IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

Study Counselling & Organisation

Coordinator of MSc Biochemistry

Dr. Markus Wolters
masterspam prevention@ifib.uni-tuebingen.de
Tel: +49-7071-29-73363
Room: 6X26 (Auf der Morgenstelle 34)

Typical office hours are:
Monday-Thursday: 8-16
Friday: 8-10

For urgent questions or problems (regardless of the subject), just come around and check, whether I am available.

Please make an appointment with me for more detailed or longer personal counselling.
In this case, send me an email with

  • some information about your question,
  • 2-3 proposed dates/times and
  • your prefered mode of counselling (in-person, video call or telefone). 

Dean of studies

Professor Dr. Doron Rapaport
+49-7071-29-74184, email

Head of examination committee

Professor Dr. Ralf Jansen
+49-7071-29-72453, email

Psychotherapeutic counselling

In acute emergency situations (e.g. suicidal tendencies), please contact the Emergency Outpatient Department of the University Hospital in Tübingen ( 07071 29-82311) or the general emergency services ( 112).
In any case: Talk to someone!

Further help can be found:

Advertising a job

If you would like to let our students know about an available job, e.g. a master thesis project or PhD position in your lab or company, please send an email with the announcement attached. Keeping the description in English rather than in German will reach more of our students. We will pass it on electronically.

Postal address

Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry
Auf der Morgenstelle 34
72076 Tübingen