Institut für Organische Chemie



43. Facile Energy Release from Substituted Dewar Isomers of 1,2-Dihydro-1,2-Azaborinines Catalyzed by Coinage Metal Lewis Acids

R. C. Richter, S. M. Biebl, R. Einholz, J. Walz, C. Maichle-Mössmer, M. Ströbele, H. F. Bettinger, I. Fleischer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202405818. 

("Hot paper", with cover picture)

42. Nickel catalyzed C–S cross coupling of sterically hindered substrates enabled by flexible bidentate phosphines

I. H. Lindenmaier, R. C. Richter, I. Fleischer, Org. Chem. Front. 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4QO00260A.

Published as a preprint: ChemRxiv 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-z6rss.


41. Titanium-Catalysed Deoxygenation of Benzylic Alcohols and Lignin Model Compounds

A. Căciuleanu, F. Vöhringer, I. Fleischer, Org. Chem. Front. 202310, 2927.

Published as a preprint: ChemRxiv 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-47qf9.

40. Nickel Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Aryl and Alkenyl Triflates with Alkyl Thiols

R. M. Oechsner, I. H. Lindenmaier, I. Fleischer, Org. Lett. 2023, 10.1021/acs.orglett.3c00218 (highlighted in Synfacts 2023, 19, 0481 and at Organic Chemistry Portal).

Published as a preprint: ChemRxiv 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-7632g.


39. Recent Metal-Catalyzed Methods for Thioether Synthesis

V. J. Geiger, R. M. Oechsner, P. H. Gehrtz, I. Fleischer, Synthesis 202254, 5139.

38. Iron-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Thioesters and Organomanganese Reagents

V. J. Geiger, L. Lefèvre, I. Fleischer, Chem. Eur. J. 202228, e202202212.

Published as a preprint: ChemRxiv 2021 DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.14501436.v1

37. Acetate Facilitated Nickel Catalyzed Coupling of Aryl Chlorides and Alkyl Thiols

R. M. Oechsner, J. P. Wagner, I. Fleischer ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 2233.

Published as a preprint: ChemRxiv 2021 DOI: 10.33774/chemrxiv-2021-tgvjk.


36. Nickel Hydride Catalyzed Cleavage of Allyl Ethers Induced by Isomerization

P. M. Kathe, A. Berkefeld, I. Fleischer, Synlett 2021, 32, 1629. 


35. Tandem Olefin Isomerization/Cyclization Catalyzed by Complex Nickel Hydride and Brønsted Acid

P. M. Kathe, A. Caciuleanu, A. Berkefeld, I. Fleischer, J. Org. Chem. 202085, 15183. 

34. Light expands a catalyst's repertoire

P. Kathe, I. Fleischer, Science 2020368, 242 (perspective article). 

33. Tandem Acid/Pd-Catalyzed Reductive Rearrangement of Glycol Derivatives

T. A. Schmidt, B. Ciszek, P. Kathe, I. Fleischer,Chem. Eur. J.2020, 26, 3641.


32. Deyhdrative Coupling of Benzylic Alcohols Catalyzed by Brønsted Acid/Lewis Base

M. Böldl, I. Fleischer,* Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 5856 ("Very Important Paper", highlighted in ChemistryViews).

30. Tandem Acyl Substitution/Michael Addition of Thioesters with Vinylmagnesium Bromide

V. Hirschbeck, M. Böldl, P. H. Gehrtz, I. Fleischer,Org. Lett. 201921, 2578. 

29. Palladium-Catalyzed Tandem Isomerization/Hydrothiolation of Allylarenes

P. Kathe, I. Fleischer,* Org. Lett. 201921, 2213. 

28.  Cross-coupling of chloro(hetero)arenes with thiolates employing a Ni(0) precatalyst

P. Gehrtz, V. Geiger, T. Schmidt, L. Sršan, I. Fleischer,Org. Lett., 201921, 50 (highlighted in Synfacts 201915, 245.).


27. Nickel-Catalyzed Coupling of Arylzinc Halides with Thioesters

P. H. Gehrtz, P. Kathe, I. Fleischer,* Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 8774 ("Hot paper").

25. Synthesis of Benzofuranones via Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Alkoxycarbonylation of Alkenylphenols

V. Hirschbeck, I. Fleischer,* Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 2854. (“Hot paper”, highlighted in ChemistryViews)

24. Metal Catalyzed Synthesis and Use of Thioesters: Recent Developments

V. Hirschbeck, P. H. Gehrtz, I. Fleischer,* Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 7092.


23. Tandem and One-Pot Hydroformylation Reactions of Acrylates

S. Quintero Duque, I. Fleischer,* Synthesis 2017, 49, 925.

22. Regioselective thiocarbonylation of vinyl arenes

V. Hirschbeck, P. H. Gehrtz, I. Fleischer,* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 16794. (highlighted in Synfacts 2017, 13, 275.)

21. Structures, reactions, and mechanisms: stereochemistry in the broadest sense at the 51st Bürgenstock Conference

I. Fleischer,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 8486.

20. Chiral catalyst design: cyclopentadiene-based Brønsted acids

I. Fleischer,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7582.

19. Carbonylations of alkenes in the total synthesis of natural compounds

P. H. Gehrtz, V. Hirschbeck, B. Ciszek, I. Fleischer,* Synthesis 2016, 48, 1573.

18. In Situ FTIR and NMR Spectroscopic Investigations on Ruthenium-Based Catalysts for Alkene Hydroformylation

C. Kubis, I. Profir, I. Fleischer, W. Baumann, D. Selent, C. Fischer, A. Spannenberg, R. Ludwig, D. Hess, R. Franke, A. Börner, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 2746.


17. Synthesis of Aliphatic Aldehydes from Alkanes and Carbon Dioxide: Valeraldehyde from Butane and CO2 – Feasibility and Limitations

S. Fritschi, W. Korth, J. Julis, D. Kruse, H. Hahn, R. Franke, I. Fleischer, A. D. Chowdhury, N. Weding, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, A. Jess, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2015, 87, 1313.

16. A recyclable CO surrogate in regioselective alkoxycarbonylation of alkenes: indirect use of carbon dioxide

P. H. Gehrtz, V. Hirschbeck, I. Fleischer, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 12574.

15. Mass spectrometric screening of racemic amine catalysts for enantioselective Michael additions

F. Bächle, I. Fleischer, A. Pfaltz, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357, 2247. (VIP paper)

14. Metal-catalyzed carbonylation of alkynes: key aspects and recent development

S. Quintero Duque, K. M. Driller, I. Fleischer,* Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 2634. (Invited Digest paper)

13. Brønsted acid-catalyzed hydroarylation of activated olefins

I. Fleischer,* J. Pospech, RSC Advances 2015, 5, 493.

Before 2014

12. Using aqueous ammonia in hydroaminomethylation reactions: ruthenium-catalyzed synthesis of tertiary amines

L. Wu, I. Fleischer, M. Zhang, Q. Liu, R. Franke, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 3260.

11. Novel Ruthenium-Catalyst for Hydroesterification of Olefins with Formates

I. Profir, M. Beller,* I. Fleischer,* Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 6972.

10. Development of a Ruthenium/Phosphite Catalyst System for Domino-Hydroformylation-Reduction of Olefins with Carbon Dioxide

Q. Liu, L. Wu, I. Fleischer,* D. Selent, R. Franke, R. Jackstell, M. Beller,* Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 6888.

9. Ruthenium-catalyzed alkoxycarbonylation of alkenes with carbon dioxide

L. Wu, Q. Liu, I. Fleischer, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, Nature Commun. 2014, 5, 3091. (highlighted in Science News, Chemistry World)

8. Ruthenium-catalyzed hydroformylation/reduction of olefins to alcohols: extending the scope to internal alkenes

L. Wu, I. Fleischer, R. Jackstell, I. Profir, R. Franke, M. Beller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 14306.

7. Towards the development of a selective ruthenium-catalyzed hydroformylation of olefins

I. Fleischer, L. Wu, I. Profir, R. Jackstell, R. Franke, M. Beller, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 10589.

6. Efficient and regioselective ruthenium-catalyzed hydroaminomethylation of olefins

L. Wu, I. Fleischer, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 3989.

5. A unique palladium catalyst for efficient and selective alkoxycarbonylation of olefins with formates

I. Fleischer, R. Jennerjahn, D. Cozzula, R. Franke, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, ChemSusChem 2013, 6, 417.

4. Alternative metals in homogenous hydroformylation reactions

J. Pospech, I. Fleischer, R. Franke, S. Buchholz, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 2852.

3. From olefins to alcohols: efficient and regioselective ruthenium-catalyzed domino-hydroformylation-reduction-sequence

I. Fleischer, K. Dyballa, R. Jennerjahn, R. Jackstell, R. Franke, A. Spannenberg, M. Beller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 2949.

2. Enantioselective Michael addition to α,β-unsaturated aldehydes: Combinatorial catalyst preparation and screening, reaction optimization and mechanistic studies

I. Fleischer, A. Pfaltz, Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 95. (highlighted in Nachrichten in Chemie 2010/2; Synfacts 2010, 236.)

1. Synthesis of new chiral 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenes

I. Fleischer, Š. Toma, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2004, 69, 330.

Book chapters

2. B. Ciszek, I. Fleischer, in Science of Synthesis: Catalytic Reduction in Organic Synthesis (Ed. J. G. de Vries), Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2018, 2, 163. „Hydrogenolysis of Aryl Ketones, Aldehydes, Alcohols, Amines and Derivatives”

1. I. Fleischer, E. Mejia, in Science of Synthesis Reference Library: C–1 Building Blocks in Organic Synthesis (Ed. P. W. N. M. van Leeuwen), Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2013. „Tandem hydroformylation of alkenes”


8. R. Franke, K. M. Dyballa, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, Q. Liu, M. Zhang, L. Wu, I. Fleischer, EP 2975019, 2016. „Ruthenium catalyzed hydroaminomethylation of alkenes“

7. R. Franke, J. Julis, D. Fridag, K. M. Dyballa, N. Weding, A. D. Chowdhury, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, I. Fleischer, B. Percia, EP2910546A1, 2015. „Process for the photocatalytic acceptor-free dehydrogenation of hydrocarbazoles and hydroindoles“

6. R. Franke, J. Julis, D. Fridag, K. M. Dyballa, N. Weding, A. D. Chowdhury, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, I. Fleischer, B. Percia, EP2910541A1, 2015. „Method for photocatalytic acceptor-free dehydrogenation of alkanes and alcohols“

5. L. Wu, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, Q. Liu, I. Fleischer, WO 2015018845, 2015. „Method for preparation of saturated carboxylic acid esters“

4. R. Franke, K. M. Dyballa, D. Hess, B. Hamers, D. Fridag, M. Beller, I. Fleischer, R. Jackstell, I. Profir, L. Wu, WO 2014118046, 2014. „Method for the carbonylation of olefins using catalysts comprising ruthenium and organophosphorus ligands“

3. R. Franke, K. M. Dyballa, D. Hess, B. Hamers, D. Fridag, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, I. Fleischer, L. Wu, WO 2014118042, 2014. „Method for the selective ruthenium-catalyzed hydroaminomethylation of olefins“

2. R. Franke, K. M. Dyballa, D. Hess, B. Hamers, D. Fridag, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, I. Fleischer, L. Wu, WO 2014118038, 2014. „Phosphorus ligands and method for the selective ruthenium-catalyzed hydroaminomethylation of olefins“

1. R. Franke, D. Hess, M. Beller, R. Jackstell, D. Cozzula, I. Fleischer, R. Jennerjahn, WO 2013092478, 2013. „Process for the production of esters from formates and olefinically unsaturated compounds“


3. I. Fleischer, SYNFORM 2015, A49. “Young Career Focus”

2. I. Fleischer, J. Teichert, Nachr. Chem. 2014, 62, 904. „17. Steinheimer Gespräche“

1. C. Bryan, V. Aurregi, M. Lautens, A. Pfaltz, I. Fleischer, Org. Synth. 2009, 86, 36. „2-(2,2-Dibromoethenyl)-benzenamine“