Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung

News Archive


New student assistant: Patricia Rubisch will join our lab from 12/2015

She will help us with the organisation and implementation of experiments in our psychophysical…

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New lab rotation student Peter Kraemer

We will get a new lab rotation student: Peter Kraemer is studying at the GTC Tübingen and will do…

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Ole Fortmann joined our lab as a student research assistant

Mainly he will assist us in pschophysical programming (MATLAB, PsychToolbox).

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Two new papers published in the Journal of Vision

"Testing the role of luminance edges in White’s illusion with contour adaptation" and "Noise masking…

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Two new essay rotation students: Sohpie Laturnus and Theresa Stadler

They are studying at the GTC Tübingen and will do their essay rotation in our lab from 09/2015.

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New lab rotation student Nicole Eichert

We will get a new lab rotation student: Nicole Eichert studying at the Graduate Training Center in…

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Workshop on Dynamic Modelling of Eye Movements

It will take place in Grenoble at the GIPSA-lab in October 2015.

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