Selected publications
Mentzer, S.M. (2023). A review of micromorphology and microarchaeological methods applied to African Stone Age sites. Beyin, A., Wright, D.K., Wilkins, J., Olszewski, D.L. (eds.) Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology. Springer. 1885-1906.
Morrissey, P., Mentzer, S.M. and Wurz, S., 2023. The stratigraphy and formation of Middle Stone Age deposits in Cave 1B, Klasies River Main site, South Africa, with implications for the context, age, and cultural association of the KRM 41815/SAM-AP 6222 human mandible. Journal of Human Evolution, 183: 103414.
Morrissey, P., Mentzer, S.M. and Wurz, S., 2022. A critical review of the stratigraphic context of the MSA I and II at Klasies River Main site, South Africa. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 5(1): 5.
Wurz, S., Pickering, R. and Mentzer, S.M., 2022. U-Th dating, taphonomy, and taxonomy of shell middens at Klasies River main site indicate stable and systematic coastal exploitation by MIS 5c-d. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 1001370.
Haaland, M.M., Strauss, A.M., Velliky, E.C., Mentzer, S.M., Miller, C.E., van Niekerk, K.L. and Henshilwood, C.S., 2021. Hidden in plain sight: A microanalytical study of a Middle Stone Age ochre piece trapped inside a micromorphological block sample. Geoarchaeology, 36(2): 283-313.
Haaland, M.M., Miller, C.E., Unhammer, O.F., Reynard, J.P., van Niekerk, K.L., Ligouis, B., Mentzer, S.M. and Henshilwood, C.S., 2021. Geoarchaeological investigation of occupation deposits in Blombos Cave in South Africa indicate changes in site use and settlement dynamics in the southern Cape during MIS 5b-4. Quaternary Research, 100: 170-223.
Larbey, C., Mentzer, S.M., Ligouis, B., Wurz, S. and Jones, M.K., 2019. Cooked starchy food in hearths ca. 120 kya and 65 kya (MIS 5e and MIS 4) from Klasies River Cave, South Africa. Journal of Human Evolution, 131: 210-227.
Porraz, G., Val, A., Tribolo, C., Mercier, N., de La Peña, P., Haaland, M.M., Igreja, M., Miller, C.E. and Schmid, V.C., 2018. The MIS5 Pietersburg at ‘28’Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa. PLoS One, 13(10): e0202853.
Miller, C.E., Berthold, C., Mentzer, S.M., Leach, P., Ligouis, B., Tribolo, C., Parkington, J. and Porraz, G., 2016. Site-formation processes at Elands Bay Cave, South Africa. Southern African Humanities, 29(1): 69-128.
Miller, C.E., Goldberg, P. and Berna, F., 2013. Geoarchaeological investigations at diepkloof rock shelter, western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(9): 3432-3452.
Miller, C.E. and Sievers, C., 2012. An experimental micromorphological investigation of bedding construction in the Middle Stone Age of Sibudu, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(10): 3039-3051.
Wadley, L., Sievers, C., Bamford, M., Goldberg, P., Berna, F. and Miller, C., 2011. Middle Stone Age bedding construction and settlement patterns at Sibudu, South Africa. Science, 334(6061): 1388-1391.
Goldberg, P., Miller, C.E., Schiegl, S., Ligouis, B., Berna, F., Conard, N.J. and Wadley, L., 2009. Bedding, hearths, and site maintenance in the Middle Stone age of Sibudu cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 1: 95-122.