Animal Evolutionary Ecology group
Anthes, N., Staggenborg, J. and Handschuh, M. (2024). Spatial and temporal variation in farmland bird nesting ecology: Implications for effective Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra conservation. Preprint on bioRxiv, 2024.09.02.610792 (currently under review).
John, L., Santon, M. and Michiels, N.K. (2024). Scorpionfish adjust skin pattern contrast on different backgrounds. Ecology and Evolution 14, e11124.
Rieger, M.R., Grüneberg, C., Oberhaus, M., Trautmann, S., Parepa, M. and Anthes, N. (2024). Analysing bird population trends from monitoring data with highly structured sampling designs. Preprint on bioRxiv, 2024.06.30.601382 (currently under review).
Staggenborg, J., Back, K., Debatin, F., Grom, J., Hielscher, S., Schneider, S. et al. (2024). Feldvogelschutz am Beispiel der Grauammer – Erkenntnisse aus großräumigen Untersuchungen zu Raumnutzung und Brutbiologie. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Bad.-Württ. 81, 1-78.
Animal Evolutionary Ecology group
Anger, F., Förschler, M. I. & Anthes, N. (2023). Variation in reproductive success in a fragmented Meadow Pipit population: a role for vegetation succession? Journal of Ornithology. 10.1007/s10336-023-02121-4
John, L., Santon, M. & Michiels, N. K. (2023). Scorpionfish rapidly change color in response to their background. Frontiers in Zoology
Schöffski, N., Anthes, N., Harry, I. & Anger, F. (2023). Breeding success of Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) in different habitats in the southern Black Forest [in german]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 39: 23-35.
Santon, M., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Michiels, N. K. & Anthes, N. (2023). A versatile workflow for linear modelling in R. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1065273.
Anthes, N., Hammerschmidt, A., Koch, A. E., Hielscher, S. & Staggenborg, J. (2022). Raumnutzung und Neststandorte der Grauammer im Raum Creglingen. Faun. u. flor. Mitt. Taubergrund, 33, 41-67.
Bamann, T., Anthes, N. & Stork, N. (2022). Der Libellen-Schmetterlingshaft in Südwestdeutschland. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 54, 14-23.
Hermann, S., P. Detzel, T. Bamann & N. Anthes (2022): Association between mowing regimes and abundance of the Bull Bush Cricket (Polysarcus denticauda). Articulata 37: 83-102.
Krais, S., Anthes, N., Huppertsberg, S., Knepper, T. P., Peschke, K., Ruhl, A. S., Schmieg, H., Schwarz, T., Köhler, H.-R. & Triebskorn, R. (2022). Polystyrene Microplastics Modulate the Toxicity of the Hydrophilic Insecticide Thiacloprid for Chironomid Larvae and Also Influence Their Burrowing Behavior. Microplastics, 1, 505-519.
Staggenborg, J. & Anthes, N. (2022). Long‐term fallows rate best among agri‐environment scheme effects on farmland birds — A meta‐analysis. Conservation Letters, e12904.
- Hölzinger, J. & H.-G. Bauer, unter Mitarbeit von N. Anthes et al. (2021): Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs, Band 2.1.2 - Nicht-Singvögel 1.3, Greifvögel. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Rieger, M., Mailänder, S., Stier, L., Santon, M. & Staggenborg, J. (2021): Optimizing flower fields as an effective farmland eco-scheme also during non-breeding. J. Applied Ecol.
- Santon, M., Deiss, F., Bitton, P.-P., & Michiels, N. K. (2020). A context analysis of bobbing and fin-flicking in a smalll marine benthic fish. Ecology and Evolution
- Neiße, N., Santon, M., Bitton, P.-P., & Michiels, N. K. (2020). Small benthic fish strike at prey over distances that fall within theoretical predictions for active sensing using light. Journal of Fish Biology doi/10.1111/jfb.14502
- Anger, F., Dorka, U., Anthes, N., Dreiser, C. & Förschler, M. I. (2020). Population decline and habitat use of the Alpine Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus alpestris in the Northern Black Forest (Baden-Württemberg) [in German]. Ornithol. Beob. 117, 38-51.
- Beier, J., N. Anthes, J. Wahl, K. Harvati (2020). Prevalence of cranial trauma in Eurasian Upper Paleolithic humans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, in press.
Santon, M., Bitton, P.-P., Dehm, J., Fritsch, R., Harant, U. K., Anthes, N. & Michiels, N. K. (2020). Redirection of ambient light improves predator detection in a diurnal fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287, 20192292 [Featured in J. Exp. Biol.)
- Anthes, N., Götz, H. & Handschuh, M. (2019): Expanding north? Putting the first German breeding record of Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala into context. Vogelwelt 139: 31-38 .
- Bitton, P.-P., Yun Christmann, S.A., Santon M., Harant, U.K. & Michiels, N. K. (2019): Visual modelling supports the potential for prey detection by means of diurnal active photolocation in a small cryptobenthic fish. Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44529-0
- Dellwisch, B., Schmid, F. & Anthes, N. (2019): Habitat use of farmland birds during the non-breeding season in the context of the EU agricultural policy [in German]. Vogelwarte 57: 31-45.
- Pärssinen, V., Kalb, N., Vallon, M., Anthes, N. & Heubel, K. 2019. Male and female preferences for nest characteristics under paternal care. Ecology and Evolution.
- Santon, M., Münch, T.A. & Michiels, N. K. (2019): The contrast sensitivity function of a small cryptobenthic marine fish. Jounal of Vision doi:10.1167/19.2.1
- Anthes, N. & J. Staggenborg (2018): Die Grauammer als Leitart - Schutzkonzept für Vögel der Agrarlandschaft. Falke 9/2018: 22-24.
- Beier, J., N. Anthes, J. Wahl & K. Harvati (2018): Similar cranial trauma prevalence among Neanderthals and Upper Palaeolithic modern humans. Nature (in press).
- Furtwängler, A., ... N. Anthes, ... J.Krause et al. (2018): Ratio of mitochondrial to nuclear DNA affects contamination estimates in ancient DNA analysis. Scientific Reports 8: 14075.
- Harant, U.K., M. Santon, P.-P. Bitton, F. Wehrberger, T. Griessler, M.G. Meadows, C.M. Champ & N.K. Michiels (2018): Do the fluorescent red eyes of the marine fish Tripterygion delaisi stand out? In situ and in vivo measurements at two depths. Ecology and Evolution 8: 4685-4694.
- Hely, M., N. Anthes & T. Bamann (2018): Early mowing supports the Tufted Skipper (Carcharodus flocciferus) in southwest Germany [in German]. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 12/2018 (in press)
Hölzinger, J. & H.-G. Bauer, unter Mitarbeit von N. Anthes et al. (2018): Die Vögel Baden Württembergs, Band 2.1.1 - Nicht-Singvögel 1.2, Entenvögel. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
- Mück, I. & Heubel, K. U. (2018): Ecological variation along the salinity gradient in the Baltic Sea Area and its consequences for reproduction in the common goby. Current Zoology
- Michiels, N. K., Seeburger V. C., Kalb, N., Meadows M. G., Anthes, N., Mailli, A. A. & Jack, C.B. (2018): Controlled iris radiance in a diunal fish looking at prey. Royal Society Open Science
- Santon, M., Bitton, P.-P., Harant, U. K. & Michiels, N. K. (2018): Daytime eyeshine contributes to pupil camouflage in a cryptobenthic marine fish. Scientific Reports
- Anthes, N., Boschert M. & Daniels-Trautner J. (2017): Breeding range and population trend of the Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra in Baden-Württemberg [in German]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 33:27-44.
- Bitton, P.-P., Harant, U.K., Fritsch, R., Champ, C.M., Temple, S.E., Michiels, N.K. (2017): Red fluorescence of the triplefin Tripterygion delaisi is increasingly visible against background light with increasing depth Royal Society Open Acces DOI: 10.1098/rsos.161009
- de Jong, K., Amorim,M.C.P, Fonseca, P.J., Fox, C.J. & Heubel, K.U. (2017): Noise can affect acoustic communication and subsequent spawning success in fish. Environmental Pollution.
- Fritsch, R., Collin, S. P., & Michiels, N. K. (2017): Anatomical Analysis of the Retinal Specializations to a Crypto-Benthic, Micro-Predatory Lifestyle in the Mediterranean Triplefin Blenny Tripterygion delaisi. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
- Harant, U., Michiels N.K. (2017): Fish with red fluorescent eyes forage more efficiently under dim, blue-green light conditions BMC Ecology
- Fritsch, R., Ullmann, J.F.P., Bitton, P.P., Collin, S.P., Michiels, N.K. (2017): Optic-nerve-transmitted eyeshine, a new type of light emission from fish eyes. Frontiers in Zoology 2017
- Seidt, M., S. Geißler-Strobel, M. Kramer, R. Kratzer, F. Straub & N. Anthes (2017): Population size and management of the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix in the administrative district of Tübingen [in German]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 33:3-12.
- Vallon, M. & K.U. Heubel (2017): Egg density and salinity influence filial cannibalism in common gobies. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 71: 159.
- Anthes, N., Häderer, I.K., Michiels, N.K. & Janicke, T. (2016): Measuring and interpreting sexual selection metrics – evaluation and guidelines. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, in press.
- Anthes, N., Theobald, J., Gerlach, T., Meadows, M.G. & Michiels, N.K. (2016): Diversity and Ecological Correlates of Red Fluorescence in Marine Fishes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 126.
- Blom, E.-L., Mück, I., Heubel, K. & Svensson, O. (2016): Acoustic and visual courtship traits in two sympatric marine Gobiidae species – Pomatoschistus microps and Pomatoschistus minutus. Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press.
- De Jong, K., Schulte G., Heubel K.U. (2016): The noise egg: a cheap and simple device to produce low-frequency underwater noise for laboratory and field experiments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2016 doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12653
- Gerlach, T., Theobald, J., Hart, N. S., Collin, S. P. & Michiels, N. K. (2016): Fluorescence characterisation and visual ecology of pseudocheilinid wrasses. Frontiers in Zoology 13, 1-8.
- Harant U.K., Michiels N.K., Anthes N., Meadows M.G. (2016): The consistent difference in red fluorescence in fishes across a 15 m depth gradient is triggered by ambient brightness, not by ambient spectrum. BMC Research Notes 9:1-10.
- Häderer I.K., Michiels N.K. (2016): Successful Operant Conditioning of Marine Fish in Their Natural Environment. Copeia 104:380-386.
- Janicke T., Häderer I.K., Lajeunesse M.J., Anthes N. (2016): Darwinian sex roles confirmed across the animal kingdom. Science Advances 2: e1500983.
- Kalb, N., Lindström, K., Sprenger, D., Anthes, N. & Heubel, K. U. (2016): Male personality and female spawning consistency in a goby with exclusive male care. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 70: 683-693.
- Vallon, M., Anthes, N., and Heubel, K.U. (2016): Water mold infection but not paternity induces selective filial cannibalism in a goby. Ecology and Evolution 6: 7221–7229 .
- Vallon M, Grom C, Kalb N, Sprenger D, Anthes N, Lindström K, Heubel KU (2016): You eat what you are: personality-dependent filial cannibalism in a fish with paternal care. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1340–1352.
- Vallon M, Heubel KU (2016): Old but gold: males preferentially cannibalize young eggs. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 70: 569-573.
- Böhler, E., M. Seidt, N. Anthes, F. Straub & G. Hermann (2015): Habitatpräferenzen der Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata) im Waldgebiet Rammert und Konsequenzen für den Schutz der Art. Z. Feldherpetol. 22: 1-20.
- Gühmann M, Jia H, Randel N, Verasztó C, Bezares-Calderón Luis A, Michiels Nico K, Yokoyama S, Jékely G (2015): Spectral Tuning of Phototaxis by a Go-Opsin in the Rhabdomeric Eyes of Platynereis. Curr Biol 25:2265-2271.
- Kalb, N., Schneider, R., Sprenger, D. & Michiels, N. (2015): The red-fluorescing marine fish Tripterygion delaisi can perceive its own red fluorescent color. Ethology 121: 566-576.
- Prinzinger, R., H.-G. Bauer, W. Schmid, N. Anthes & U. Mahler (2015): Nachruf & Bibliografie Dr. Jochen Hölzinger. Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 31: 1-30.
- Anthes, N., J. Werminghausen & R. Lange (2014): Large donors transfer more sperm, but depletion is faster in a promiscuous hermaphrodite. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol 68:477-483.
- Braun, C., N.K. Michiels, U.E. Siebeck & D. Sprenger (2014): Signalling function of long wavelength colours during agonistic male-male interactions in the wrasse Coris julis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 504: 277-286.
- Fritzsche, K., Timmermeyer, N., Wolter, M. & Michiels, N. K. (2014): Female, but not male, nematodes evolve under experimental sexual coevolution. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 281: 20140942
- Gerlach, T., D. Sprenger & N.K. Michiels (2014): Fairy wrasses perceive and respond to their deep red fluorescent coloration. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 281: 20140787.
- Lange, R., J. Werminghausen & N. Anthes (2014): Cephalo-traumatic secretion transfer in a hermaphrodite sea slug. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Lond. B. 281: . doi10.1098/rspb.2013.2424.
- Meadows, M. G., Anthes, N., Dangelmayer, S., Alwany, M. A., Gerlach, T., Schulte, G., Sprenger, D., Theobald, J. & Michiels, N. K. (2014): Red fluorescence increases with depth in reef fishes, supporting a visual function, not UV protection. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 281: 20141211.
- Reinhardt, K., N. Anthes & R. Lange (2014): Copulatory Wounding and Traumatic Insemination. In: W.R.Rice & S.Gavrilets (eds.) The Genetics and Biology of Sexual Conflict. A subject collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. CSH Press, New York
- Wucherer, M.F. & N.K. Michiels (2014): Regulation of red fluorescent light emission in a cryptic marine fish. Frontiers in Zoology 11: 1.
- Lange, R. , J. Werminghausen, N. Anthes (2013): Does traumatic secretion transfer manipulate mating roles or reproductive output in a hermaphroditic sea slug? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 67: 1239-1247.
- Lange, R., K. Reinhardt, N.K. Michiels & N. Anthes (2013: Functions, diversity, and evolution of traumatic mating. Biological Reviews 88: 585-601.
- Lehtonen J, Schmidt DJ, Heubel K, Kokko, H. (2013): Evolutionary and ecological implications of sexual parasitism. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28:297-306.
- Otti, O., McTighe, A. & Reinhardt, K. (2013): In vitro antimicrobial sperm protection by an ejaculate-like substance. Funct. Ecol 27: 219-226
- Reinhardt, K. (2013): Clinical evidence of symptoms of bed bug bites. Br. Med. J. rr/631795
- Reinhardt, K., Ribou, A.-C. (2013): Females become infertile as the stored sperm's oxygen radicals increase. Scientific Reports 3: 2888
- Reinhardt, K., Dowling, D.K., Morrow, E.H. (2013): Mitochondrial Replacement, Evolution, and the Clinic. Science 341: 1345-1346
- Sánchez Navarro, B., Jokela, J., Michiels, N. K., D'Souza, T.G. (2013): Population genetic structure of parthenogenetic flatworm populations with occasional sex Freshwater Biology. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12070
- Seidel C., Reinhardt, K. (2013): Bugging forecast: Unknown, disliked, occasionally intimate. Bed bugs in Germany meet unprepared people. PLoS ONE 8:e51083
- Vowinkel, K. & N. Anthes (2012): Revierdichten und Bestand des Gartenrotschwanzes in Baden-Württemberg 2011. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 28: 73-92.
- Werminghausen J., R. Lange & N. Anthes (2013): Seeking a Sex-Specific Coolidge Effect in a Simultaneous Hermaphrodite. Ethology 119: 541-551.
2012 and earlier
- Gassner, P., D. Sprenger & N. Anthes (2012): Red Sea butterflyfish responds to changing coral cover. Biodiv. Science 6 (Apr 2012).
- Kokko, H. and Heubel, K.U. (in press 2012): On depending on fish for a living, and other difficulties of living sustainably, in: K. Sterelny, R. Joyce, B. Calcott, and B. Fraser (Eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution, MIT press.
- Lange, R., J. Beninde, V. Reichel, J. Werminghausen, T. Gerlach & N. Anthes (2012): Copulation duration does not predict sperm transfer in a marine hermaphrodite. Animal Behaviour.
- Lange R et al. (2012): Female Fitness Optimum at Intermediate Mating Rates under Traumatic Mating. PLoS One 7(8): e43234.
- Reinhardt, K, Otti, O. (2012): Comparing sperm swimming speed. Evol Ecol Res., in press
- Ribou, A.-C., Reinhardt, K. (2012): Reduced metabolic rate and oxygen radicals production in stored insect sperm. Proc R Soc Lond B 279: 2196-2203.
- Schulte, R.D., B. Hasert, C. Makus, N.K. Michiels, H. Schulenburg (2012): Increased responsiveness in feeding behaviour of Caenorhabditis elegans after experimental coevolution with its microparasite Bacillus thuringiensis. Biol. Lett. 8:234-236
- Sprenger, D., Dingemanse, N.J., Dochtermann, N.A., Theobald, J. Walker, S.P.W. (2012): Aggressive females become aggressive males in a sex-changing reef fish. Ecology Letters 15(9):986-992.
- Wucherer MF, Michiels NK (2012) A fluorescent chromatophore changes the level of fluorescence in a reef fish. PLoS ONE 7(6): e37913
- Boehnisch, C, Wong, D, Habig, M, Isermann, K, Michiels, NK, Roeder, T, May, RC, Schulenburg, H (2011): Protist-Type Lysozymes of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Contribute to Resistance against Pathogenic Bacillus thuringiensis. PLOS ONE 6(9): e24619.
- Dobler, R. & Kölliker, M., (2011): Influence of weight asymmetry and kinship on siblicidal and cannibalistic behaviour in earwigs, Animal Behaviour
- Hammerschmidt K, Pemberton AJ, Michiels NK, Bishop, JDD (2011): Differential maternal allocation following mixed insemination contributes to variation in oocyte size in a sea squirt. Marine Ecology Progress Series 422:123-128.
- Kokko H., Heubel K.U. (2011): Prudent males, group adaptation, and the tragedy of the commons. Oikos 120:641-656.
- Reinhardt, K., Naylor, R. & Siva-Jothy, M. T. (2011) Male mating rate is constrained by seminal fluid availability in bed bugs, Cimex lectularius. PLoS ONE 6:7e22082.
- Schulte RD, Carsten Makus, Barbara Hasert, Nico K. Michiels, and Hinrich Schulenburg (2011): Host-parasite local adaptation after experimental coevolution of Caenorhabditis elegans and its microparasite Bacillus thuringiensis. Proc R Soc B 278: 2832-2839.
- Sprenger, D., R. Lange & N. Anthes (2011). Population density and group size effects on reproductive behavior in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. BMC Evol. Biol. 11: 107
- Wong Janine WY, Nico K Michiels (2011): Control of social monogamy through aggression in a hermaphroditic shrimp. Frontiers in Zoology 2011, 8:30.
- Anthes, N., P. David, D. Sprenger et al. (2010): Bateman Gradients in Hermaphrodites: An Extended Approach to Quantify Sexual Selection. The American Naturalist 176:249-263 [full text]
- Anthes, N. (2010): Mate choice and reproductive conflict in simultaneous hermaphrodites. In: P.M. Kappeler (ed) Animal Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms. Springer Verlag (in press).
- D'Souza, T. G., and N. K. Michiels. (2010): The Costs and Benefits of Occasional Sex: Theoretical Predictions and a Case Study. J Hered 101:S34-41.
- Schleicherova D, Lorenzi MC, Sella G, Michiels NK (2010): Gender expression and group size: a test in a hermaphroditic and a gonochoric congeneric species of Ophryotrocha (Polychaeta) J Exp Biol 213, 1586-1590 [full text], DOI:10.1242/jeb.041814
- Schulte RD, Makus C, Hasert B, Michiels NK, Schulenburg H (2010): Multiple reciprocal adaptations and rapid genetic change upon experimental coevolution of an animal host and its microbial parasite. PNAS (online before print) [full text], DOI:10.1073/pnas.1003113107
- Siebeck, U. E., A. N. Parker, D. Sprenger, L. M. Mäthger, and G. Wallis. 2010. A Species of Reef Fish that Uses Ultraviolet Patterns for Covert Face Recognition. Current Biology 20:407-410. [full text], DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2009.12.047
- Sprenger, D., R. Lange, N.K. Michiels & N. Anthes (2010): Sources of phenotypic variance in egg and larval traits in a marine invertebrate. Evolutionary Ecology 24: 185-194 [full text], DOI:10.1007/s10682-009-9300-x
- Timmermeyer N., Gerlach T, Guempel C. et al. (2010): The function of copulatory plugs in Caenorhabditis remanei: hints for female benefits. Frontiers in Zoology 7: 28.
- Velavan TP, Schulenburg H, Michiels NK (2010): Detection of multiple infections by Monocystis strains in a single earthworm host using ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequence variation. Parasitology 137: 45-51.
- Baele G., N. Bredeche, E. Haasdijk, S. Maere, N.K. Michiels, Y. Van de Peer, T. Schmickl, C. Schwarzer, R. Thenius (2009):
- Open-ended On-board Evolutionary Robotics for Robot Swarms. Proc. 11th Congress Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway: 1123-1130. ISBN:978-1-4244-2958-5.
- Bedhomme, S., G. Bernasconi, J.M. Koene, A. Lankinen, H.S. Arathi, N.K. Michiels, N. Anthes (2009): How does breeding system variation modulate sexual antagonism? Biol. Lett. 5: 717-720 [full text]
- D'Souza TG & N.K. Michiels (2009): Sex in parthenogenetic planarians: Phylogenetic relic or evolutionary resurrection? In: I. Schön, K. Martens & P. van Dijk (eds.) Lost Sex. Springer Verlag (in press)
- Häderer, I.K., J. Werminghausen, N.K. Michiels, N. Timmermeyer, N. Anthes (2009): No effect of mate novelty on sexual motivation in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Frontiers in Zoology 6: 23. [free full text]
- Michiels, N.K., P.H. Crowley & N.Anthes (2009): Accessory male investment can undermine the evolutionary stability of simultaneous hermaphroditism. Biol. Lett. 5: 709-712. [free full text]
- Sánchez Navarro, Michiels, Köhler and D’Souza (2009): Differential expression of heat shock protein 70 in relation to stress type in the flatworm Schmidtea polychroa. Hydrobiologia 636: 393-400. [full text]
- Sprenger, D., R. Lange, N.K. Michiels & N. Anthes (2009): The role of body size in early mating behavior in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, Chelidonura sandrana. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol 63: 953-958. [full text], DOI: 10.1007/s00265-009-0738-1
- Velavan TP, Sahm S, Schulenburg H, Michiels NK (2009): High genetic diversity and heterogeneous parasite load in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris on a German meadow. Soil Biol Biochem 41: 1591-1595 [full text], DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2009.03.026
- Anthes, N., H. Schulenburg & N.K. Michiels (2008): Evolutionary links between reproductive morphology and mating behaviour in opisthobranch gastropods. Evolution 62: 900-916. [full text], DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00326.x
- Anthes, N., T. Fartmann & G. Hermann (2008): The Duke of Burgundy butterfly and its dukedom: larval niche variation in Hamearis lucina across Central Europe. J. Insect Cons. 12: 3-14. [full text], DOI: 10.1007/s10841-007-9084-7
- D'Souza TG, Bellenhaus V, Wesselmann R, Michiels NK (2008): Sperm length and sperm fertility in sperm-dependent parthenogens. Biol. J. Linnean Soc., Volume: 91, Number: 1, Pages: 81-87 [full text], DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2007.00913.x
- D'Souza & Michiels (2008): Correlation between genotypic diversity and fitness across parthenogenetic flatworm populations. J. Evol. Biol., 21: 276-286. [full text], DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01446.x
- Gagern, A., T. Schürg, N. Michiels, G. Schulte, D. Sprenger, N. Anthes (2008): Behavioural response to interference competition in a sessile suspension feeder. Marine Ecology Progress Series 353: 131-135. [full text], DOI: 10.3354/meps07204
- Michiels N.K., Nils Anthes, Nathan S. Hart, Juergen Herler, Alfred J. Meixner, Frank Schleifenbaum, Gregor Schulte, Ulrike E. Siebeck, Dennis Sprenger and Matthias F. Wucherer (2008): Red fluorescence in reef fish: a novel signalling mechanism? BMC Ecology Volume 8:16 [free full text], DOI: 10.1186/1472-6785-8-16
- Novo M. , Velavan T.P., Almodóvar A., Schulenburg H., Díaz-Cosín D.J., & Michiels N.K. (2008): Microsatellite markers for the drought-resistant earthworm Hormogaster elisae Molecular Ecology Resources [full text], DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2008.02105.x
- Pujol N, Zugasti O, Wong D, Couillault C, Kurz CL, Schulenburg H, Ewbank JJ (2008): Anti-fungal innate immunity in C. elegans is enhanced by evolutionary diversification of antimicrobial peptides. PLoS Pathogens, 4(7) [full text] ,DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000105
- Putz, A., N.K. Michiels & N. Anthes (2008): Mating behaviour of the sperm trading sea slug Chelidonura hirundinina: repeated sex role alternation balances reciprocity. Ethology, 114: 85-94 [full text], DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2007.01440.x
- Schulenburg H, Boehnisch C (2008): Diversification and adaptive sequence evolution of Caenorhabditis lysozymes (Nematoda: Rhabditidae). BMC-Evol. Biol. 8:114 [full text], DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-8-114
- Schulenburg H, Hoeppner MP, Weiner III J, Bornberg-Bauer E (2008): Specificity of the innate immune system and diversity of C-type lectin domain (CTLD) proteins in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Immunobiol. 213:237-250. [full text], DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2007.12.004
- Sprenger, D., N. Anthes & N.K. Michiels (2008): Multiple mating affects offspring size in the opisthobranch Chelidonura sandrana. Marine Biology 153: 891-897 [full text], DOI: 10.1007/s00227-007-0861-3
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Bruvo R, Michiels NK, D'Souza TG, Schulenburg H (2004):
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D'Souza TG, Storhas M, Schulenburg H, Beukeboom LW, Michiels NK (2004):
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Schulenburg H, Ewbank JJ (2004):
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Norbert Pongratz, Martin Storhas, Salvador Carranza and Nicolaas K Michiels (2003)
Phylogeography of competing sexual and parthenogenetic forms of a freshwater flatworm: patterns and explanations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 3:23, [full text], DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-3-23
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The influence of Monocystis sp infection on growth and mating behaviour of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (7): 1161-1167, [full text], DOI: 10.1139/z03-110
Pongratz N, Michiels NK (2003):
High multiple paternity and low last-male sperm precedence in a hermaphroditic planarian flatworm: consequences for reciprocity patterns Molecular Ecology 12 (6): 1425-1433 [full text], DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.01844.x
Michiels NK, Kuhl A (2003):
Altruistic sperm donation in a sperm-dependent parthenogenetic hermaphrodite is stabilized by reciprocal sperm exchange Journal of Zoology 259: 77-82 Part 1, [full text], DOI: 10.1017/S095283690200300X
Michiels NK, Raven-Yoo-Heufes A, Brockmann KK (2003):
Sperm trading and sex roles in the hermaphroditic opisthobranch sea slug Navanax inermis: eager females or opportunistic males? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 78 (1): 105-116 [full text], DOI: 10.1046/j.1095-8312.2003.00135.x
Schulenburg JHGvd, Hurst GDD, Tetzlaff D, Booth GE, Zakharov IA, Majerus MEN (2002):
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Sloggett JJ, Volkl W, Schulze W, Schulenburg JHGvd, Majerus MEN (2002):
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Koene JM, Sundermann G, Michiels NK (2002):
On the function of body piercing during copulation in earthworms Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 41 (1-3): 35-40
Pongratz N, Gerace L, Michiels NK (2002):
Genetic differentiation within and between populations of a hermaphroditic freshwater planarian HEREDITY 89: 64-69 Part 1 [full text], DOI: 10.1038/sj.hdy.6800102
Michiels NK, Beukeboom LW, Pongratz N, Zeitlinger J (2001):
Parthenogenetic flatworms have more symbionts than their coexisting, sexual conspecifics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14(1): 110-119.
Michiels NK, Hohner A, Vorndran I (2001):
Pre-copulatory mate assessment in relation to body size in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris: avoidance of dangerous liaisons? Behavioral Ecology 12(5): 612-618.
Pongratz N, Gerace L, Martin Alganza A, Beukeboom LW, Michiels NK (2001):
Microsatellite development and inheritance in the planarian flatworm Schmidtea polychroa. Belg. J. Zool. 131: 71-75.
Schulenburg JHGvd, Hancock JM, Pagnamenta A, Sloggett JJ, Majerus MEN, Hurst GDD (2001):
Extreme length and length variation in the first ribosomal internal transcribed spacer of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Mol. Biol. Evol. 18:648-660.
Schulenburg JHGvd, Habig M, Sloggett JJ, Webberley KM, Bertrand D, Hurst GDD, Majerus MEN (2001):
Incidence of male-killing Rickettsia spp. (a-Proteobacteria) in the ten-spot ladybird beetle Adalia decempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Appl. Environm. Microbiol. 67:270-277.
Jiggins FM, Schulenburg JHGvd, Hurst GDD, Majerus MEN (2001):
Recombination confounds interpretations of Wolbachia evolution. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 268:1423-1427.
Jiggins FM, Hurst GDD, Schulenburg JHGvd, Majerus MEN (2001):
Two male-killing Wolbachia strains coexist within a population of the butterfly Acraea encedon. Heredity 86:161-166.
Michiels NK, Bakovski B (2000):
Sperm trading in a hermaphroditic flatworm: Reluctant fathers and sexy mothers. Animal Behaviour 59: 319-325.
Storhas MG, Weinzierl RP, Michiels NK (2000):
Paternal sex in parthenogenetic planarians: a tool to investigate the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13(1): 1-8.
Greeff JM, Storhas MG, Michiels NK (1999):
Reducing losses to offspring mortality by redistributing resources. Functional Ecology 13(6): 786-792.
Greeff JM, Michiels NK (1999):
Low potential for sexual selection in simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Proceedings of the Royal Society,Series B266: 1671-1676.
Michiels NK, Beukeboom LW, Greeff JM, Pemberton AJ (1999):
Individual control over reproduction: an underestimated element in the maintenance of sex? Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:1036-1039.
Michiels NK (1999):
Sexual adaptation to high density in hermaphrodites. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 36(1-3): 35-40.
Weinzierl RP, Schmidt P, Michiels NK (1999):
High fecundity and low fertility in parthenogenetic planarians. Invertebrate Biology 118(2): 87-94.
Weinzierl RP, Beukeboom LW, Gerace L, Michiels NK (1999):
Spatial and ecological overlap between coexisting sexual and parthenogenetic Schmidtea polychroa Tricladida; Platyhelminthes? Hydrobiologia 392(11): 179-185.
Greeff JM, Michiels NK (1999):
Sperm digestion and reciprocal sperm transfer can drive hermaphrodite sex allocation to equality. American Naturalist 153(4): 421-430.
Beukeboom LW, Sharbel TF, Michiels NK. (1998):
Reproductive modes, ploidy distribution, and supernumerary chromosome frequencies of the flatworm Polycelis nigra (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida). Hydrobiologia 383: 277-285.
Vreys C, Michiels NK (1998):
Sperm trading by volume in a hermaphroditic flatworm with mutual penis intromission. Animal Behaviour 56(3): 777-785.
Beukeboom LW, Seif, M, Plowman AB, De Ridder F, Michiels NK (1998):
Phenotypic fitness effects of B chromosomes in the pseudogamous parthenogenetic planarian Polycelis nigra. Heredity 80(5): 594-603.
Michiels NK. (1998):
Mating conflicts and sperm competition in simultaneous hermaphrodites. pp. 219-254. In: Birkhead TR, Møller AP (eds), Sperm Competition and Sexual Selection. Academic Press, London.
Pongratz N, Sharbel T, Beukeboom LW, Michiels NK (1998):
Allozyme variability in sexual and parthenogenetic freshwater planarians - evidence for polyphyletic origin of parthenogenetic lineages through hybridization with coexisting sexuals. Heredity 81(1): 38-47.
Michiels NK, Streng A. (1998):
Sperm exchange in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 42: 171-178.
Weinzierl RP, Berthold K, Beukeboom LW, Michiels NK (1998):
Reduced male allocation in a parthenogenetic hermaphrodite (Dugesia polychroa, Tricladida, Platyhelminthes). Evolution 52(1): 109-115.
Michiels NK, Newman LJ (1998):
Sex and violence in hermaphrodites. Nature 391(6668): 647.
Vreys C, Michiels NK (1997):
Flatworms flatten to size up each other. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B 264: 1559-1564.
Vreys C, Schockaert ER, Michiels NK. (1997):
Formation, transfer and assimilation of the spermatophore of the hermaphroditic planarian Dugesia gonocephala (Tricladida, Paludicola). Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 1479-1486.
Ramachandran S, Beukeboom LW, Gerace L, Pavlovic N, Carranza S, Michiels NK. (1997):
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in the planarian Dugesia polychroa. Molecular Ecology 6: 389-391.
Vreys C, Schockaert ER, Michiels NK (1997):
Unusual pre-copulatory behaviour in the hermaphroditic planarian flatworm, Dugesia gonocephala (Tricladida, Paludicola). Ethology 103: 208-221.
Peters A, Michiels NK (1996):
Do simultaneous hermaphrodites choose their mates? Effects of body size in a planarian flatworm. Freshwater Biology 36: 623-630.
Beukeboom LW, Seif M, Mettenmeyer T, Plowman AB, Michiels NK (1996):
Paternal inheritance of B chromosomes in a parthenogenetic hermaphrodite. Heredity 77: 646-654.
Beukeboom LW, Weinzierl RP, Reed KM, Michiels NK (1996):
Distribution and origin of chromosomal races in the freshwater planarian Dugesia polychroa (Turbellaria: Tricladida). Hereditas 124(1): 7-15.
Peters A, Michiels NK (1996):
Evidence for lack of inbreeding avoidance by selective mating in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Invertebrate Biology 115(2): 99-103.
Peters A, Streng A, Michiels NK (1996):
Mating behaviour in a hermaphroditic flatworm with reciprocal insemination: do they assess their mates during copulation? Ethology 102(3): 236-251.
Nuyts E, Michiels NK (1996):