Interfakultäres Institut für Mikrobiologie und Infektionsmedizin

CV - Prof. Dr. Christoph Mayer

Phone 0049 / 7071 29 74645 (work)
E-mail christoph.mayerspam

Research Positions

Since 2011 Associate Professor, Apl. Prof.
at the Univ. of Tübingen, Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicin Tübingen (IMIT), Dept. of Biology, LS Microbiology & Biotechnology
2007-2011 Leader of an independent Heisenberg group (W2)
of the German Research Foundation (DFG), at the University of Konstanz, Germany, Department of Biology, "Enzymology of the bacterial cell wall metabolism"
2001-2007 Assistent Professor (C1),
University of Konstanz, Germany, Department of Biology, Molecular Microbiology, leader of an independent research group, "Cell wall recycling and amino sugar metabolism in Escherichia coli"
2000-2001 Postdoc, Research Assistent,
University of Konstanz, Germany, Microbiology, Department of Biology, with Prof. Winfried Boos, "Bacterial carbohydrate metabolism and regulation"
1999-2000 Postdoc, Research Assistent,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada, Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, and NEOSE Technologies Inc., in the groups of Prof. Tony Warren and Prof. Stephen Withers, "Glycosynthases: enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides using engineered glycosidases"
1997-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow
of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada, Departments of Chemistry, with Prof. Stephen Withers, and Microbiology and Immunology with Prof. Tony Warren, "The mechanism of β-N-acetylglucosamindases"
1997 Postdoc,
Joint-venture program of the University of Zürich and Novartis (formerly Sandoz), CTI-Project: "Innovative antifungal agents with a novel mode of action as plant protections and pharmaceuticals"


March 2006 Heisenberg fellowship
awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
April 1997 Ph.D. (Phil. II),
University of Zürich, Switzerland, Institut of Plant Biology
1993-1997 Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Zürich, Switzerland, Institut of Plant Biology,
Advisors Profs Dora M. Rast and Friedrich Jüttner,
“A mechanistic analysis of chitinolytic enzymes of filamentous fungi"
1992-1993 Microbiology and Mycology Studies,
University of Zürich, Switzerland
June 1991 Diploma in Chemistry,
University of Freiburg, Germany,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
1990-1991 Diploma Thesis,
University of Freiburg, Germany,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Advisor: Prof. Gerhard Kurz and Prof. Jochen Lehmann
1985-1991 Chemistry Studies,
University of Freiburg, Germany

Activities as editor & reviewer

Chem Biol.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of Bacteriology
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Carbohydrate Research
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

Teaching experience

Practical courses:
Master Block Module "Microbial Glycobiology" at the University of Tuebingen

- Chemistry and Biology of Carbohydrates
- Bacterial Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Transport and Transport Systems
- The Bacterial Cell Surface
- Antibiotics: Molecular Mechanism and Resistance
- Enzymkinetics
- Gene Expression
- Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes
- Bacterial genetic methods
- Mutagenesis and Directed Evolution

Supervisor of Ph.D students:
Tina Jaeger, Silke Litzinger, Jan Schleider, Jonathan Gisin, Bettina Nägele, Amanda Duckworth, Alexander Schneider, Sandra Unsleber, Isabel Hinderberger

Supervisor of Bachelor, Diploma, and Master Students.
Julia Sattler, Silke Litzinger, Sven Seibert, Michaela Fürst,
Anne Berking, Ines Schütze, Alexander Schneider, Katja Nitzsche,
Michael Joos, Amanda Duckworth, Sandra Unsleber, Jaqueline Hirscher, Stefanie Strack, Isabel Hinderberger, Katharina Schmid, Maraike Mühleck, Desiree Dalügge, Denise Deubel, Maraike Mühleck, Nicola Weller

Exchange students:
Anne Caroline Simoes Cavalcanti (Brasil)
Sofia Siscar Lewin (Espania)
Valentin Friedrich (Österreich)

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