichenberg D, Gutknecht J, Härdtle W, He JS, Klein AM, Kühn1 P Liu X, Ma KP, Niklaus PA, Pietsch KA, Purahong W, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Scholten T, Staab M, Tang ZY, Trogisch S, von Oheimb G, Wirth C, Wubet T, Zhu CD, Bruelheide H (2018): Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9, 2989. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-05421-z.

Yuanyuan Huang, Yuxin Chen, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Martin Baruffol, Matteo Brezzi, Anne Lang, Ying Li, Werner Härdtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Xuefei Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Kequan Pei, Sabine Both, Bo Yang, David Eichenberg, Thorsten Assmann, Jürgen Bauhus, Thorsten Behrens, François Buscot, Xiao-Yong Chen, Douglas Chester, Bing-Yang Ding, Walter Durka, Alexandra Erfmeier, Jingyun Fang, Markus Fischer, Liang-Dong Guo, Dali Guo, Jessica L.M. Gutknecht, Jin-Sheng He, Chun-Ling He, Andy Hector, Lydia Hoenig, Ren-Jong Hu, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Peter Kühn, Yu Liang, Shan Li, Stefan Michalski, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Schuldt, Xuezheng Shi, Man-Zhi Tang, Zhiyao Tang, , Stefan Trogisch, Christian Wirth, Tesfaye Wubet, Mingjian Yu, Xiao-Dong Ju, Yiajong Zhang, Shouren Zhang, Naili Zhang, Hong-Zhang Zhou, Chao-Dong Zhu, Li Zhu, Helge Bruelheide, Keping Ma, Pascal A. Niklaus, Bernhard Schmid. Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362/6410, 80-83. doi:10.1126/science.aat6405 (2018, IF 41.058)

Heidi Megerle, Thomas Scholten. Bausteine erzählen Stadtgeschichte - Natursteine und ihre Verwendung in der Tübingen Altstadt. In: Thomas Scholten, Sandra Teuber (Hrsg.). Tübingen und seine Umgebung – Ein Exkursionsführer zum Deutschen Kongress für Geographie. Tübinger Geographische Studien 152, 101-112 (2017), ISBN 978-3-88121-082-9.

Arnold, Ulrike, Scholten, Thomas: A Kind of Soil Genesis on Canvas. In: Toland, A., Noller, J. S., Wessolek, G. (eds.): Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene, 137-148 (2018). CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-138-58509-6.

Henkner, Jessica; Ahlrichs, Jan; Downey, Sean; Fuchs, Markus; James, Bruce; Junge, Andrea; Knopf, Thomas; Scholten, Thomas; Kühn, Peter. Archaeopedological analysis of colluvial deposits in favourable and unfavourable areas: Reconstruction of land use dynamics in SW Germany. Royal Society Open Sci. 5: 171624 (2018), doi:10.1098/rsos.171624.

Behrens, Thorsten; Schmidt, Karsten; Viscarra Rossel, Raphael; Gries, Philipp; Scholten, Thomas; MacMillan, Robert A. Spatial mapping with Euclidean distance fields and machine learning. European Journal of Soil Science 69, 757–770 (2018), doi:10.1111/ejss.12687 (IF 2.644).

Birgit Bürzle, Udo Schickhoff, Niels Schwab, Lina Wernicke, Yanina Katharina Müller, Jürgen Böhner, Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Thomas Scholten, Jens Oldeland. Seedling recruitment and facilitation dependence on safe site characteristics in a Himalayan treeline ecotone. Plant Ecology (2017), doi:10.1007/s11258-017-0782-2.

Henkner, Jessica; Ahlrichs, Jan J.; Fischer, Elske; Knopf, Thomas; Rösch, Manfred; Scholten, Thomas; Kühn, Peter. Land use dynamics derived from colluvial deposits and bogs in the Black Forest, Germany. JPNSS (2017), doi:10.1002/jpln.201700249.

Ramchandra Karki, Shabeh Ul Hasson, Lars Gerlitz, Udo Schickhoff, Thomas Scholten, Jürgen Böhner. Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas. Earth Syst. Dynam. 8, 507–528 (2017), doi:10.5194/esd-8-507-2017.

Steffen Seitz, Martin Nebel, Philipp Goebes, Kathrin Käppeler, Karsten Schmidt, Zhengshan Song, Carla L. Webber, Bettina Weber, Thomas Scholten. Bryophyte-dominated biological soil crusts mitigate soil erosion in an early successional Chinese subtropical. Biogeosciences 14, 5775-5788, (2017), doi:10.5194/bg-14-5775-2017.

Liu, X., Trogisch, S., He, J.-S., Niklaus, P.A., Bruelheide, H., Tang, Z., Erfmeier, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Pietsch, K.A., Yang, B., Kühn, P., Scholten, T., Huang, Y., Wang, C., Staab, M., Leppert, K.N., Wirth, C., Schmid, B., Ma, K. Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20181240 (2018). doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.1240.

Julia Binkenstein, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Thorsten Assmann, François Buscot, Alexandra Erfmeier, Keping Ma, Katherina A. Pietsch, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Tesfaye Wubet, Helge Bruelheide, Andreas Schuldt, Michael Staab. Multi-trophic guilds respond differently to changing elevation in a subtropical forest. Ecography 41(6), 1013-1023 (2018), doi:10.1111/ecog.03086.

Yan Geng, Wenhong Ma, Liang Wang, Frank Baumann, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. Linking above- and belowground traits to soil and climate variables: an integrated database on China’s grassland species. Ecology 98(5), pp.1471 (2017), doi:10.1002/ecy.1780 (IF 4.733).

Ramchandra Karki, Shabeh Ul-Hasson, Udo Schickhoff, Thomas Scholten, Jürgen Böhner. Rising precipitation extremes across Nepal. Climate, 5, 4; doi: 10.3390/cli5010004 (2017).

Ozias K. L. Hounkpatin, Karsten Schmidt, Felix Stumpf, Thorsten Behrens, Thomas Scholten, Wulf Amelung, Gerhard Welp. Predicting reference soil groups using legacy data: a data pruning and Random Forest approach for tropical environment (Dano catchment, Burkina Faso). Scientific Reports 8:9959 (2018), doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28244-w (IF 5.228).

Schwab N, Schickhoff U, Bürzle B, Müller M, Böhner J, Chaudary RP, Scholten T, Oldeland J. Implications of tree species – environment relationships for the responsiveness of Himalayan krummholz treelines to climate change. J. Mt. Sci. 14(3): 453-473 (2017), doi:10.1007/s11629-016-4257-z.

Henkner J, Ahlrichs JJ, Downey S, Fuchs M, James B, Knopf T, Scholten T, Teuber S, Kühn P. Archaeopedological analyses of colluvium deposits: A proxy for regional land use history in southwest Germany. Catena 155, 93–113 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.catena.2017.03.005.

Steffen Seitz, Philipp Goebes, Viviana Loaiza, Engil Pujol Pereira, Raphaël Wittwer, Johan Six, Marcel van der Heijden, Thomas Scholten. Conservation tillage and organic farming reduce soil erosion. Agronomy for Sustainable Develop. 39/4 (2019), doi:10.1007/s13593-018-0545-z.

Birgit Bürzle, Udo Schickhoff, Niels Schwab, Jens Oldeland, Michael Müller, Jürgen Böhner, Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Thomas Scholten & Wolf Bernhard Dickoré. Phytosociology and ecology of treeline ecotone vegetation in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. Phytocoenologia 47 (2): 197–220 (2017), doi:10.1127/phyto/2017/0130.

Michael Müller, Yvonne Oelmann, Udo Schickhoff, Jürgen Böhner, Thomas Scholten. Himalayan treeline soil and foliar C:N:P stoichiometry indicate nutrient shortage with elevation. Geoderma 291, 21-32 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.12.015.

Jan J. Ahlrichs, Jessica Henkner, Sandra Teuber, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Peter Kühn, Thomas Knopf. Archaeological and Archaeopedological Approaches to Analyze the Development of Marginal Areas in Prehistory - A Case Study from the Western Baar, SW Germany. Cracow Landscape Monographs (2), 39-48 (2016).

Schuldt, A., Bruelheide, H., Buscot, F., Assmann, T., Erfmeier, A., Klein, A.-M., Ma, K., Scholten, T., Staab, M., Wirth, C., Zhang, J., Wubet, T. Belowground top-down and aboveground bottom-up effects structure multitrophic community relationships in a biodiverse forest. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 4222 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04619-3.

Bo Yang, Ying Li, Ding-Yang Bing, Sabine Both, Alexandra Erfmeier, Werner Härdtle, Ke-Ping Ma, Bernhard Schmid, Thomas Scholten, Gunnar Seidler, Goddert von Oheimb, Xuefei Yang, Helge Bruelheide. Impact of tree diversity and environmental conditions on the survival of shrub species in a forest biodiversity experiment in subtropical China. J Plant Ecol 10(1), 179-189 (2017), doi:10.1093/jpe/rtw099.

Gerlitz, L., Bechtel, B., Böhner, J., Bobrowski, M., Bürzle, B., Müller, M., Scholten, T., Schickhoff, U., Schwab, N. & Weidinger, J. (2016): Analytic comparison of temperature lapse rates and precipitation gradients in a Himalayan treeline environment – Implications for statistical downscaling. In: Singh, R.B., Schickhoff, U. & Mal, S. (eds.): Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya, 49-64 (2016). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-28975-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28977-9.

Schickhoff, U., Bobrowski, M., Böhner, J., Bürzle, B., Chaudhary, R.P., Gerlitz, L., Lange, J., Müller, M., Scholten, T. & Schwab, N. (2016). Climate change and treeline response in the Himalaya. In: Singh, R.B., Schickhoff, U. & Mal, S. (eds.): Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya, 271-306 (2016). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-28975-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28977-9.

Pascal Weigold, Mohamed El-Hadidi, Alexander Rücker, Daniel H. Huson, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Kappler, Sebastian Behrens. A metagenomic-based survey of microbial (de)halogenation potential in a German forest soil. Scientific Reports 6:28958 (2016), doi:10.1038/srep28958.

Anna Bosch, Corina Doerfer, Jin-Sheng He, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten. Potential CO2 emissions from permafrost-affected soils of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under different scenarios of climate change in 2050 and 2070. Catena 149, 221-231 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.08.035.

Müller, Michael; Schwab, Niels; Schickhoff, Udo; Böhner, Jürgen; Scholten, Thomas. Soil temperature and soil moisture patterns in a Himalayan alpine treeline ecotone. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 48 (3), 501-521 (2016), doi:10.1657/AAAR0016-004.

Drollinger, S., Müller, M., Kobl, T., Schwab, N., Böhner, J., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T. Decreasing nutrient concentrations in soils and trees with increasing elevation across a treeline ecotone in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science, 14 (5), 843-858 (2017), doi:10.1007/s11629-016-4228-4.

Thomas Scholten, Philipp Goebes, Peter Kühn, Steffen Seitz, Thorsten Assmann, Jürgen Bauhus, Helge Bruelheide, Francois Buscot, Alexandra Erfmeier, Markus Fischer, Werner Härdtle, Jin-Sheng He, Keping Ma, Pascal A. Niklaus, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Bernhard Schmid, Xuezheng Shi, Zhengshan Song, Goddert von Oheimb, Christian Wirth, Tesfaye Wubet, Karsten Schmidt. On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems - a study from SE China. J Plant Ecol 10(1), 111–127 (2017), doi:10.1093/jpe/rtw065.

Stumpf, Felix, Goebes, Philipp, Schindewolf, Marcus, Schmidt, Karsten, Schönbrodt-Stitt, Sarah, Wadoux, Alexandre, Xiang, Wei, Scholten, Thomas. Sediment reallocations due to erosive rainfall events in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, Central China. Land Degrad. Develop. (2016), doi:10.1002/ldr.2503.

Philipp Goebes, Karsten Schmidt, Werner Härdtle, Steffen Seitz, Felix Stumpf, Goddert von Oheimb, Thomas Scholten. Rule-based analysis of throughfall kinetic energy to evaluate biotic and abiotic factor thresholds to mitigate erosive power. Progress in Physical Geography 40 (1), 1-19 (2016), doi:10.1177/0309133315624642.

Hasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Scholten, T., Schickhoff, U., Böhner, J. Recent Climate Change over High Asia. In: Singh, R.B., Schickhoff, U. & Mal, S. (eds.): Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya, 29-48 (2016). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-28975-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28977-9.

Christina Weißbecker, Tesfaye Wubet, Guillaume Lentendu, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Helge Bruelheide, François Buscot. Experimental evidence of functional group-dependent effects of tree diversity on soil fungi in subtropical forests. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 2312 (2018), doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.02312.

Litong Chen, Xin Jing, Dan F.B. Flynn, Yue Shi, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. Changes of carbon stocks in alpine grassland soils from 2002 to 2011 on the Tibetan Plateau and their climatic causes. Geoderma 288, 166-274 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.11.016.

Schwab, N., Schickhoff, U., Müller, M., Gerlitz, L., Bürzle, B., Böhner, J., Chaudhary, Ram P., Scholten, T. (2015): Treeline responsiveness to climate warming: Insights from a krummholz treeline in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. In: Singh, R.B., Schickhoff, U. & Mal, S. (Eds.) (2015): Climate Change, Glacier Response, and Vegetation Dynamics in the Himalaya, 307-346 (2016). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-319-28975-5, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28977-9.

Geng Yan, Baumann Frank, Song Chao, Zhang Mi, Shi Yue, Kühn Peter, Scholten Thomas, He Jin-Sheng. Increasing temperature reduces the coupling between available nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of Chinese grasslands. Scientific Reports 7:43524 (2017), doi:10.1038/srep43524.

Felix Stumpf, Karsten Schmidt, Philipp Goebes, Thorsten Behrens, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Alexandre Wadoux, Wei Xiang, Thomas Scholten. Uncertainty-guided sampling to improve digital soil maps. Catena 153, 30-38 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.catena.2017.01.033.

Seitz S., Goebes, P., Song, Z., Bruelheide, H., Härdtle, W., Kühn, P., Li, Y., Scholten, T. (2016): Tree species and canopy characteristics but not species richness affect interrill soil erosion processes in young subtropical forests. SOIL 2, 49-61 (2016), doi:10.5194/soil-2-49-2016.

Pei ZQ, Eichenberg D, Purschke O, Li Y, von Oheimb G, Kröber W, Bruelheide H, Kühn P, Scholten T, Buscot F, Gutknecht JLM. Soil characteristics and tree functional traits, but not tree species phylogeny, shape soil microbial communities during early growth of a Chinese subtropical forest.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry 96, 180–190 (2016), doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.02.004.

Henkner J, Scholten T, Kühn P. Soil organic carbon stocks in permafrost-affected soils in West Greenland. Geoderma 282, 147-159 (2016), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.06.021.

Philipp Goebes, Helge Bruelheide, Werner Härdtle, Wenzel Kröber, Peter Kühn, Ying Li, Steffen Seitz, Goddert von Oheimb, Thomas Scholten. Species-specific effects on throughfall kinetic energy in subtropical forest plantations are related to leaf traits and tree architecture. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128084 (2015), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128084.

Michael Müller, Udo Schickhoff, Jürgen Böhner, Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Simon Drollinger, Thomas Scholten. How do soil properties affect alpine treelines? General principles in a global perspective and novel findings from Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. Progress in Physical Geography 40(1), 135-160 (2016), doi:10.1177/0309133315615802.

Anna Bosch, Corina Doerfer, Jin-Sheng He, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten. Predicting soil respiration for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: An empirical comparison of regression models. Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology 59, 41-49 (2016), doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2016.01.002.

Philipp Goebes, Steffen Seitz, Peter Kühn, Ying Li, Pascal A Niklaus, Goddert von Oheimb, Thomas Scholten. Throughfall kinetic energy in young subtropical forest: Investigation on tree species richness effects and spatial variability. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213, 148-159 (2015), doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.06.0190.

Aracely Castro, Joël Houdet, Jeroen Huising, Liesl Wiese, Joseph Bagyaraj, Andrew Noble, Giovanna Armiento, Martial Bernoux, Bernd M. Bussian, Ciro Gardi, Violette Geissen, Juan José Ibáñez, John Quinton, Thomas Scholten, Olegario Muniz, Mubarak Abdelrahman Abdalla, Charles Rice, Ronald Vargas. Plan of Action for Pillar Three of the Global Soil Partnership: Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps, priorities and synergies with related productive, environmental and social development actions (2015).

Sandra Teuber, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten. BodenKulturen - die Bodennutzung in Mitteleuropa im Wandel der Zeit In: Wessolek, G. (Ed.): Von ganz unten - Warum wir unsere Böden besser schützen müssen. Oekom, pp. 259-272 (2015).

Sizhong Yang, Susanne Liebner, Matthias Winkel, Mashal Alawi, Fabian Horn, Corina Dörfer, Julien Ollivier, Jinsheng He, Huijun Jin, Peter Kühn, Michael Schloter, Thomas Scholten, Dirk Wagner. In-depth analysis of core methanogenic communities from high elevation permafrost-affected wetlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 111, 66-77 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.03.007.

Felix Stumpf, Karsten Schmidt, Thorsten Behrens, Sarah Schönbrodt- Stitt, Giovanni Buzzo, Christian Dumperth, Alexandre Wadoux, Wei Xiang, Thomas Scholten. Incorporating limited field operability and legacy soil samples in a Hypercube Sampling design for Digital Soil Mapping. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 179, 499–509 (2016), doi:10.1002/jpln.201500313.

Udo Schickhoff, M. Bobrowski, Jürgen Böhner, Birgit Bürzle, Ram P. Chaudhary, Lars Gerlitz, H. Heyken, J. Lange, Michael Müller, Thomas Scholten, Nils Schwab, Ronja Wedegärtner. Do Himalayan treelines respond to recent climate change? An evaluation of sensitivity indicators. Earth System Dynamics 6, 245-265 (2015), doi:10.5194/esd-6-1-2015.

Zhengshan Song, Steffen Seitz, Panpan Zhu, Philipp Goebes, Xuezheng Shi, Shengxiang Xu, Meiyan Wang, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten. Spatial distribution of LAI and its relationship with throughfall kinetic energy of common tree species in a Chinese subtropical forest plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 425, 189-195 (2018), doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2018.05.046.

Wenzel Kroeber, Ying Li , Werner Härdtle , Keping Ma , Bernhard Schmid , Karsten Schmidt , Thomas Scholten , Gunnar Seidler , Goddert von Oheimb , Erik Welk , Christian Wirth , Helge Bruelheide. Early subtropical forest growth is driven by community mean trait values and functional diversity rather than the abiotic environment. Ecology and Evolution 5(17), 3541-3556 (2015), doi:10.1002/ece3.1604.

Steffen Seitz, Philipp Goebes, Pascale Zumstein, Thorsten Assmann, Peter Kühn, Pascal A. Niklaus, Thomas Scholten. The influence of leaf litter diversity and soil fauna on initial soil erosion in subtropical forests. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (11), 1439-1447 (2015), doi:10.1002/esp.3726.

Litong Chen, Dan F.B. Flynn, Xin Jing, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. A comparison of two methods for soil organic carbon (SOC) of alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. PLOS ONE 10(5), e0126372 (2015), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126372.

Scholten, T., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S. Der Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm am Yangtze – ökologische Auswirkungen in den angrenzenden Landschaftsräumen. Geographische Rundschau 4, 36-42 (2014).

Li, Ying, Härdtle, Werner, Bruelheide, Helge, Nadrowski, Karin, Scholten, Thomas, von Wehrden, Henrik, von Oheimb, Goddert. Site and neighborhood effects on growth of tree saplings in subtropical plantations (China). Forest Ecology and Management 327, 118-127 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2014.04.039.

A.-K. Schatz, T. Scholten, and P. Kühn. (2015): Paleoclimate and weathering of the Tokaj (Hungary) loess-paleosol sequence. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.03.016

Philipp Goebes, Steffen Seitz, Christian Geißler, Tamas Lassu, Piet Peters, Manuel Seeger, Karin Nadrowski, Thomas Scholten. Momentum or kinetic energy – How do substrate properties influence the calculation of rainfall erosivity? Journal of Hydrology 517, 310-316 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.05.031.

Strehmel, A., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Buzzo, G., Dumperth, C., Stumpf F., Zimmermann, K., Bieger, K., Behrens, T., Schmidt, K., Bi, R., Rohn, J., Hill, J., Udelhoven, T., Wei, X., Shi, XZ., Cai, Q., Jiang, T., Fohrer, N., Scholten, T. Assessment of Geo-Hazards in a Rapidly Changing Landscape: The Three Gorges Reservoir Region in China. Environmental Earth Sciences 74: 4939-4960 (2015), doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4503-7.

Scholten, Thomas. Mensch und Boden. Praxis Geographie 1/14, 4-7 (2014).

Ollivier Julien, Yang Shizong, Dörfer Corina, Welzl Gerhard, Kühn Peter, Scholten Thomas, Wagner Dirk, Schloter Michael. Bacterial community structure in soils of the Tibetan Plateau affected by discontinuous permafrost or seasonal freezing. Biol Fertil Soils 50 (3), 555-559 (2014), doi:10.1007/s00374-013-0869-4.

Baumann, F., Schmidt, K., Dörfer, C., He, J.-S., Scholten, T. Kühn, P. Pedogenesis, permafrost, substrate and topography: Plot and landscape scale interrelations of weathering processes on the central-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma 226-227, 300-316 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.02.019.

A. Kleber, T. Scholten. Distribution and thickness of layers. In: A. Kleber, B. Terhorst, B. (eds.): Mid-Latitude Slope Deposits (Cover Beds). Develop­ments in Sedimentology 66, chapter 2.3, 31-36 (2013), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-0-444-53118-6, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53118-6.00002-7.

T. Scholten, M. Dietze, A. Kleber.  Statistical approach to layer properties and distribution. In: A. Kleber, Terhorst, B. (eds.): Mid-Latitude Slope Deposits (Cover Beds). Develop­ments in Sedimentology 66, chapter 2.5, 45-50 (2013), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-0-444-53118-6, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53118-6.00002-7.

T. Raab, D. Sauer, H. Bullmann, P. Felix-Henningsen, T. Scholten, E.-D. Spies. Regional differences in cover-bed properties and distribution. In: A. Kleber, B. Terhorst, B. (eds.): Mid-Latitude Slope Deposits (Cover Beds). Develop­ments in Sedimentology 66, chapter 2.8, 84-107 (2013), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-0-444-53118-6,  doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53118-6.00002-7.

D. Sauer, T. Scholten, P. Felix-Henningsen, E.-D. Spies. Rhenish Massif. In: A. Kleber, B. Terhorst, B. (eds.): Mid-Latitude Slope Deposits (Cover Beds). Develop­ments in Sedimentology 66, chapter 2.8.2, 88-93 (2013), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-0-444-53118-6, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53118-6.00002-7.

A. Kleber, B. Terhorst, H. Bullmann, D. Hülle, M. Leopold, S. Müller, T. Raab, D. Sauer, T. Scholten, M. Dietze, P. Felix-Henningsen, J. Heinrich, E.-D. Spies, H. Thiemeyer. Subdued mountains of Central Europe. In: A. Kleber, B. Terhorst, B. (eds.): Mid-Latitude Slope Deposits (Cover Beds). Develop­ments in Sedimentology 66, 9-93 (2013), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 978-0-444-53118-6, doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53118-6.00002-7.

Acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (Hrsg.). Georessource Boden – Wirtschaftsfaktor und Ökosystemdienstleister. Empfehlungen für eine Bündelung der wissenschaftlichen Kompetenz im Boden- und Landmanagement. Acatech POSITION (2012). Springer Heidelberg.

Günter Subklew, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Thomas Scholten, Rolf-Dieter Wilken. Das Yangtze-Projekt – zehn Jahre erfolgreiche deutsch-chinesische Zusammenarbeit. Business Guide Deutschland China 2013, 162-163, 6. Edition (2013), Berlin.

Cheng Gao, Yu Zhang, Nan-Nan Shi, Qiong Ding, Yong Zheng, Yue-Xing Liu, Tesfaye Wubet, François Buscot, Karin Nadrowski, Helge Bruelheide, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Alexandra Erfmeier, Sabine Both, Liang-Dong Guo. Decreasing influence of contemporary environment on the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities along a secondary succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. New Phytologist (2015) 205: 771–785, doi:10.1111/nph.13068.

Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Anna Bosch, Thorsten Behrens, Heike Hartmann, Thomas Scholten. Approximation and spatial regionalization of rainfall erosivity based on scarce data in a mountainous catchment at the Yangtze River in Central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20(10), 6917-6933 (2013), doi:10.1007/s11356-012-1441-8.

Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zur Risikoabschätzung von Bodenerosion, Hangrutschungen, diffusen Stoffeinträgen und Landnutzungswandel. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151 (2012), 291 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Günter Subklew, Xiang Wei, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Thomas Scholten. Der Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm am Yangtze und seine ökologischen Implikationen - Eine Einführung. In: Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zur Risikoabschätzung von Bodenerosion, Hangrutschungen, diffusen Stoffeinträgen und Landnutzungswandel. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151, 1-10 (2012), ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Günter Subklew. Das Verbundprojekt YANGTZE-GEO. In: Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zur Risikoabschätzung von Bodenerosion, Hangrutschungen, diffusen Stoffeinträgen und Landnutzungswandel. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151, 11-18 (2012), ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Sarah Schönbrodt, Thomas Scholten. Das Einzugsgebiet des Xiangxi. In: Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zur Risikoabschätzung von Bodenerosion, Hangrutschungen, diffusen Stoffeinträgen und Landnutzungswandel. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151, 19-26 (2012), ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Thorsten Behrens, Xuezheng Shi und Thomas Scholten. GIS-basierte Erfassung und Analyse der Bodenerosion durch Wasser im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem. In: Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeiten zur Risikoabschätzung von Bodenerosion, Hangrutschungen, diffusen Stoffeinträgen und Landnutzungswandel. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151, 27-83 (2012), ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Thorsten Behrens, Katrin Bieger, Dominik Ehret, Michaela Frei, Ye Xia, Georg Hörmann, Christoph Seeber, Markus Schleier, Renneng Bi. Matthias Wiegand, Britta Schmalz, Nicola Fohrer, Qinghua Cai, Hermann Kaufmann, Lorenz King, Joachim Rohn, Günter Subklew, Xiang Wei, Xuezheng Shi, Thomas Scholten. In: Thomas Scholten, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt (Hrsg.). Umweltforschung im Drei-Schluchten-Ökosystem in China – Eine Synthese. Tübinger Geographische Studien 151, 283-291 (2012), ISBN 978-3-88121-089-8.

Iserloh, T., Ries, J.B., Arnaez, J., Boix Fayos, C., Butzen, V., Cerdà, A., Echeverría, M.T., Fernández-Gálvez, J., Fister, W., Geißler, C., Gómez, J.A., Gómez-Macpherson, H., Kuhn, N.J., Lázaro, R., León, F.J., Martínez-Mena, M., Martínez-Murillo, J.F., Marzen, M., Mingorance, M.D., Ortigosa, L., Peters, P., Regüés, D., Ruiz-Sinoga, J.D., Scholten, T., Seeger, M., Solé-Benet, A., Wengel, R., Wirtz, S.: European small portable rainfall simulators: a comparison of rainfall characteristics. Catena 110, 100-112 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.catena.2013.05.013.

Karsten Schmidt, Thorsten Behrens, Jonas Daumann, Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez, Ulrike Werban, Peter Dietrich, Thomas Scholten. A comparison of calibration sampling schemes at the field scale. Geoderma 232-234, 243-256 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.05.013.

Thorsten Behrens, Karsten Schmidt, Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez, John Gallant, A-Xing Zhu, Thomas Scholten. Hyper-scale digital soil mapping and soil formation analysis. Geoderma 213: 578–588, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.07.031.

Ramirez-Lopez, L., Schmidt, K., Behrens, T., van Wesemael, B., Demattê, J.A.M., Scholten, T. Sampling optimal calibration sets in soil infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 226-227, 140-150 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.02.002.

Corina Dörfer, Peter Kühn, Frank Baumann, Jin-Sheng He, Thomas Scholten. Soil Organic Carbon Pools and Stocks in Permafrost-Affected Soils on the Tibetan Plateau. PLOS ONE 8(2): e57024 (2013), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057024.

Yu Ting Wu, Tesfaye Wubet, Stefan Trogisch, Sabine Both, Helge Bruelheide, Thomas Scholten, François Buscot. Forest age and plant species composition determine the soil fungal community structure in a Chinese subtropical forest. PLOS ONE 8(6), e66829 (2013), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066829.

L. Ramirez–Lopez, T. Behrens, K. Schmidt, A. Stevens, J.A.M. Demattêc, T. Scholten. The spectrum–based learner: a new local approach for modeling soil vis–NIR spectra. Geoderma 195, 268-279 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.12.014.

Johannes Harter, Hans-Martin Krause, Stefanie Schuettler, Reiner Ruser, Markus Fromme, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Kappler, Sebastian Behrens. Linking N2O emissions from biochar-amended soil to the structure and function of the N-cycling microbial community. ISMEJ 8, 660-674 (2014), doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.160.

Christian Geißler, Karin Nadrowski, Peter Kühn, Martin Baruffol, Helge Bruelheide, Bernhard Schmid, Thomas Scholten. Kinetic energy of throughfall in subtropical forests of SE China - Effects of tree canopy structure, functional traits, and biodiversity. PLOS ONE 8(2): e49618 (2013), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049618.

Thomas Fischer; Marco Gemmer; Buda Su; Thomas Scholten. Hydrological long-term dry and wet periods in the Xijiang River basin, South China. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17, 135-148 (2013), doi:10.5194/hess-17-135-2013.

Iserloh T, Ries JB, Cerdá A, Echeverría MT, Fister W, Geißler C, Kuhn NJ, León FJ, Peters P, Schindewolf M, Schmidt J, Scholten T, Seeger M. Comparative measurements with seven rainfall simulators on uniform bare fallow land. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 57, Suppl. 1, 11-26 (2013), doi:10.1127/0372-8854/2012/S-00085.

Yue Shi, Frank Baumann, Yinlei Ma, Chao Song, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. Organic and inorganic carbon in the topsoil of the Mongolian and Tibetan grasslands: pattern, control and implications. Biogeosciences 9, 2287-2299 (2012), doi:10.5194/bg-9-2287-2012.

Schatz AK, Buylaert JP, Murray A, Stevens T, Scholten T. Establishing a luminescence chronology for a palaeosol-loess profile at Tokaj (Hungary): a comparison of quartz OSL and polymineral IRSL signals. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 68-74 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.018.

Xuefei Yang, Jürgen Bauhus, Sabine Both, Teng Fang, Werner Härdtle, Wenzel Kröber, Keping Ma, Karin Nadrowski, Kequan Pei, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Thomas Scholten, Gunnar Seidler, Bernhard Schmid, Goddert von Oheimb, Helge Bruelheide. Establishment success in a forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning experiment in subtropical China (BEF-China). Eur J Forest Res 132(4), 593-606 (2013), doi:10.1007/s10342-013-0696-z.

Mirco Rodeghiero, Galina Churkina, Cristina Martinez, Thomas Scholten, Damiano Gianelle, Alessandro Cescatti. Components of forest soil CO2 efflux estimated from Δ14C values of soil organic matter. Plant and Soil 364/1, 55-68 (2013), doi:10.1007/s11104-012-1309-1.

L. Ramirez–Lopez, T. Behrens, K. Schmidt, R. Viscarra Rossel, J.A.M. Demattê, T. Scholten. Distance and similarity-search metrics for use with soil vis–NIR spectra. Geoderma 199, 43–53 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.08.035.

Thomas Fischer, Christoph Menz, Buda Su, Thomas Scholten. Simulated and projected climate extremes in the Zhujiang River Basin, South China, using the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. International Journal of Climatology 33(14), 2988-2001 (2013), doi:10.1002/joc.3643.

Wenjie Liu, Shengyun Chen, Xiang Qi, Frank Baumann, Thomas Scholten, Zhaoye Zhou, Weijun Sun, Tongzuo Zhang, Jiawen Ren, Dahe Qin. Storage, patterns, and controls of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Environ. Res. Lett. 7(3), 035401, 12pp (2012), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/035401.

Yu Ting Wu, Jessica Gutknecht, Karin Nadrowski, Christian Geißler, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Sabine Both, Alexandra Erfmeier, Martin Böhnke, Helge Bruelheide, Tesfaye Wubet, François Buscot. Relationships between soil microorganisms, plant communities and soil characteristics in Chinese subtropical forests. Ecosystems 15: 624–636 (2012), doi:10.1007/s10021-012-9533-3.

Thomas Knopf, Tilmann Baum, Thomas Scholten, Peter Kühn. Landnutzung im frühen Mittelalter? Eine archäopedologische Prospektion im Mittleren Schwarzwald. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 42: 123-133 (2012).

Thomas Fischer, Buda Su, Yong Luo, Thomas Scholten. Probability distribution of precipitation extremes for weather-index based insurance in the Zhujiang River Basin, South China. Journal of Hydrometeorology 13, 1023-1037 (2012), doi:10.1175/JHM-D-11-041.1.

Bakimchandra Oinam, Walter Marx, Thomas Scholten, Silke Wieprecht. A fuzzy rule base approach for developing a soil protection index map: a case study in the Upper Awash basin, Ethiopian Highlands. Land Degradation and Development 25 (5), 483–500 (2014), doi:10.1002/ldr.2166.

Geißler, C., Lang, A.C., von Oheimb, G., Härdtle, W., Baruffol, M., Scholten, T. Impact of tree saplings on the kinetic energy of rainfall - The importance of stand density, species identity and tree architecture in subtropical forests in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 156, 31-40 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.12.005.

Both, S. Fang, T., Böhnke, M., Bruelheide, H., Geissler, C., Kühn, P., Scholten, T., Trogisch, S., Erfmeier, A. Tree layer control and herb layer feedback in subtropical forests, China – a lack of evidence.  Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 1120-1131 (2011), doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01324.x.

Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T. Klimawandel und Vegetationsdynamik: Die Entwicklung der Pflanzendecke in höheren Breiten und in den Hochgebirgen der Erde. In Böhner, J., Ratter, B. (Hrsg.): Klimawandel und Klimawirkung. Hamburger Symposium Geographie Band 2, 51-83 (2010).

Scholten, T., Schickhoff, U. Klimawandel und Boden - Die Rolle des Klimawandels für Bodennutzung und Bodenschutz. In Böhner, J., Ratter, B. (Hrsg.): Klimawandel und Klimawirkung. Hamburger Symposium Geographie Band 2, 85-96 (2010).

Strahler, A.H, Strahler, A.N. Physische Geographie. 4., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, aus dem Englischen übersetzt und bearbeitet von E. Eberhardt, P. Kühn, D. Pietsch, T. Scholten. Ulmer (UTB 8159), 688 S. (2009).

Velescu, A., Meßmer, T., Scholten, T., Kühn, P. Removal of short-range order mineral complexes prior to grain size analysis of volcanic ash soils. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172, 799-804 (2010), doi:10.1002/jpln.201000111.

Schatz, A-K., Zech, M., Buggle, B., Gulyás, S., Hambach, U., Markovic, S.B., Sümegid, P., Scholten, T.. The late Quaternary loess record of Tokaj, Hungary – reconstructing palaeoenvironment, palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate using stable C and N isotopes and biomarkers. Quaternary International 240, 52-61 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.10.009.

Geng, Y., Wang, Z., Liang, C., Fang, J., Baumann, F., Kühn, P., Scholten, T., He, J.-S. Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits and the relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, 416-427 (2012), doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00692.x.

Geißler, C., Kühn, P., Shi, X., Scholten, T. Estimation of throughfall erosivity in a highly diverse forest ecosystem using sand-filled splash cups. Journal of Earth Science 21 (6), 897-900 (2010), doi:10.1007/s12583-010-0132-y.

Schoenbrodt, S., Saumer, P., Behrens, T. Imbery, S., Scholten, T. Assessing the USLE crop and management factor C for soil erosion modeling in a large mountainous watershed in Central China. Journal of Earth Science 21(6), 835-845 (2010), doi:10.1007/s12583-010-0135-8.

Bruelheide, H., Böhnke, M., Both, S., Fang, T., Assmann, T., Baruffol, M., Bauhus, J., Buscot, F., Chen, X.-Y., Ding, B.-Y., Durka, W., Erfmeier, A., Fischer, M., Geißler, C., Guo, D., Guo, L.-D., Härdtle, W., He, J.-S., Hector, A., Kröber, W., Kühn, P., Lang, A.C., Nadrowski, K., Pei, K.Q., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Shi, X.Z., Scholten, T., Schuldt, A., Trogisch, S., von Oheimb, G., Welk, E., Wirth, C., Wu, Y.-T., Yang, X.F., Zeng, X.Q., Zhang, S.R., Zhou, H.Z., Ma, K.P., Schmid, B. Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81(1), 25-41 (2011), doi:10.1890/09-2172.1.

Zhu, A-Xing, Liu, Jing, Du, Fei, Zhang, Shujie, Qin, Cheng-Zhi, Burt, James, Behrens, Thorsten, Scholten, Thomas. Predictive soil mapping with limited sample data. Europ. J. Soil. Sci. 66(3), 535-547 (2015), doi:10.1111/ejss.12244.

Scholten, T., Geißler, C., Goc, J., Kühn, P., Wiegand, C. A new splash cup to measure the erosion potential of rainfall under vegetation.  J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174, 596-601 (2011), doi:10.1002/jpln.201000349.

Qin, Cheng-Zhi; Zhu, A-Xing; Pei, Tao; Li, Bao-Lin; Scholten, T.; Behrens, T.; Zhou, Cheng-Hu. An approach to computing topographic wetness index based on maximum downslope gradient. Precision Agriculture 12(1), 32-43 (2011), doi:10.1007/s11119-009-9152-y

Geißler C, Kühn P‚ Böhnke M, Bruelheide H, Shi X, Scholten T. Splash erosion potential under forest vegetation using sand-filled splash cups. Catena 91, 85-93 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.catena.2010.10.009.

Pietsch, D., Kühn, P., Scholten, T., Brunner, U., Hitgen, H., Gerlach I. Holocene soils and sediments around Ma’rib Oasis, Yemen: Further Sabaean treasures? The Holocene 20(5), 785-799 (2010), doi:10.1177/0959683610362814.

Yan Geng, Yonghui Wang, Kuo Yang, Shaopeng Wang, Hui Zeng, Frank Baumann, Peter Kuehn, Thomas Scholten, Jing-Sheng He. Soil respiration in Tibetan alpine grasslands: Belowground biomass and soil moisture, but not soil temperature, best explain the large-scale patterns. PLOS ONE 7(4): e34968 (2012), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034968.

Bruelheide, Helge, Nadrowski, Karin, Assmann, Thorsten, Bauhus, Jürgen, Both, Sabine, Buscot, François, Chen, Xiao-Yong, Ding, Bingyang, Durka, Walter, Erfmeier, Alexandra, Gutknecht, Jessica L.M., Guo, Dali, Guo, Liang-Dong, Härdtle, Werner, He, Jin-Sheng, Klein, Alexandra-Maria, Kühn, Peter, Liang, Yu,  Liu Xiaojuan, Michalski, Stefan, Niklaus, Pascal A., Pei, Kequan, Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael, Scholten, Thomas, Schuldt, Andreas, Seidler, Gunnar, von Oheimb, Goddert, Welk, Erik, Wirth, Christian, Wubet, Tesfaye, Yang, Xuefei, Yu, Mingjian, Zhang, Shouren, Zhou, Hongzhang, Fischer, Markus, Ma, Keping, Schmid, Bernhard. Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(1): 74-89 (2013), doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12126.

Schmidt, K., Behrens, T., Friedrich, K., Scholten, T. A method to generate soilscapes from soil maps. J. Plant Nutri. Soil Sci. 173 (2), 163-172 (2010), doi:10.1002/jpln.200800208 (Impact Factor: 1,969).

Behrens, T., Schmidt, K., Zhu, A-X., Scholten, T. The ConMap ap­proach for terrain-based digital soil mapping. Europ. J. Soil Sci. 61, 133–143 (2010), doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2009.01205.x.

Behrens, T., Zhu, A.-X., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T. Multi-scale digital terrain analysis and feature selection for digital soil mapping. Geoderma 155, 175-185 (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.07.010.

Gerber, R., Felix-Henningsen, P., Behrens, T., Scholten, T. Applicability of Ground Penet­rating Radar as a tool for nondestructive soil-depth mapping on Pleistocene Periglacial Slope Deposits. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 173(2), 173-184 (2010), doi:10.1002/jpln.200800163.

Baumann, F., He, J.-S., Schmidt, K., Kühn, P., Scholten, T. Pedogenesis, permafrost, and soil moisture as controlling factors for soil nitrogen and carbon contents across the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology 15, 3001-3017 (2009), doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01953.x.

Don, A., Scholten, T., Schulze, E.-D. Conversion of cropland into grassland – implications for soil organic carbon stocks in two soils with different texture. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172 (1), 53-62 (2009).

Behrens, T., Schneider, O., Lösel, G., Scholten, T., Hennings, V., Felix-Henningsen, P. Hartwich, R. Analysis on pedodiversity and spatial subset representativity of large scale soil maps – The German soil map 1:1,000,000. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 172 (1), 91-100 (2009).

Schmidt, K., Behrens, T., Scholten, T.  Instance selection and classification tree analysis for large spatial datasets in digital soil mapping. Geoderma 146, 138-146 (2008).

Behrens, T., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T. An approach to remove uncertainties in nominal environmental covariates and soil class maps. In Hartemink, A.E., McBratney, A. Mendonca-Santos, M.L. (Eds.). Digital Soil Mapping with Limited Data, Springer, New York, 213-224 (2008).

Don, A., Schumacher, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Scholten, T., Schulze, E.-D. Spatial and vertical variation of soil carbon at two grassland sites – implications for measuring soil car­bon stocks. Geoderma 141, 272-282 (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2007.06.003.

Wagner, S., Cattle, S. R., Scholten, T. Soil‐aggregate formation as influenced by clay content and organic‐matter amendment J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 170, 173-180 (2007), doi:10.1002/jpln.200521732.

Behrens, T., Scholten, T. A Comparison of Data Mining Approaches in Predictive Soil Mapping. In Lagacherie, P., McBrat­ney, A.B, Voltz, M. (eds.). Digital Soil Mapping – an introductory perspective, Book Series: Developments in Soil Science 31, 353-364 (2007).

Hartmann, K.-J., Behrens, T., Boess, J., Domsch, H., Scholten, T. Konzept zur integrierten datenbasierten Modellierung räumlich hochauflösender bodenkundlicher Informationen Mittlg. Geol. Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt 11, 99-104 (2006).

Feldwisch, N., Mollenhauer, K., Scholten, T. Zusammenfassende Betrachtung der Vorge­hensweise bei Bodenerosion durch Wasser in den deutschen Bundesländern. In Boden­erosion durch Wasser – Bewertungsmethodik und Instrumente der deutschen Bundeslän­der, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, 145-151 (2006).

Scholten, T., Werner, D., Gullich, P. Thüringen. In Boden­erosion durch Wasser – Bewertungsmethodik und Instrumente der deutschen Bundeslän­der, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, 132-144 (2006).

Behrens, T., Scholten, T. Digital soil mapping in Germany – a review. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 169/3, 434-443 (2006).

Mollenhauer, K., Feldwisch, N., Scholten, T., Scholz, K. Bodenerosion durch Wasser – Bewertungsmethodik und Instrumente der deutschen Bundesländer. BVB-Materialien Bd. 14, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin, 151 S. ISBN 978-3-503-09084-6 (2005).

Schmidt, K., Behrens, T., Scholten, T. Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Verschneidung von Attributinformationen bei nicht deckungsgleichen Bodeninformationen. Tübinger Geo­graphische Arbeiten (TGA), Reihe A, 73-92 (2005).

Fröhlich, H., Opp, Ch., Scholten, T. Periglacial layer or anthropogenic layer? – A small scale analysis of their spatial distribution under forest. Z. Geomorph. N.F. 139, 203-219 (2005).

Behrens, T., Förster, H., Scholten, T., Steinrücken, U., Spies, E.-D., Goldschmitt, M. Digit­al Soil Mapping using Artificial Neural Networks. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 168, 1-13 (2005).

Scholten, T., Sauer, D., Behrens, T., Breuer, L., Frede, H.-G., Fröhlich, H., Gerber, R., Otte, A., Waldhardt, R. Periglaziäre Lagen, Bodenökologie und Bodenwasserhaushalt in den Hessischen Mittelgebirgen. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 105, 68-82 (2005).

Fachausschuss Gefahrenabwehr bei Bodenerosion des Bundesverbands Boden. Handlungsempfehlung zur Gefahrenabwehr bei Bodenerosion, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, Ber­lin, 78 S. (2004).

Scholten, T., Behrens, T., Altfeld, O., Felix-Henningsen, P. Lithogra­phische Klassifikation von Gesteinskomplexen als Grundlage für die Model­lierung der Verbreitung und Eigen­schaften periglaziärer Lagen in Mittel­gebirgen – Beispiele aus dem Ostharz und dem Sol­ling. Tübinger Geogra­phi­sche Arbeiten (TGA), Reihe D, 10, 39-72 (2004).

Scholten, T., Behrens, T. Methoden der GIS-gestützten Erstellung von Bodenprognosekar­ten am Beispiel des Ostharzes und des Schwarzerdegebiets in Sachsen-Anhalt. In Möller, M., Helbig, H. (eds.). GIS-ge­stützte Bewertung von Bodenfunktionen – Datengrundlagen und Lösungsansätze, 45-66 (2004).

Mollenhauer, K., Fohrer, N., Scholten, T. Bodenerosion. Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, 106-109 (2003).

Mollenhauer, K., Scholten, T. Bodenerosion durch Wind. Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig, 110-111 (2003).

Scholten, T. Verbreitungssystematik und Eigenschaften pleistozäner periglaziärer Lagen in deutschen Mittelgebirgen. Relief, Boden, Paläoklima 19, Borntraeger, 154 S., ISBN 3-443-09019-2 (2003).

Scholten, T., Szibalski, M., Felix-Henningsen, P. Multifunktionalität von Mittelgebirgsland­schaften – auf den Standort kommt es an. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 80/4, 509-539 (2002).

Scholten, T., Behrens, T., Szibalski, M., Felix-Henningsen, P.  Prediction model Lsys+ - Spatial modelling of properties of periglacial slope deposits. Proceedings of the Third Inter­national Congress 'Man and Soil at the Third Millennium', Geoforma Ediciones Vol. II, Logrono, Spain, 2091-2097 (2002).

Scholten, T., Schotte, M., Felix-Henningsen, P. Pleistozäne periglaziäre Lagen (Deck­schichten) als bodenkundliche Planungsgrundlage in Mittelgebirgsregionen - Beispiele aus dem Lahn-Dill- Bergland. Trierer Geogr. Stud. 25, 77-89 (2002).

Scholten, T., Behrens, T. GIS-gestützte Modellierung der räumlichen Verbreitung und Aus­prägung periglaziärer Lagen in Mittelgebirgsregionen. Berichte zur deutschen Landes­kunde 76/2-3, 151-168 (2002).

Sauer, D., Scholten, T., Spies, E.-D., Felix-Henningsen, P. Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits and colluviums in the Rhenish Massif – a result of climatic changes and human land use. Proceedings of the International Congress 'Man and Soil at the Third Millennium', Geoforma Ediciones Vol. I, Logrono, Spain, 763-776 (2002).

Scholten, T. Genese und Erosionsanfälligkeit von Boden-Saprolit-Komplexen aus Kristal­lingesteinen in Swaziland. Boden und Landschaft 15, 195 S., ISBN 3-931789-14-4 (1997).

Felix-Henningsen, P., Morgan, R.P.C., Mushala H.M., Rickson, R.J., Scholten, T. Soil ero­sion in Swaziland: an introduction. Soil Technology 11, 319-329 (1997).

Felix-Henningsen, P., Morgan, R.P.C., Mushala H.M., Rickson, R.J., Scholten T. Soil erosion in Swaziland: a synthesis. Soil Technology 11 (now Soil and Tillage Research), 219-228 (1997).

Scholten, T., Felix-Henningsen, P., Schotte, M. Geology, soils and saprolites of the Swaziland Middleveld. Soil Technology 11, 229-246 (1997).

Scholten, T. Hydrology and erodibility of the soils and saprolite cover of the Swaziland Middleveld. Soil Technology 11, 247-262 (1997).

Mushala, H.M., Scholten, T., Felix-Henningsen, P. Soil and saprolite profiles on eroded slopes: implications for land management. Uniswa Res. J. Agric. Sci. & Tech. 1, 35-43 (1996).

Scholten, T., Schotte, M., Felix-Henningsen, P. Hydrologische Eigenschaften von Saproli­ten aus Kristallingesteinen in Swaziland (Südliches Afrika). Zbl. Geol. Paläont. 1(3/4), 507-520 (1996).

Bens, O., Felix-Henningsen, P., Scholten, T. Verfügbarkeit und Mobilität von Schwermetal­len in Böden unter dem Einfluss unterschiedlicher forstlicher Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen. Forum Städte-Hygiene 47, 397-403 (1996).

Scholten, T., Felix-Henningsen, P. Standortpotentiale und Erosionsgefährdung von Boden-Saprolit-Komplexen vor und nach erosiver Landschaftsveränderung. Gießener Beiträge zur Entwicklungsforschung, Reihe I/22, 29-47 (1995).

Scholten, T., Felix-Henningsen, P., Mushala, H.M. Morphogenesis and erodibility of soil-saprolite complexes from magmatic rocks in Swaziland (Southern Africa). Z. Pflanzener­nähr. Bodenk. 158, 169-176 (1995).

Krobok, T., Scholten, T., Felix-Henningsen, P. Die Depositionsbelastung der Wälder im Raum Münster und die Auswirkungen auf die Enchytraeen-Zönose der Böden. Münster­sche Geogr. Arb. 36, 89-103 (1994).

Scholten, T. Untersuchung der Niederschlagsdeposition in zwei Buchen­wald-Ökosyste­men und die Auswirkungen auf Waldboden und Bestand. VDI-Berichte 837, 1139-1152 (1990).

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