

2018-2021 Geoarchaeology of a Middle Stone Age paleolandscape in the central interior of South Africa: paleoenvironments and foraging practices during the transition to behavioral modernity (MI 1748/4-1). Deutsch Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Funding volume: €345,020
2014-2017 A geoarchaeological investigation of Middle Stone Age human response to environmental change on the shores of Lake Malawi (MI 1748/3-1). Deutsch Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Co-PI: Susan Mentzer. Funding volume €176,820
2013-2017 A microcontextual investigation of combustion features from Middle Stone Age sites in South Africa (MI1748/1-1). Deutsch Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Funding volume: €450,470
2013-2016 Heat treatment of raw material and the development of modern behavior in the Middle Stone Age of souther Africa (MI 1748/2-1). Deutsch Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Co-Pi's: Klaus Nickel, Nicholas Conard. Funding volume: €254,750
2012-2015 Late Glacial landscape development and human repopulation of the Ach and Lone Valleys, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Baden-Württemberg Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst, Junior Professor Program. Funding volume: €149,660
2010-2012 Ausgrabung und Untersuchung der altpaläolitischen Fundstelle Schöningen 13 II. PI’s: N. Conard & S. Winghart. DFG
2010-2014 Funding for Junior Professor Position. Carl Zeiss Stiftung
2006 Research Grant. Association of Graduate Students. University of Maine
2003-2004 Research Grant. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Boston University

Scholarships and Awards

2006-2009—Stipendium, Deutsche Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)

2003-2004—T.G. O’Connell Scholarship, Boston University

2001-2004—Paddock Fund Scholarship, Boston University