04.11.2024 | CANCELLED: Astrid Eichhorn, University of Heidelberg, Germany Black holes as a gateway to new physics beyond General Relativity |
11.11.2024 | Joseph Armstrong, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden The internal kinematics of young star clusters |
18.11.2024 | Germano Sacco, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence, Italy Spectroscopic Surveys of young stellar populations |
25.11.2024 | POSTPONED: Qingling Ni, MPE (Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics), Garching, Germany Investigating the link between the growth of SMBHs and their host galaxies with X-ray surveys |
02.12.2024 | Honghui Liu, HEA, IAAT Probing the inner accretion flow around black holes with X-ray observations |
09.12.2024 | Shafqat Riaz, Theoretical Astrophysics, IAAT Systematic bias in Black Hole measurements via X-ray reflection spectroscopy |
13.01.2025 | Antonio Armeni, SBA, IAAT Unveiling the star-disk interaction in young stars with high-resolution spectrophotometric observations |
20.01.2025 | Vadim Burwitz, MPE (Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics), Garching, Germany PANTER - Testing X-ray optics for current and future X-ray observatories |
27.01.2025 | Armen Sedrakian, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Multimessenger astrophysics of compact stars |
03.02.2025 | Fethi Ramazanoğlu, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey End of time evolution |
10.02.2025 (special date outside the lecture period) | Sebastiano Bernuzzi, University of Jena, Germany Modeling the strong-field dynamics of binary neutron star mergers |