Institut für Astronomie & Astrophysik

Astronomie - Aktuell


PhD position: Dynamo Cycles on Young, Solar-like Stars

50% E13 TV-L -- available as of 01.07.2017

The Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics of the University of Tübingen (IAAT) offers a DLR (German Aerospace Agency) funded

3-year PhD position (50% E13 TV-L ; available as of 01.07.2017)

in the area of observational stellar astrophysics. The successful applicant will work on a project entitled

Dynamo Cycles on Young, Solar-like Stars

The PhD thesis is based on X-ray monitoring observations with XMM-Newton and complementary data from various optical telescopes world-wide. The project is embedded in a new research group led by B.Stelzer with focus on multi-wavelength observations of the formation and evolution of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs.

The IAAT presents a stimulating research environment, with research groups working on a variety of topics in theoretical, computational and observational astrophysics. The successful candidate will be involved in international collaborations. The applicant must have a master or equivalent degree in physics or astrophysics. Expertise in X-ray data analysis will be an advantage.

The position will be funded for a duration of 3 years. Salary will be according to 50% (half-time) E13 of the TV-L of the German public services. The application is expected to consist of a CV (including personal data, formation, skills and expertises), copies of university degrees and a brief (1 page) statement of previous research experiences and motivation. The names of at least one professional who could eventually be contacted for letters of recommendation should be provided. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.

The University of Tübingen wishes to enhance the share of women employed in research and teaching. In case of equal qualification preference will be given to applicants with disabilities.

Contact for application and further information: Beate Stelzer (<link mail window for sending>

