Fachbereich Biologie


Jobangebot Promotion: TVL13, 50%, (1.10.2025; befristet 3,5 Jahre)




ZEIT Podcast zum Morgenmuffel mit Prof. Randler




siehe Ilias: https://ovidius.uni-tuebingen.de/ilias3/ilias.php?ref_id=4342402&cmdClass=ilrepositorygui&cmdNode=z0&baseClass=ilrepositorygui.


Birds in our lives - bird diversity and well-being/health

In this large scale research project, we study the value of birds and bird diversity on health and well-being with an array of methods, such as large field surveys (in birds and people), small scale lab and outdoor experiments by applying a variety of techniques, like subjective and objective methods (actigraphy, saliva sampling, HRV and others). We address differences in humans, places, and species traits.

Cute bird species receive a higher willingness to be protected by people:


Bird species knowledge declines significantly within a generation




Birding / Birdwatching as a serious leisure activity

Further studies are concerned with birdwatchers or birders, people spending a considerable amount of time outdoors, watching and documenting birds. Not just a leisure activity, but it also retrieves valuable data for citizen science projects. We aim at becoming an established research group for this topics and shed light on the many people interested in this topic to unveil the positive aspects of birds and birding.

Some blokes may ask: "Ja ist das denn überhaupt Biologiedidaktik?". Yes - it is concerned with a biological content, deals with learning (intentionally or not, informal, incidental), and motivational aspects. In fact, people spent most of their lifetime out of school, and even during school years, leisure activities seems somtimes more interesting/relevant.


See our recent papers, follow us on twitter: @christophrandl1

Published studies

A big year is not an issue, see our study with Australian birders, even a local Big Year seems rather scarce



Our paper in Anthrozoös shows that advanced birders prefer small, shy, dull and rare species

This seems important for nature conservation and needs a more thorough discussion which species can serve as flagships for conservation - it might not be always the colorful, large ones - it depends on audience


This study shows that birders gain restorative benefits from their leisure activity, and psychological commitment is the most important factor - not skill or knowledge.


Many birders love to participate in a Big Day or a birdrace / birdathon. We showed, that it is mostly a social motivation, followed by reputation, and then skill/knowledge.


This study analysed the "trigger" events and reasons why people started birding as a leisure activity. Social influence, nature experience, and bird-centered triggers were the most common reasons. However, the importance of social influence decreased during the last decades.


Here, we showed that sentiments (feelings) became more negative in the second wave of the pandemic. We compared sentiments given by birders during the first wave and the second wave of the lockdown measures.


In this study, we follow the three-dimensional model of nature-related outdoor leisure motivation based on Decker et al. (1987): social, achivement-orientation and appreciation.

https://www.mdpi.com/2673-6004/2/3/18 :

This segmentation study revealed three consistent clusters of birder types (novice/casual, intermediates, and specialists)


Citizen scientists, users of the ornitho-portal, score higher in specialization scores and knowledge - this adds to the reliability of such citizen science projects. Further, there seems a self-selection process: people first start birding, and after having gained (substantial) experience start contributing data to these platforms.


We need more women and younger people as leaders in birding, University degree is not important for guiding birdwalks - what counts is field experience that can be gained by anybody.


Birders sleep different - no differences to non-birders on week days and weekend days, but getting up earlier on birding days, the difference becomes larger the more specialized (or 'keen') the birders are. This is the first study challenging the reverse social jetlag concept in leisure activities.


Are owls watching owls? Chronotype-analysis of birders and their preferred species. Supposed that human evening owls may prefer bird owls as study objects.


SARS-CoV-2 changed also birding habits


Ranking #1 in GoogleScholar Topic "Biology Education"


Februar 2019

Prof. Randler in der Fernsehserie 1,2 oder 3 mit ELTON


Der SWR berichtet in seiner TV-Sendung "natürlich!" über das Spitzbergprojekt:


Ab etwa Minute 16 wird über das Projekt berichtet, ab Minute 22:17 wird über die Kamerafallen berichtet.
Wir nehmen teil am Spitzbergprojekt von Prof. Dr. Thomas Gottschalk, Erfassung von Säugern mit Kamerafallen.


Die Didaktik der Biologie ist am Wissenschaftscampus Tübingen beteiligt.


Mit unserem Poster zu den Wildtierkameras haben wir auf der 150. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft in Halle (Saale) den Posterpreis gewonnen.

Zitationsanalyse zum Chronotyp: