"Korean Studies from a European Perspective: Diversity, Solidarity, and Peace"
Project Objectives:
The Center for Korean Studies at the University of Tübingen aims to establish a network of Korean Studies in Germany and European countries with a joint E-school and graduate student education, research on Korean-German and Korean-European relations, the establishment of an archive for the Korean Diaspora as part of the Korean democratic and unification movements as well as the Korean-German / Korean-European Academy for Peace.
Contents of Project:
Establishing a Korean Studies Education Network in Europe: Respecting Diversity
Founding a European E-School Consortium for Korean Studies: University of Tübingen (organizer), University of Stockholm, University of Aix-Marseille, University of Bucharest, and Sapienza University of Rome. (can be extended)
Exchange of Korean Studies graduate students in Europe, introduction of a joint advisor and joint degree system, establishment of a summer school, and close collaboration with graduate students in Korea and North America.
Research on Korean-German/European Relations: Relationship of Solidarity
Publication of a research series on the history from the beginning to the present of Korean-German relations,
Research on the history of Korean-European relations
Research on Korean migration to and the Korean diaspora in Europe
Korean-German Academy for Peace and the Korean Diaspora: Building of peace
Establishment of an oral history archive for the Korean Diaspora and a digital archive for sources on the Korean-European relations.
Building the Korean-European Academy for Peace with Korean studies students from Europe and Korean students, Cooperation with Korea University and the Friedrich Nauman Foundation
Translation of the 50 Korean short stories, exchange between translators in Europe, and invitation program for Korean writers.