
Dipl.-Ing. Panagiotis Kritikakis

Funktion: Laborleiter für das Mikromorphologische Labor


Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (HEP Tübingen)

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen

Institute for Archaeological Sciences

WG: Geoarchaeology

Rümelinstr. 23

72070 Tübingen


Raum 701, E.G



Research Interests and Experience:

I currently work as the primary laboratory manager for the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) and the Geoarchaeology Working Group in the Institute for Archaeological Sciences (INA) at the University of Tübingen, under Prof. Dr. Christopher Miller. I focus on the creation of micromorphological thin sections in laboratory of soil science and geoecology for projects throughout the world, including a variety of excavations in Africa, South America, and Europe.I am also the lecturer in the Department of Geoarchaeology for the course “Laboratory Techniques in Geoarchaeology and Micromorphology,” providing hands-on, practical training in the creation of micromorphological thin sections to students of all levels. In collaboration with other members of the Geoarchaeology Working Group, I offer certification in these specialized laboratory methods to international researchers, students, and other archaeological professionals.  

I have long-standing collaborations with researchers from a variety of universities, such as Boston University, Cambridge University, and the Weissman Institute. As a specialist in these geoarchaeological techniques, I offer methodological consultation to both active field projects associated with the University of Tübingen and to international research projects, grants, and publications. I support master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and post-doctoral research as well.

I previously studied civil engineering and after I spent time working in the private and public sectors, focusing on project management and quality control of public works. Due to this geotechnical experience I transitioned to working as an archaeological technician specializing in excavation methods and laboratory management. I also have excavation experience, organizing and managing international archaeological projects. For example, I spent time excavating at Hohle fels and Volgelherd in Germany, Sibudu in South Africa and surveying at sites throughout Europe.

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