Silvia Amicone


Telefon: 49-(0)7071 29-76801

Raum: 014, Lothar-Meyer-Bau, Wilhelmstraße 56, D-72074 Tübingen






since April 2022
Research Scientist

At the University of Tübingen within the Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters (Faculty of Humanities) and Competence Center Archaeometry – Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW, Faculty of Science).

May 2019 - March 2022
Research Scientist

At the University of Tübingen within the Competence Center Archaeometry – Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW, Faculty of Science).

since August 2019
Honorary Research Associate

At the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL).

January - April 2019
Research Scientist

At the Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH (CEZA)

October 2017 - December 2018
Research Scientist

At the University of Tübingen within the Competence Center Archaeometry – Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW, Faculty of Science).

October 2016 - September 2017
Teaching@Tübingen Fellow University of Tübingen.



At University College London (UCL): Pottery technology at the dawn of the Metal Age: a view from Vinča Culture.

MSc (with distinction)

In Technology and Analysis of Archaeological Materials, University College London (UCL): Rediscovering Brockley Hill: a compositional and technological study of Verulamium region white ware.


Laurea Magistrale (2 years-MA, 110/110, cum laude) in Archaeology, Università degli Studi di Milano: I materiali degli ambienti dello scavo Adamesteanu 1951 a Manfria = The archaeological record from the Adamesteanu-excavation of 1951 at Manfria.


Laurea Triennale (BA, 110/110, cum laude) in Classics (Curriculum: History and archaeology of antiquities) Università degli Studi di Milano: Ippodamo a Rodi = Hippodamos in Rhodes.



Amicone, S. (forthcoming) Pottery technology at the dawn of the Metal Age: Exploring dynamics within Vinča material culture (Oxford: Archaeopress).


Amicone, S., Quinn, P. S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M. (eds.) 2019. Tracing Pottery Making Recipes in the Balkans 6th-4th Millennia BC (Oxford: Archaeopress). DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvndv954

Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. and Amicone, S. (eds.) 2019. Collapse or survival. Micro-dynamics of Crisis and Endurance in Ancient Central Mediterranean (Oxford: Oxbow). DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvqc6j5q


52) Amicone, S., Memmesheimer, A., Solard, B., Gur-Arieh, S., Rogier, M., Qarni, M.A., Seidler, J., Sconzo, P., Heinze, L., Morandi, L. F., Kiemle, T., Miller, C. E., Nickel, K. G., Berthold, C. (submitted) An interdisciplinary approach to the study of kiln firing: A case study from Campus Galli Open Air Museum (southern Germany). Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences

51) Boese, B., Amicone, S., Schön, F., Cantisani, E., Berthold, C. (submitted) Mortars in context: An integrated study of mortars and plasters from the so-called Ginnasio in Solunto (Sicily). Archaeometry

50) Amicone, S., (submitted) Analisi petrografiche di vasellame etrusco in bucchero da Arpi. In: AA.VV. Convegno Internazionale di Studi “Taras e Vatl. Rapporti tra Magna Grecia ed Etruria nel quadro dell’Italia preromana”.

49) Marić, M., Amicone, S., Bulatović, J., Marković, N., Mirković Marić, N. (submitted). Social Transformations in the late Neolithic of the liminal areas. A multidisciplinary approach from Idjoš Gradište site. In: Furholt, M., Hofmann, R., Kempf, M., Depaermentier, M., Hoffamnn, R., Szilágyi, K. (eds.) New Perspectives on Social and Cultural Diversity from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin. (Leiden: Sidestone Press)

48) Herr, J-J., Squitieri A., Amicone S. (submitted) Preliminary analysis of late 6th-mid-5th millennium BC pottery production at the Dinka Settlement Complex and Gird-i Rostam, Iraqi Kurdistan. Paléorient

47) Negroni Catacchio, N., Cardosa, M., Rossi, F., Vaccaro, C., Fabrizi, L., Taormina, J., Marrocchino, E., Frenken, M., Amicone, S. (accepted) Progetto “Paesaggi D’acque”. Lo scavo di Duna Feniglia (Orbetello, Gr): Prime indagini archeometriche e sviluppi futuri della ricerca. Bollettino di Archeologia Online.

46) Squitieri, A., Amicone, S., Dinckal, A., Miller, C.E., Rohde, J., Pietsch, S., Herr, J-J., Gur-Arieh, S., Altaweel, M. (2022). A multi-approach study of a Chalcolithic kiln in the Bora Plain (Iraqi Kurdistan): the evidence from excavation, micromorphological and pyro-technological analyses. Open Archaeology CiteScore: 1.3 DOI: 10.1515/opar-2022-0265

45) Squitieri, A., Herr, J-J, Amicone, S. (2022) Stone tools, techniques, and spaces for the pottery chaîne opératoire. The case of the pottery workshop of Gird-i Bazar (c. 1200 - 800 BC) in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan, Iraq. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 67, 101–443 Impact Factor: 2.312. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2022.101443

44) Orfanou, V., Amicone, S., Sava, V., O’Neill, B, Brown, L., Bruyere, C., Molloy, B.P.C. (2022) Forging a new world order? Interdisciplinary perspectives on the management of metalworking and ideological change in the Late Bronze Age Carpathian Basin. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory Impact Factor: 3.073. DOI: 10.1007/s10816-022-09566-6

43) Orsingher, A., Amicone, S. and Berthold, C. (2021) Archaeometric analysis of plastered installations from Tell el-Burak: methods and preliminary results. BAAL 21

42) Ch 14 Amicone, S. (2021). Belovode: technology of pottery production 208–220

41) Ch 29 Amicone, S. (2021). Pločnik: technology of pottery production. 381–393

40) Ch 43 Amicone, S., Radivojević, M., Quinn, P. S., Rehren, Th. (2021). Pottery technology at the dawn of metallurgy in the Vinča culture 553–566

39) Ch 48 Bonato, E., Rittner, M., Amicone, S. (2021). Geochemical characterisation of chipped stones from Belovode and Pločnik 581–584

In: Radivojević, M., Roberts, B. W., Marić, M., Kuzmanović-Cvetković, J. and Rehren, T. (eds.), The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, Organisation and Consumption of Early Metal in the Balkans (Oxford:Archaeopress). DOI: 10.32028/9781803270425

38) Koutouvaki, E., Amicone, S., Kristew, A., Ștefan, C. E., Berthold C. (2021) Shared traditions and shard conservatism: Pottery making at the Chalcolithic site of Radovanu (Romania). Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 13:206 Impact Factor: 2.063. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01417-x

37) Orsingher, A., Kamlah, J., Sader, H., Schmitt, A., Amicone, S. and Berthold, C. (2021). Making, Trading and Consuming Phoenician Wine. ANE Today 9 (9).

36) Amicone, S., Forte, V., Solard, B., Berthold C., Memmesheimer, A., Mirković-Marić, N. (2021) Playing with fire: Exploring ceramic pyrotechnology in Late Neolithic Balkans through an archaeometric and an experimental approach. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. CiteScore: 2.9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102878

35) Amicone, S., Morandi, L. F., Gur-Arieh, S. (2021) “Seeing shit”: assessing the visibility of dung tempering in ancient pottery using an experimental approach. Journal of Environmental Archaeology 26(4), 423–438. Impact Factor: 1.540. DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2020.1852758

34) Amicone, S. (2020) Chapter D2. Petrographic analysis on Iron Age pottery from Graves 101 and 109, 93–94.

33) Rehren, Th., Jemmali, R., Amicone, S. and Berthold C. (2020) Chapter E. Micro-CT study of the “Bodkin type” arrowhead from Gird-i Bazar, 132–134.

32) Squitieri, A., Altaweel, M., Amicone, S., Herr, J.-J., Pietsch S. and Rohde, J. (2020) Chapter I. A Chalcolithic kiln in the Bora Plain, 190–191.

In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2019: Further Archaeological and Geophysical Work on Qalat-i Dinka and in the Lower Town. (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag).

31) Orsingher, A., Amicone, S., Kamlah, J., Sader, H. and Berthold, C. (2020). Phoenician lime for Phoenician wine. Iron Age plaster from a wine press at Tell el-Burak, Lebanon. Antiquity 94 (377): 1224–1244. Impact Factor: 1.656. DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2020.4.

30) Amicone, S., Freund, K., Mancini, P., D’Oriano, R., Berthold, C. (2020) New Insights into Early Iron Age Connections between Sardinia and Etruria: Archaeometric Analyses of Ceramics from Tavolara. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33. CiteScore: 2.9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102452

29) Amicone, S., Raj Mathur, A., Rengasamy, D. P., Mirković-Marić, N., Pantović, I., Kuzmanović-Cvetković, J. (2020). Beneath the surface: Exploring variability in pottery paste recipes within Vinča culture, Serbia. Quaternary International 560–561, 86–101. CiteScore: 2.19; Impact Factor: 2.003.DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.04.017

28) Amicone, S., Radivojević, M., Quinn, P. S., Berthold, C. and Rehren, Th. (2020). Pyrotechnological Connections? Re-investigating the Link between Pottery Firing Technology and the Origins of Metallurgy in the Vinča Culture, Serbia. Journal of Archaeological Science 118, 105–123. CiteScore: 5.3; Impact Factor: 2.787. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105123

27) Amicone, S., Croce, E., Castellano, L., Vezzoli, G. (2020). Building Forcello. Etruscan wattle and daub technique in the Po Plain (Bagnolo San Vito-Mantua, northern Italy). Archaeometry 62 (3), 521–537. Impact Factor: 1.519. DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12535

26) Heinze, L., Picht, L., Schimpf, M. and Amicone S. (2019). Delicate Banded Ware. The Levantine Ceramics Project, DOI:

25) Schön, F., Amicone, S., Berthold, C., Boese, B. and König, T. P. (2019). Archaeometric data for the urbanistic development of Solunto (Sicily/Italy) - The Casa di Arpocrate. First results of the Tübingen-Mortar-Project. In: Adornato, G. and Trümper, M. (eds.), Cityscapes of Hellenistic Sicily: A Reassessment. Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin, 15-18 June 2017 (Roma: Edizioni Quasar), 111–126.

24) Lambrugo, C., Heinze, L. and Amicone, S. (2019). Back to Manfria: Continuity or disruption in the countryside of Gela in the fourth century BC. In: Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. and Amicone, S. (eds), Collapse or survival? Micro-dynamics of Crisis Change and Socio-political Endurance in the Late Prehistoric and Early Roman Central Mediterranean (Oxford: Oxbow), 57–80. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvqc6j5q.10

23) Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. and Amicone, S. (2019). Introduction. Collapse or survival? Crisis and social change in the ancient central Mediterranean. In: Perego, E., Scopacasa, R. and Amicone, S. (eds), Collapse or survival? Micro-dynamics of Crisis Change and Socio-political Endurance in the Late Prehistoric and Early Roman Central Mediterranean (Oxford: Oxbow), 1–28. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvqc6j5q.7

22) Freund, K., Amicone, S., Berthold, C., Tykot, R. H., Veronesi, U. and Manunza, M. R. (2019). Early Metallurgy in Sardinia: Characterizing the Evidence from Su Coddu. Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(12), 6595–6602. Impact Factor: 2.063. DOI: 10.1007/s12520-019-00928-y

21) Berthold, C., Fischer J. and Amicone, S. (2019). Chapter G3. Egyptian faience and Naples Yellow: Results of the archaeometric analysis of a sintered quartz ceramic sample from Qalat-i Dinka. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2018: Continuing the Excavations at Qalat-i Dinka and the Lower Town. (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 125.

20) Amicone, S. (2019). Chapter G2. Petrographic analyses of selected 2018 pottery from Qalat-i Dinka. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2018: Continuing the Excavations at Qalat-i Dinka and the Lower Town. (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 124.

19) Amicone, S. (2019). Introduction. Tracing Pottery Making Recipes in the Balkans 6th-4th Millennia BC. In: Amicone, S., Quinn, P. S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M., (eds), Tracing Pottery Making Recipes in the Balkans 6th-4th Millennia BC (Oxford: Archaeopress), 1–7. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvndv954.7

18) Mirković-Marić, N. and Amicone, S. (2019). Technological Variances between Tisza and Vinča Pottery. In: Amicone, S., Quinn, P. S., Marić, M., Mirković-Marić, N., Radivojević, M., (eds), Tracing Pottery Making Recipes in the Balkans 6th-4th Millennia BC (Oxford: Archaeopress), 96–112. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvndv954.14

17) Sommer, U., Amicone, S. and Chernysheva, E. (2019). Micro- and Macroarchaeology - How can the two be combined? In: Palincaş, N. and Ponta, C. C. (eds), Bridging Science and Heritage. Proceedings of the 5th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry 25th-29th Sept. 2016, Sinaia, Romania (Oxford: Archaeopress), 1–15.

16) Peinetti, A., Amicone, S., Angelucci, D., Aprile, G., Bortolami, F., Castellano, L., Cavulli, F., Croce, E, D’Oronzo, C., Dumont, F., Fiorentino, G., Fronza, G., Gaj, G., Moffa, C., Muntoni, I. M., Pedrotti, A., Ricciardi, M. P., Rottoli, M., Speciale, C., Tasca, G., Veca, C., Venturino and M., Vezzoli, G. (2018). Le torchis dans l’architecture italienne du Néolithique à l’âge du fer: synthèse actualisèe des données archéologiques. In: de Chazelles, C.-A, Leal, E., Klein, A. (eds.), Construction en terre crue. Torchis, techniques de garnissage et de finition. Architecture et mobilier. Échanges transdisciplinaires sur les constructions en terre crue (Montpellier: èditions de l’Espérou), 137–160.

15) Amicone, S. (2018). Chapter F2. Petrographic analysis on the DLT2 pottery. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2017. The Final Season at Gird-Bazar and First Work in the Lower Town. Plain Project Publications 3 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 134–139.

14) Amicone, S. (2018). Chapter D12.2 The pottery kiln in Room 31. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri, A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2017. The Final Season at Gird-Bazar and First Work in the Lower Town. Plain Project Publications 3 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 79–82.

13) Amicone, S. (2018). Chapter D11. The central part of Outdoor Area 8: the pyrotechnical installation. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri, A. (eds.), The Dinka Settlement Complex 2017. The Final Season at Gird-Bazar and First Work in the Lower Town. Plain Project Publications 3 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 74–78.

12) Russo, G., Amicone, S., Berthold, Ch., Sillar, R. and Sconzo, P. (2018). Early Bronze Age painted wares from Tell el-'Abd, Syria: A compositional and technological study. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports (21), 359–366. CiteScore: 2.9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.08.005

11) Amicone, S. (2017). Chapter E2. Petrographic analysis of the 2015-2016 pottery from Gird-i Bazar. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), Unearthing the Dinka Settlement Complex. The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka. Peshdar Plain Project Publications 2 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 128–138.

10) Amicone, S. (2017). Chapter D6.1. The pottery kiln. In: Radner, K., Kreppner, F. J. and Squitieri A. (eds.), Unearthing the Dinka Settlement Complex. The 2016 Season at Gird-i Bazar and Qalat-i Dinka. Peshdar Plain Project Publications 2 (Gladbeck: PeWe-Verlag), 77–82.

9) Amicone, S. (2016). Rediscovering the ‘fattoria officina’ of Manfria (Gela): Towards a new chronological and functional interpretation of the site. Accordia Research Papers 14, 123–154.

8) Amicone, S. and Quinn, P. S. (2015). Verulamium region white ware production at the Roman kiln site of Brockley Hill, Middlesex: A compositional and technological reassessment. Journal of Roman Pottery Studies 16, 1–22.

7) Amicone, S. (2015). Fourth-century BC black and red gloss pottery from Iasos: A technological approach. In: Gürtekin-Demir, G., Cevizoğlu, H., Polat, J., Polat, G. (eds.), Keramos. Ceramics: a cultural approach (Ankara: Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları), 25–39.

6) Amicone, S. and Lown, O. J. (2015). Review of the Accordia Lectures 2014–2015. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 25(2), 1–10. DOI:

5) Croce, E., Amicone, S., Castellano, L. and Vezzoli, G. (2014). Analisi di una tecnica edilizia in terra cruda nell'insediamento etrusco-padano del Forcello di Bagnalo San Vito (MN) [Analysis of an earthern building technique in the Etruscan-Padan settlement of Forcello di Bagnolo San Vito]. Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 22, 137–160.

4) Amicone, S., Fenn, N., Heinze, L. and Schneider, G. (2014). Cooking pottery in Priene: Imports and local productions from Late Classical to Late Hellenistic times. Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde 25, 1–26.

3) Amicone, S. (2014). Uno studio composizionale e tecnologico dei pithoi di Jazzo Fornasiello: risultati preliminari [A compositional and technological study of pithoi from Jazzo Fornasiello: preliminary results]. In: Castoldi, M. (ed.), Iazzo Fornasiello (Gravina in Puglia) dati preliminari (Bari: Edipuglia), 125–131.

2) Amicone, S. (2014). Review of the workshop ‘Tracing pottery making recipes in the Balkans, 6th – 4th millennium BC’. The Old Potter’s Almanack 19(2), 30–31. DOI: 10.11588/OPA.2014.2.18271

1) Mailland, I., Peroschi, M. E., Amicone, S., Mailland, F. and Anati, E. (2009). A pre-pottery Neolithic B site at Har Karkom (Negev Israel): Report on the HK/361 site. Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici 35, 51–72.