Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Inaugural Event of CMEPS Program

The CMEPS program celebrated its inauguration on 25th November 2013 in the beautifully renovated Alte Aula

The keynote speeches by Prof. Dr Oliver Schlumberger, Director of the Institute of Political Science at Tübingen, Prof. Dr Josef Schmid, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science, and by Dr Renate Dieterich of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funding the CMEPS program, emphasized the importance and uniqueness of this international study program, whose graduates will not only be able to analyze the ongoing political transformations of the sensitive Middle East region on a sound scientific basis, but will also be prepared to actively contribute to the crafting of these transformations in their future professional careers. An informative presentation of the CMEPS program by academic coordinator Dr Tina Zintl was followed by the welcome of the incoming CMEPS students: They were called to the stage and briefly introduced with their academic and professional achievements to date, thus illustrating the exceptionally high academic capability and high motivation of the first CMEPS cohort. A thought-provoking lecture by world-known democratization expert Prof. Dr Dr h.c. mult. Philippe C. Schmitter on “The Nature of Democratization: Implications for the MENA Region” gave a stimulating taste of the study contents of the CMEPS program. The evening concluded with a drinks reception in festive atmosphere.

Faculty and CMEPS students on the AUC side could follow the event via lifestream. Students are already looking forward to the next winter term, when they will spend a semester abroad at the respective partner institution, and get to know the full CMEPS cohort in person, after having been in contact through the internet. A full video of the evening is also available at the following link: <link http: player ut_20131125_001_cmeps_0001 _blank>
