Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

News, Publications and Coming Events

New Publication!

(Click on the picture to access the article)

We are happy to announce that a new paper by affiliated researchers Dr. Cynthianne Spiteri, Julia Becher, along with former students of the Archaeometry group, has been published in the journal Praehistorische Zeitschrift “Vessel use at the Mycenaean Palace of Ayios Vasileios, Laconia, using Organic Residue Analysis”.


Archaeometry Colloquium

This semester, the Archaeometry colloquium is taking place biweekly on Wednesdays, at 16.00 c.t. in
Hölderlinstr. 12, Room S521.

Click on the image and check the program for Wintersemester 2024!

Further info here.

Archaeometry on the news

A new article by Gubaz Mustafa Kibaroğlu has been featured in wbg Magazine - Antike Welt.

(Click on the picture to access the article)

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